英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


語源endonym +‎ -ous形容詞endonymous (not comparable)Synonym of endonymic...
語源Enterobacteriaceae +‎ -ous形容詞enterobacteriaceous (not comparable)(bacteriology) Belonging to...
語源entophyte +‎ -ous形容詞entophytous (not comparable)entophytic...
語源exonym +‎ -ous形容詞exonymous (not comparable)Synonym of exonymic...
語源exospore +‎ -ous形容詞exosporous (not comparable)Relating to an exospore....
語源Filobasidiaceae +‎ -ous形容詞filobasidiaceous (not comparable)(mycology) Belonging to the Filob...
語源Fissidentaceae +‎ -ous形容詞fissidentaceous (not comparable)(botany) Belonging to the Fissident...
語源gametologue +‎ -ous形容詞gametologous (not comparable)(genetics) Relating to gametologues...
語源hamartoma +‎ -ous形容詞hamartomatous (not comparable)Of or relating to a hamartoma....
語源Hericiaceae +‎ -ous形容詞hericiaceous (not comparable)(mycology) Belonging to the Hericiaceae....

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