英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


出典:『Wiktionary』 (2014/04/18 20:40 UTC 版)語源un- +‎ contrivable形容詞uncontrivable (not comparable)That ca...
読み方:ことあたらしい(1)文法情報(形容詞)対訳 unprecedented; new (and different); fresh (2)文法情報(形容詞)対訳 contrived; affect...
読み方:ことあたらしい(1)文法情報(形容詞)対訳 unprecedented; new (and different); fresh (2)文法情報(形容詞)対訳 contrived; affect...
読み方:うそっぽい、ウソっぽい噓っぽい とも書く文法情報(形容詞)(口語)対訳 contrived; false-sounding...
読み方:うそっぽい、ウソっぽい噓っぽい とも書く文法情報(形容詞)(口語)対訳 contrived; false-sounding...
読み方:うそっぽい、ウソっぽい噓っぽい とも書く文法情報(形容詞)(口語)対訳 contrived; false-sounding...
【名詞】1人為的な、または空想的な発想(a contrived or fantastic idea)a figment of the imagination 想像の産物...
読み方 おきあがりこぼうし名詞A toy figure so contrived as to recover its upright position when thrown down; a tumb...
読み方 おきあがりこぼうし名詞A toy figure so contrived as to recover its upright position when thrown down; a tumb...
語源Contrived antithesis of for the win.前置詞句for the lose(Internet slang) Something undesirable; an exc...

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