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名詞shrew possum (複数形 shrew possums)Synonym of shrew opossum (Caenolestidae)参照shrew possum at OneLook ...
名詞jumping shrew (複数形 jumping shrews)elephant shrew (Macroscelididae)...
名詞ornate shrew (複数形 ornate shrews)The shrew Sorex ornatus....
名詞hero shrew (複数形 hero shrews)A species of shrew, Scutisorex somereniSynonym: armored shrew...
geographic distribution ofcommon shrew a common shrew名詞common shrew (複数形 common shrews)A shrew, Sore...
名詞shrew opossum (複数形 shrew opossums)Any of the small, shrew-like, pouchless marsupials of the South ...
名詞shrew mole (複数形 shrew moles)Any of various moles that resemble shrews.派生語equivalent-teeth shrew mo...
語源shrew +‎ mouse名詞shrewmouse (複数形 shrewmice)A shrew, especially the common show (also called t...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2010/11/26 01:29 UTC 版)Elephantulus is a genus of elephant shrew in the Macroscelidi...
名詞Sado shrewsplural of Sado shrew...

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