英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


strictly adversary game...
EASI (estimate of adversary sequence interruption),estimate of adversary sequence interruption (EASI...
EASI (estimate of adversary sequence interruption),estimate of adversary sequence interruption (EASI...
an opponent [【形式ばった表現】 adversary] (in argument)....
an opponent [【形式ばった表現】 adversary] (in argument)....
読み方 せいてき名詞A political enemy [opponent, adversary, antagonist]...
読み方 せいてき名詞A political enemy [opponent, adversary, antagonist]...
読み方 わたりあう自動詞To cross swords (with an adversary); to fight with swords...
読み方 わたりあう自動詞To cross swords (with an adversary); to fight with swords...

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