英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


訳語 being dissatisfied;having complaints...
However, I am not dissatisfied with the present relations....
There isn't anything in particular that I'm dissatisfied about....
I am dissatisfied with his manners at the party....
It is better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a pig satisfied....
訳語 My plans turned to dust and I felt dissatisfied somehow....
訳語 I'm dissatisfied with my husband's attitude of bossing me around...
1あきる例文to be unhappy or bored and dissatisfied with something or someone...
1不満をもって例文with discontent2不満があるさま例文being dissatisfied3不満がある様子例文the state of being dissatisfied4不満を表明す...
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2008/03/06 01:05 UTC 版) 動詞disatisfiedCommon misspelling of dissatisfied....

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