英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


別の表記at swordpoints, at sword's point前置詞句at swords' pointsIn strong conflict with each other, ready t...
語源From the Latin centēsimātiō, from centēsimō, from centēsimus (“hundredth”); compare quintation, se...
語源From Latin dēvastātus, perfect passive participle of dēvastō, from dē- (augmentative prefix) + vas...
A group of live dog whelks on the barnacles which they eat.別の表記dog-whelk, dogwhelk名詞dog whelk (複数形 d...
発音.mw-parser-output .k-player .k-attribution{visibility:hidden}動詞geek out (三人称単数 現在形 geeks out, 現在分詞...
語源From Latin medicātus, past participle of medicō; Equivalent to medic +‎ -ate.発音IPA(key): ...
発音IPA(key): /tɹɒmp/.mw-parser-output .k-player .k-attribution{visibility:hidden}語源 11892, varian...
【動詞】1 annihilate, eliminate, carry off, eradicate, extinguish, decimate, wipe out大量に殺す(kill in large...
語源Latin sextus (“sixth”) + English -ate; compare quintate, septimate, and decimate発音(Received 発音, 英国...
語源decimate +‎ -or発音(英国発音) IPA(key): /ˈdɛsɪˌmeɪtə(ɹ)/名詞decimator (複数形 decimators)One who de...

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