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該当件数 : 49977



To provide a processing method of a superconducting wire material capable of cutting a material smoothly by minimizing degradation in the superconducting characteristics of the superconducting wire material due to deterioration at an edge part or the proximity thereof, when a wide superconducting wire material having a superconducting film consisting of an oxide superconductor formed on a base plate is cut in the longitudinal direction as a thin wire. - 特許庁


A history processing part 3 receives the total electrification time and total writing frequency and decides that the possibility of failure occurrence is high when the total electrification time exceeds a specific time or when the total writing frequency exceeds a specific frequency, thereby outputting a replacement recommendation signal EXS1 indicating that the storage device 1 should be replaced. - 特許庁


To provide a urethodione group-containing polyisocyanate compound having a low isocyanurate ratio [isocyanurate group content × 100 / (isocyanurate group content + urethodione group content)], to provide a method for producing the compound, and to provide a polyaddition composition, wherein when the polyisocyanate compound is used as a curing agent for powder coating, a coating film having excellent surface smoothness, weather resistance and mechanical properties can be formed. - 特許庁


When a service disclosure request 5a occurs in a node N11, a service disclosure setting request 5h generated in the common format is converted to a peculiar message format corresponding to a gateway G1 by a request conversion part C1 in accordance with a conversion rule preliminarily determined in association with the type of the gate way G1. - 特許庁



To accurately control the temp. of the treatment soln. supplied to a substrate and to treat the substrate with a small amt. of the treatment soln. efficiently and certainly by heating the substrate to temp. almost same to that of the treatment soln. prior to a liquid treatment process in a wet process executed by supplying the treatment soln. to the substrate. - 特許庁



Consequently, the continuity route Y is remarkably longer than the continuity route X, extremely increases a resistance value when the cartridge becomes near empty from full, and makes the resistance infinitive when the cartridge gets into an empty condition from a near empty condition, permitting the accurate detection of the near empty condition and the empty condition. - 特許庁


Magnitude of resultant force of energizing force Lp and self weight Lf is maintained larger than the minimum resultant cylinder pressure load LcminM at a time of the maximum load and smaller than the maximum resultant cylinder pressure load LcmaxF at a time of fuel cut by applying energizing force Lp making the cylinder block and a crank case closer by an energizing force generating mechanism. - 特許庁


To provide a gold wire for forming a bump electrode capable of preventing a breakage of an electrode pad of a semiconductor element, and shortening a length of a broken length h1 directly on a ball in a forming process of the bump electrode to be able to keep the stable bonded state between the bump electrode and the electrode pad of the semiconductor element, which can improve a mounting yield. - 特許庁


To provide a remodeling credit system which performs reception, examination and determination of remodeling loans using a network before a user's selection of a construction contractor and which can easily consult on remodeling funds, make the reception of the remodeling loans, and perform contract procedures, thus reducing loads of the user and the construction contractor especially by operations on a web screen. - 特許庁



To cancel a shift between a displacement amount of a cantilever generated in two-dimensional scan and a positional displacement amount of a spot of a laser beam, in a scanning type probe microscope using a probe scanning system arranged with a laser beam source between an XY piezo scanner for conducting the two dimensional scanning and a Z piezo scanner for conducting height-directional control to conduct the scanning. - 特許庁



A process chamber 30 of an inductively coupled plasma etching system is provided with a plate 34, which is extended in parallel with the top wall 32 of the chamber 30 and made of Si or SiC and a low-frequency power source 36, which impresses a low-frequency voltage of 400-800 kHz upon the plate 34. - 特許庁


A variation amount of shearing force is reduced when the land part 16 and the edge at the circumferential main groove side of the shoulder block 32 are dropped in the drain ditch 46 of the rain groove road 44, a variation amount of lateral force accompanying with this is reduced, and the rain groove wandering phenomenon occurred when it travels on the rain groove road 44 is suppressed. - 特許庁


An under-clad layer 20 is adhered on a silicon substrate 10, and a core layer is adhered on the under-clad layer 20 through an aerosol process, and the core layer is etched so that a core 30 can be prepared, and an over-clad layer 40 is formed on the under-clad layer 20 and the core 30 through the aerosol process. - 特許庁


