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該当件数 : 111



However, with regard to the capital requirement, it will be problematic for Japan if a new requirement fails to take into consideration the circumstances of Japanese financial institutions. I am not too worried because this is to be determined through negotiations and the wording of the reform proposal made recently is restrained. In any case, it is very important that the capital adequacy ratio requirement is determined in a way that suits the circumstances of the Japanese financial institutions  - 金融庁


To provide a line characteristics exhibiting system and a method of exhibiting line characteristics in which the cause can be analyzed, when the provider side of xDSL presents ideal transmission speed, in a line which each user uses which can be transmitted, or when the actual speed is much different from the estimated transmission speed. - 特許庁


By installing a monitor server for monitoring whether in a net casino system, play condition information related to the advantage of a user such as a realization rate or a restoration rate is widely different from a play condition declared by a game server side or whether there is no lie, environment is provided where a user can play a game without anxiety. - 特許庁


Degree of trade integration is an indicator for the advancement of closeness in bilateral trade relations. It takes the overall global trade volume(exports and imports) as the standard and measures how far from the standard case the bilateral traderelations are, with figures above 1 indicating close bilateral trade relations, and figures below 1indicating the opposite. - 経済産業省



However, for organizational reasons Kyoto Imperial University accepted only students who had graduated from former high schools, even though he was the main person involved in the school's establishment; he felt it was far away from Kinmochi SAIONJI's proposition of 'giving a chance (education) to people who are intelligent and have high motivation,' and therefore he decided to promote private schooling.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



However, when he noticed the restricted reality that Kyoto Imperial University, in the establishment of which he himself was involved as an official of the Ministry of Education, was unable to accept other than those who graduated from the old-education-system high schools as its system and that it was far from the educational ideal advocated by Kinmochi SAIONJI, that is, 'the nation should offer the opportunities to those who have ability and will,' he decided to establish a private school by himself.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To prevent a value detected as a heart rate of a subject from being a value which is largely different from an actual heart rate of the subject in a heart rate detector which detects the heart rate of the subject by extracting an actual measured value of the heart rate from time series data of body movement signals accompanying body movements of the subject. - 特許庁


The optoelectronic semiconductor device includes a housing provided with a light emission opening, a first chip carrier provided in the housing, a first semiconductor chip that is provided to the first chip carrier for emitting beam, a second chip carrier provided farther away from the light emitting opening than from the first chip carrier in the housing, and a second semiconductor chip provided to the second chip carrier. - 特許庁


This air conditioner can determine that a manual operation by the occupant in which an original pattern of air quantity automatic control is different from a blower air quantity after the manual operation by a predetermined value or more is an irregular manual operation or setting different from the usual one with high possibility, so that the air conditioner can prevent such manual operation to be much learned. - 特許庁



As a result, a steady stream of the 'official onmyoji' in Onmyoryo subsequently began to go along with the flow of the times and their actions were far from their duties as prescribed by the original ritsuryo and by arbitrarily indoctrinating lucky and unlucky directions or aspects of stars, they intruded into controlling private activities of the Emperor/Royal family and kugyo/kuge (court noble) and started to manage the inner space of the nerve center of the Imperial Court, working behind the scenes in the shadow of the administration going beyond the normal duties based on the official system.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Today, since virtually no one relies on Onmyodo or the art of onmyoji to guide their actions or personal principles in general, there is nothing to remind us of the once powerful Onmyodo or onmyoji remaining and, aside from the Tsuchimikado family, although their present art is far removed from Onmyodo in the mid and late Heian Period, who remain in existence as Onmyo artists under the name of Tensha Tsuchimikado Shinto Head Office in Oi-cho, Fukui Prefecture (formerly Natacho Village) in the old Wakasa Province which was once the family estate, only a few remaining regional onmyoji such as Izanagi ryu that have been around in Kami City, Kochi Prefecture (formerly Monobe Village) exist.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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