You’re invited to an
9116 Riveredge Drive
Saturday, September 8
9 A.M.-5 P.M.
Take a tour of the 5-bedroom, 2-bath Victorian house in the prime location of Riveredge. The house sits on a half-acre of beautifully landscaped property bordering Winona River to the north.
The 80-year old house underwent major renovations last year and the foundation and exterior are in pristine condition. The kitchen, bathrooms and laundry area are fitted with state-of-the-art fixtures and appliances.
The property is within walking distance of a major shopping area and famous restaurants. Several schools, both public and private, are all within a 15-minute drive from the property.
For more information, contact Kim Yoshida of Mauer Real Estate at 832-2938.
Question: What is the purpose of the information?
(A) To advertise a shopping area
(B) To give directions to a school
(C) To invite people to see a house
(D) To introduce Kim Yoshida
The house sits on a half-acre of beautifully landscaped property /
bordering Winona River to the north.
副詞や分詞がどの部分を修飾しているかがわかるとよい。propertyという名詞に注目。beautifully landscapedは前から、分詞borderingで始まる部分は後ろからpropertyを修飾している。
案内の見出しに、You’re invited to an OPEN HOUSE「公開物件へご招待」とあり、第1段落1文目に、Take a tour of the 5-bedroom, 2-bath Victorian house「寝室が5つ、浴室が2 つあるビクトリア朝様式の家を見学してください」とあるので、(C)が正解。(A)第3 段落1 文目でショッピング街について述べられているが、それがこの案内の目的ではない。advertise「…を宣伝する」。(B) 第3 段落2 文目に学校の話題が出てくるが、そこへの道順を教えることが目的ではない。(D) 最後の文にKim Yoshidaとあるが、その人を紹介することが目的ではない。
take a tour of
[形] ビクトリア朝様式の
[形] 最高の
[名] エーカー(=約4,047㎡)
[動] …を景観整備する
[動] …に接する
[動]( 変化や検査など)を受ける
[名]( 建物の)基礎
[名] 外観
[形] 汚れのない、新品の
be fitted with
[形] 最新の
[名] 家電製品
within walking distance of
問題 2
TO: Billing Department, Bay City Gasworks
FROM: Marsha Davies
DATE: February 23
SUBJECT: Mistake in my bill
Dear Billing Department Staff,
I’m writing with regard to the late charge that was listed on my gas bill this month. It is my understanding that the late charge was incurred because it was assumed that I didn’t pay last month’s gas bill on time. However, according to my records, I sent a check for the full amount on January 20—well in advance of the due date of January 25—and my bank statement says the check was cashed on the 27th.
There must have been some mistake, and I would appreciate it if you could look into the matter and contact me as soon as possible.
Marsha Davies
Question: Why did Marsha Davies write the e-mail?
(A) To say that she made a mistake
(B) To say that she was away in January
(C) To say that her bill was late
(D) To say that her bill was incorrect
There must have been some mistake, / and I would appreciate it /
if you could look into the matter and contact me as soon as possible.
must have beenの<must+have+過去分詞>は、過去のことに関する確信を表す表現。「感謝する」という意味のappreciateは、<appreciate it if+主語+動詞>の形をとることが多い。if節の中では、look into the matterとcontact me as soon as possibleがandによってつながれている。
第1段落1文目に、I’m writing with regard to the late charge that was listed on my gas bill this month.「今月のガスの請求書に記載されていた遅延損害金についてEメールを書いている」とあり、3 文目に「期日前に支払った」とあるので、(D) が正解。incorrect「誤った」。