This monopole antenna 40 is provided integrally with a flat plate-shaped conductor 10 arranged oppositely from a ground conductor 1 with a spaced interval h by concentrically connecting the innermost, intermediate, and outermost conductors 11, 12 and 13 from the inside with connection conductors 31 and 32 between the respective conductors, and has a linear conductor 3 and a short circuit conductor 5. - 特許庁


Since the vanadium pentoxide deposit Vh is directly heated and melted without heating the entire furnace to a temperature higher than necessary for melting, penetration of the vanadium pentoxide melt into the furnace wall can be prevented, thereby maintaining the high purity of the vanadium pentoxide product free from contamination of impurities resulting from wall furnace damage. - 特許庁


To provide a polymerizable monomer and its production method that can give a polymer having a naphthyl-group skeleton containing a hydrophilic group for contributing to improvement in line edge roughness in a resist, good copolymerizability with a polymerizable monomer such as (meth)acrylic acid or a (meth)acrylic ester, uniform composition and high light transmittance at a wave length of 193 nm. - 特許庁


This information acquisition method includes: a step for clustering a graph showing the data set composed of nodes showing data and an edge showing an inter-node relation to acquire a plurality of sub-graphs; and a step for executing an inference for at least one of the acquired plurality of sub-graphs in a sub-graph range. - 特許庁


The metallic layer 9 reduces the difference in level caused by the laser applied area 5a of the insulating layers 11 and 13 on the laser applied area 5a, and further it functions as an etching stop layer when forming the trimming aperture 15, thus improving the controllability of the residual film thickness of the insulating layer 7 on the trimming fuse 5. - 特許庁


To provide a cellulose film whose inplane retardation (Re) wavelength dispersion is reverse dispersion and which can freely control a Re value and the wavelength dispersion and value of retardation (Rth) in the thickness direction, to provide a cellulose compound used therefor, and to provide an optical compensating film, a polarizing plate, and a liquid crystal display device using the same. - 特許庁


To provide a honeycomb structure excellent in cleaning ability of NOx and capable of suppressing damage because a honeycomb unit contracts or expands even though water is adsorbed on the honeycomb unit or water adsorbed on the honeycomb unit desorbs; and to provide an exhaust gas-cleaning device having the honeycomb structure. - 特許庁


A brake system for the vehicle of X piping adopts a parking brake integrated pressurizing mechanism integrated with a service brake 1 and the EPB 2 in a rear wheel system, and holds front wheel brake force by putting boosting control valves 34 and 44 of both front wheels in a cutoff state when switching to the parking brake force from the service brake force. - 特許庁


The ballot forgery detection device has a mark detection means comprising a plurality of photo sensors 14a to 14h for detecting the predetermined mark from a ballot cast, and a detection mark change means for changing the predetermined mark detected by the mark detection means in accordance with the latest predetermined mark formed. - 特許庁


In the hood panel 1 for the automobile formed by superposing fiber reinforcement plastic materials 2, an easy folding part 3 at least partially extending in a vehicle body width direction Y and having lower rigidity or strength or both than the other portion is formed on an approximately central part in a vehicle body longitudinal direction X of the hood panel 1. - 特許庁


This eliminates the color spread at the black edge and prevents an unsuitable dark color from being recorded at a position corresponding to the dot region, even when the printer 50 records the image shown with processed image data, thus reproducing an original image taken by a scanner 60 at a high fidelity. - 特許庁


In the machining program 4, a plurality of imposition tables where imposition widths X to Z are registered respectively for moving shafts [4] to [8] are described, and commands "M270" to "M272" for designating one of imposition tables are described to collectively set imposition widths of respective moving shafts. - 特許庁


On the other hand, in the case where the preignition is detected and where it is determined that the engine rotation speed Ne is the predetermined value Nex or above, second preignition avoidance control including control for decreasing the amount of combustion heat in a cylinder by changing a mode of fuel injection from an injector 18 is performed. - 特許庁


