英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


形容詞Trumpiestsuperlative form of Trumpy: most Trumpy...
副詞absurdissimēsuperlative degree of absurde...
形容詞acidestsuperlative form of acid: most acid...
形容詞arsiestsuperlative form of arsy: most arsy...
形容詞averagestsuperlative form of average: most average...
形容詞babyestsuperlative form of baby: most baby...
形容詞backstabbiestsuperlative form of backstabby: most backstabby...
形容詞bashfullestsuperlative form of bashful: most bashful...
形容詞beariestsuperlative form of beary: most beary...
形容詞beegestsuperlative form of beeg: most beeg....

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