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「wipe out」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(21~30/2040件中)

動詞wipe off (三人称単数 現在形 wipes off, 現在分詞 wiping off, 過去形および過去分詞形 wiped off)(literally) To remove someth...
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2012/06/16 06:55 UTC 版) 動詞wiping outPresent participle of wipe out....
1跡を絶つ例文to blot anything out of existence―wipe anything out of existence...
wipe 《grease》 (up, out)こぼれた牛乳を拭き取るsop up the spilt milk 《with a sponge》....
wipe 《grease》 (up, out)こぼれた牛乳を拭き取るsop up the spilt milk 《with a sponge》....
読み方 かいけいのはじ名詞A disgrace用例会稽をそそぐto wipe out a disgrace...
読み方 かいけいのはじ名詞A disgrace用例会稽をそそぐto wipe out a disgrace...
By demolishing buildings of bygone times, we wipe out every trace of the past forever....
訳語 Please wipe your body gently with a towel and remove the droplet before getting out of the bathro...
1何かの影響を取り除く例文wipe out the effect of something...

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