英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


I get bewildered in unfamiliar environments....
The cat was scared by an unfamiliar noise....
I am unfamiliar with the customs of this country....
品詞 形容詞訳語 now-unfamiliar...
I wonder if that restaurant accepts unfamiliar customers....
訳語 An unfamiliar child is blocking the road....
strangeunfamiliarunknown見知らぬ人a stranger見知らぬ顔an unfamiliar face....
strangeunfamiliarunknown見知らぬ人a stranger見知らぬ顔an unfamiliar face....
He was in an unfamiliar room when he opened his eyes....
You should look up all unfamiliar words in a dictionary....

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