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「head man」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(31~40/6022件中)

語源Hawaiian konohiki名詞konohiki (複数形 konohikis または konohiki)(historical) A head man of a land division...
読み方 ほおかぶり名詞Using a handkerchief as a hood:(=する) to hood one's head with a handkerchief用例頬かぶりした男a man...
読み方 ほおかぶり名詞Using a handkerchief as a hood:(=する) to hood one's head with a handkerchief用例頬かぶりした男a man...
1美男鬘という,狂言の扮装例文of a staged Japanese play, a cape wrapped around the head of a man dressed as a woman...
1美男鬘という,狂言の扮装例文of a staged Japanese play, a cape wrapped around the head of a man dressed as a woman...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/04/08 20:48 UTC 版)John Man (1512–1569) was an English churchman, college head, ...
1切断された頭部例文a severed head2頭のさき例文the nod of a head3さらし首例文a gibbetted head4運の尽きた人例文a devoted head5実体のない...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2010/10/17 00:04 UTC 版)Man of War Bay encloses Man O'War Cove on the Dorset coast in...
1頭がズキズキする例文My head throbs.2人の頭を叩く例文to strike one on the head―hit one over the head3人の頭を打つ例文to strike...
別の表記headman語源From Middle English heed man, from 古期英語 hēafodmann (“leader; captain, head of a group”)...

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