英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


語源Cape +‎ hyrax.Ellipsis of Cape rock hyrax..From Cape of Good Hope, from cape.名詞Cape hyrax (複...
語源Cape +‎ rock hyrax.From Cape of Good Hope, from cape.名詞Cape rock hyrax (複数形 Cape rock hyraxe...
語源rock +‎ badger.From Afrikaans dassie,from Dutch das (“badger”).名詞rock badger (複数形 rock badge...
別の表記klipdachs, klipdassie語源From Dutch klipdas.名詞klipdas (複数形 klipdasses)A small mammal (Hyrax capens...
1浅瀬に乗り上げる例文touch ground2陸地に上がる例文bring ashore3岩場にすむハイラックス例文hyrax that lives in rocky areas...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/02/05 16:06 UTC 版)The Eastern Tree Dassie, Eastern Tree Hyrax, Southern Tree Da...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2010/08/26 00:24 UTC 版)The tree hyraxes or tree dassies are the two species in the g...
名詞hyracoid (複数形 hyracoids)An animal of the order Hyracoidea, i.e. a hyrax.形容詞hyracoid (comparative m...
fly遺伝子名CG11990同義語(エイリアス)hyx; hyraxSWISS-PROTのID---EntrezGeneのIDEntrezGene:41086その他のDBのIDFlyBase:FBgn...
fly遺伝子名hyx同義語(エイリアス)CG11990; hyraxSWISS-PROTのID---EntrezGeneのIDEntrezGene:41086その他のDBのIDFlyBase:FBgn...

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