From: Michel Baker, Marketing Director
To: All Marketing staff
Date March 20
Subject: Cream-Lite free sample program
The subject program will begin a week ahead of schedule on April 1. Thirty-gram complimentary containers of Cream-Lite, along with discount coupons for the 200-gram carton, will be given to potential customers in five locations in the Bay Area for a period of 10 days. Feedback questionnaires will also be handed out at that time for customers to complete and return by April 30.
John Abrahams and Tina Lin are responsible for compiling the data from the questionnaires, a task that should be complete by May 5. I plan to schedule a meeting for the week of May 5 so we can discuss results, and will let you know once the details are set.
Question: What will potential customers NOT receive?
(A) A 30-gram sample of Cream-Lite
(B) A 200-gram carton of Cream-Lite
(C) A discount voucher
(D) A survey form
Thirty-gram complimentary containers of Cream-Lite, (along with
discount coupons for the 200-gram carton,) will be given to potential
customers / in five locations in the Bay Area / for a period of 10 days.
この文の主語はThirty-gram complimentary containers of Cream-Liteで、動詞はwill be given。along with … cartonは副詞句なので、( )に入れて考えるとわかりやすい。
第1段落2文目に、「Cream-Liteが30 グラム入った無料の容器が配られる」とある。同じ文にalong with discount coupons for the 200-gram carton「200 グラム入り容器の割引券と一緒に」とあることから、顧客は「200 グラム入り容器」を受け取るわけではないので、(B)が正解。(C) couponをvoucher「割引券」と言い換えている。(D) 3 文目に、アンケート用紙も配布されるとある。Feedback questionnaireをsurvey formと言い換えている。
ahead of schedule
[名] 容器、箱
along with
[名] 大箱
[名] 場所
for a period of
hand out
[動]( 用紙などに)記入する
be responsible for
[動]( 資料など)を集める
[形] 完了した
schedule a meeting
問題 2
From: Lori James, Product Test Coordinator
To: R&D Department
Date: July 12
Re: New product test
We will conduct a product test for our new brand of toothpaste—tentatively named Glow White—for two weeks beginning Monday. I’ve provided a brief summary below of how the test will be conducted. E-mail me if you have any questions.
A focus group of fifty participants between the ages of 35 and 45 will be given a 14-day sample of Glow White. They will be interviewed at company headquarters on July 25, when they will be asked to rate the sample on a scale of 1-10 in categories such as effectiveness, flavor and naming.
Question: What is the purpose of the memo?
(A) To postpone a scheduled product test
(B) To inquire about a toothpaste sample
(C) To explain how a product test will be carried out
(D) To request participation in an interview
They will be interviewed / at company headquarters on July 25, /
when they will be asked / to rate the sample on a scale of 1-10 in
categories / such as effectiveness, flavor and naming.
They will be interviewed / at company headquarters on July 25が主節で、when they以降は従属節。主節の主語Theyは、前文のfifty participants(between the ages of 35 and 45)を指す。whenは関係副詞の継続用法で、直前にあるJuly 25の説明を加えている。