英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


固有名詞Battle of Britain(historical) A series of air engagements between the British Royal Air Force (R...
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2016/11/08 18:43 UTC 版)名詞appointment diary ‎(複数形 appointment diaries)a small person...
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2015/05/03 14:43 UTC 版)名詞court circular (複数形 court circulars)(英国用法) An official rec...
読み方:おちゃをひくお茶をひく、御茶を挽く とも書く文法情報(表現、動詞カ行五段活用)(慣用句)対訳 to have no customers (of a geisha, prostitute, et...
読み方:おちゃをひくお茶をひく、御茶を挽く とも書く文法情報(表現、動詞カ行五段活用)(慣用句)対訳 to have no customers (of a geisha, prostitute, et...
読み方:おちゃをひくお茶をひく、御茶を挽く とも書く文法情報(表現、動詞カ行五段活用)(慣用句)対訳 to have no customers (of a geisha, prostitute, et...
読み方:おちゃをひくお茶をひく、御茶を挽く とも書く文法情報(表現、動詞カ行五段活用)(慣用句)対訳 to have no customers (of a geisha, prostitute, et...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/06/03 06:56 UTC 版)The Action of 1 April 2010 refers to a pair of naval engageme...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/06/09 19:31 UTC 版)The Action of 14 February 1944 refers to the sinking of a Ger...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/06/26 16:05 UTC 版)The Army of the Frontier was a Union army that served in the ...

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