To provide a resist polymer which has high sensitivity and resolution and causes only a small number of defects and a small degree of line edge roughness upon development, when used for a resist composition in DUV excimer laser lithography or electron beam lithography, its manufacturing process, a resist composition containing the resist polymer and a patterning process using the resist composition. - 特許庁


When a user uses an operation part 108 to transmit a transition signal to a contrast browsing mode, a control device 105 performs edge emphasis filtering such as Laplacian transformation or the like to a memory area corresponding to each pixel according to the brightness information for each pixel in VRAM, transforming the memory value to update the brightness value pixel by pixel. - 特許庁


Cooling water for cooling an engine E circulates through a closed loop passage composed of a radiator 15, a second radiator hose 16, a cooling water inlet opening 17, a water jacket Jh for a cylinder head 12, a water jacket Jb for a cylinder block 11, a cooling water outlet opening 19 and a first radiator hose 20. - 特許庁

その表面に金属配線を施してなる可撓性の印刷回路またはテープ自動化接合(Tape Automated Bonding)テープ(TABテープ)用の金属配線板基材に適用した場合に、高弾性率、低熱膨張係数、低吸湿膨張係数、低吸水率を均衡に満たし、さらには耐アルカリエッチング性にも優れた共重合ポリイミドフィルムを提供する。例文帳に追加

To provide copolyimide films which equally meet a high modulus, a low coefficient of thermal expansion, a low coefficient of hygroscopic expansion and a low water absorption and excel in alkali etching resistance when applied to flexible printed circuits provided with a metallic wiring in its surface or tape automated bonding tape(TAB tape) metallic wiring board substrate materials. - 特許庁

消臭性または抗微生物性を有する機能性成分(Y) とセラミックス成分(Z) とを含有する水性スラリーからスプレードライ法により得られた機能性成分(Y) とセラミックス成分(Z) とがハイブリッド化した微粉状ハイブリッド化物(YZ)の有効量を、シリコーン系樹脂(X) に含有させる。例文帳に追加

An effective amount of the fine powdery hybridized material (YZ) obtained by hybridizing the functional component (Y) with the ceramic component (Z) prepared from an aqueous slurry containing the functional component (Y) having the deodorizing or antimicrobial properties and the ceramic component (Z) according to a spray drying method is contained in the silicone resin (X). - 特許庁


Since divided image pickup parts 251, 252, 253, and 254 share X pixels of border parts of mutually adjacent divided image pickup parts horizontally and Y pixels vertically, so that a signal processing unit 36 is able to make contour corrections succeeding to image pickup signals of the adjacent divided image pickup parts even at the border parts. - 特許庁


The method for producing P(3HB-co-3HHx) in a transformant comprises transforming a bacterium belonging to genus Methylobacterium assimilating methanol, capable of producing poly(3-hydroxybutanoic acid) by using a recombinant vector containing a wide substrate-specific polyester polymerization enzyme gene and proliferating the transformant in a medium containing a methanol source. - 特許庁


To provide a piezoelectric element that realizes a stable ramen mode vibration by processing an LQ2T-cut crystal substrate having a crystal azimuth, which have had difficulty of processing such as punching by a chemical etching method, to have a prescribed shape with high accuracy in a short time and to provide a manufacturing method for the piezoelectric element. - 特許庁


This exhaust emission control device of the engine permits a continuation of treatment only for a specific period when a prescribed permission condition is realized when an operation condition of the engine 1 transfers to a nonadaptive area F from adaptive areas A to E when performing the treatment for discharging the sulfur from the NOx catalyst arranged in the exhaust passage. - 特許庁


Based on the approximate expression, the center orthogonal coordinates position (a, b) of the disc body is calculated by the operation of sum of products of edge positions S in the radius direction of the disc body detected by the line sensors, respectively, and coefficients A, B previously determined based on azimuths θ of the line sensors. - 特許庁


A film 11 to be etched is deposited on a semiconductor substrate 10 and a photosensitive material film 12 is formed on the film 11 by applying a photosensitive material containing a slightly alkali-soluble base polymer obtained by bonding an adamantyl group as a protective group to a copolymer of a norbornene derivative and maleic anhydride and an acid generating agent containing an onium salt compound. - 特許庁


Moreover, the method for manufacturing the substrate for the magnetic recording medium including a coring step of obtaining a plurality of doughnut-shaped substrates having an outer diameter65 mm by coring a monocrystalline silicon wafer having a diameter 150 to 300 mm subjected to the heat history and/or etching at least onc times or more is provided. - 特許庁


Two runways which cross each other at a fine angle in an X shape are installed as shown in the figure; and only movement for departure starting or after arrival is performed from end parts of the runways on the side of the terminal and only departure ascending and entry landing are allowed from the other ends to eliminate the crossing of airplanes at runway ends. - 特許庁


In the electrostatic actuator which is mounted on a liquid droplet discharge head for discharging droplets and deforms a vibration plate 5 operate it, facing electrodes 4 are formed so as to be disposed oppositely via a gap for the vibrating plate, the gap is formed by sacrificial etching, and the vibration plate 5 transmits ultraviolet rays. - 特許庁


A master information carrier is manufactured by applying a resist 92 to the surface of the non-magnetism base 91 and carrying out pattern exposure using an electronic beam lithographic device, developing the resist 92 and ion etching it, and depositing the ferromagnetic thin film 95 by removing the remaining resist and the ferromagnetic thin film deposited on it. - 特許庁


A polyimide film having excellent resistance to repeated flexing and resistance to repeated twisting is obtained by coating on a support a polyamide acid of a benzoxazole structure-containing polyimide precursor, drying, and performing imidation treatment by using a process for tensile deformation between the crystallization starting temperature obtained by using high output X-ray diffraction and the 90% imidation-attaining temperature obtained from IR measurement. - 特許庁


To provide a resist underlayer film material which is for a multilayer resist process, especially for a double layer resist process or a triple layer resist process, which functions as an excellent antireflection film especially against exposure with short wavelength light, that is, having high transparency and most suitable n and k values, and further is excellent in etching resistance in substrate working. - 特許庁


To provide a method for manufacturing a cationic thermosetting resin combining a characteristic of excellent preservation stability and a characteristic of a small content of an AOX (adsorptive organic halogen compound), a paper containing the resin obtained by the manufacturing method and a method for manufacturing the paper. - 特許庁


The antistatic agent (Z) comprises a block polymer (X) having a structure where a block of an anionic polymer (A) including at least one heterocyclic onium cation group (a) as a counter ion, and a block of a polymer (B) selected from a group consisting of polyamide, polyamideimide, polyester and polyolefin, are repeatedly and alternately coupled to each other. - 特許庁


In the formula: R^1 is an alkyl or alkoxy; R^2 and R^4 are hydrogen; R^21 is hydrogen, alkyl or alkoxy; R^3 is aryl or aralkyl; R^5 and R^6 are alkenyl and connects together to form an aromatic ring; * and ** show optical activity having shaft asymmetry; and X^- shows an anion. - 特許庁


To prevent the diameter of a hole formed in a film to be etched from far exceeding a prescribed value and to make the plane shape of the hole circular when a photosensitive material film comprising a chemically amplified resist material is irradiated with ArF excimer laser light to form a fine hole pattern having a high aspect ratio. - 特許庁


To provide a resist composition that forms a resist pattern improved in the collapse of the resist pattern, line edge roughness and the generation of scum, less liable to the deterioration of the profile, and having good conformability to an immersion liquid in immersion exposure; and to provide a pattern forming method using the resist composition. - 特許庁


An electronic controlling device executes an assisting control routine, and always sets the target reduction ratio G* at a minimum reduction ratio within a range in which the assisting motor can impart a target assisting torque Tout* to the steering mechanism based on the target assisting torque value Tout* and a maximum torque value Tmmax which can be generated by the assisting motor. - 特許庁



To provide a methylpentenic polymer resin composition which retains excellent characteristics inherent in a TPX resin, such as appropriate releasability (peel strength) from a sticky resin, an adhesive or the like, and is also remarkably improved in a high speed drawing characteristics or the like in inflation or extrusion lamination processing. - 特許庁


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