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Specific actions for greater transparency, stronger accountability, improved institutional governance deeper country ownership, more decentralization and use of country systems where appropriate, and enhanced procurement guidelines, new ways of managing and tracking results and financial contributions, strengthen knowledge management, ensuring the right human resources with appropriate diversity, better implementing environmental and social safeguards, sound risk management, and ensuring financial sustainability with pricing linked to expenses, and a commitment to continue to reduce administrative expenses and make them more transparent.  - 財務省


Fourth, the Programmatic Structural Adjustment Loan (PSAL) linked to the budget cycles of recipient countries. Here we should remind ourselves that to date the use of PSAL has remained limited, and that a concern has also been expressed over the possibility of providing fiscal support each year as an entitlement without effectively tracking fulfillment of conditionality. Considering all this, I believe that shareholders need to discuss elaborated modalities of this instrument, and introduce it on a gradual basis. The Bank is expected to improve the quality of the scheme by reviewing the implementation process.  - 財務省

今後ともPRGFはIMFにとって最貧国支援に不可欠な機能を有すると考えられ、各国の更なる貢献が困難なことにも鑑みれば、2001年以降2005年に自己完結的な仕組みに移行する(準備金勘定が十分に積みあがりこれにより新規融資の貸付資金が賄える)までのInterim PRGFの貸付原資については、一般資金勘定(GRA)から拠出することが適当であると考えます。例文帳に追加

The PRGF is expected to continue to perform an essential function of supporting the poorest developing countries. The PRGF will become self-sustainable in 2005, as the reserve for the PRGF Trust will reach a level where it can finance the whole PRGF operation. Until then, further resources will be necessary for the PRGF loans, and serious discussions should begin. Given that additional contributions from members are unlikely, we believe it would be appropriate to finance the loan resources for the interim PRGF from the General Resources Account(GRA).  - 財務省


This framework, which recognizes the central role of the IMF in the international monetary system, includes the following initiatives: (a) a mechanism for regional surveillance to complement global surveillance by the IMF; (b) enhanced economic and technical cooperation particularly in strengthening domestic financial systems and regulatory capacities; (c) measures to strengthen the IMF's capacity to respond to financial crises; and (d) a cooperative financing arrangement that would supplement IMF resources.  - 財務省



We agree that work to implement codes and standards will be most effective if combined with further efforts to foster ownership across a broad range of countries for the codes and standards processes. The IMF and the World Bank should assist countries in the development of action plans for the implementation of codes and standards. We agree to work together and with the IFIs, the FSF, and international regulatory and supervisory bodies to provide technical assistance and training to emerging market and developing countries in this area.  - 財務省



We welcome and support the plans shared today by Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia. While tailored to each country's circumstances, these plans demonstrate a clear and shared commitment to enhanced prosperity for their people supported by the objectives set out in the Deauville declaration: to strengthen governance, foster economic and social inclusion, create jobs, support private sector led growth and advance regional and global integration. The country plans also highlight the importance of consultation processes to ensure broad based, multi-stakeholder consultation throughout their development.  - 財務省


In the event of patent infringement, the court may, in order to prevent further infringement, when so claimed and insofar as it is found reasonable, decide that a product protected by a patent which has been produced without the consent of the patent holder, or an object the use of which would involve a patent infringement, be altered in a specified manner, destroyed, confiscated or, where the case relates to an object protected by a patent, be surrendered to the aggrieved against compensation. - 特許庁


Apart from the grounds of revocation provided for in section 47, the registration of a collective mark may be revoked on the ground that the manner in which the mark has been used by the proprietor has caused it to become liable to mislead the public; that the proprietor has failed to observe, or to secure the observance of, the regulations governing the use of the mark; or that an amendment of the regulations has been made so that the regulations no longer comply with paragraph 5 of this Schedule and any further conditions imposed by rules; or are contrary to public policy or to accepted principles of morality.  - 特許庁

(3) 次の各々,すなわち, (a) 第42条(6)に基づいて提供される登録簿の記入事項の謄本若しくは登録簿からの抄本, (b) 登録局に保管されている書類の謄本若しくはその書類からの抄本,又は (c) 公告(公開)された特許明細書若しくは特許出願, であって認証謄本又は認証抄本であるとされるものは,更なる証明を要することなく,かつ,原本の提出を要することなく,証拠として許容される。例文帳に追加

(3) Each of the following, that is to say -- (a) a copy of an entry in the register or an extract from the register which is supplied under section 42(6); (b) a copy of any document kept in the Registry or an extract from any such document; or (c) any specification of a patent or any application for a patent which has been published, which purports to be a certified copy or a certified extract shall be admitted in evidence without further proof and without production of the original. - 特許庁


(4) 特許所有者との商業的関係の範囲内で又はその同意を得て保護されている動物繁殖材料を取得した農業者は,動物繁殖材料をその者の農業活動(別の農業者の農業活動のための動物繁殖材料の販売を除く)に使用することを含め,保護されている家畜を農業目的で使用する権利を与えられたものと認められる。ただし,事業との関連での又は更なる繁殖活動の形態での事業目的で動物繁殖材料を販売することはこの限りでない。例文帳に追加

(4) Acquisition of protected animal reproductive material by a farmer within any commercial relation with the patent owner or with his consent implies authorization for the farmer to use the protected livestock for an agricultural purpose including the use of animal reproductive material for his agricultural activity with exception of sale of animal reproductive material within the framework of business activities or the purpose thereof in the form of a subsequent reproductive activity. - 特許庁



Notwithstanding the provisions contained in Articles 53 and 53a, the sale of vegetable propagation material or another form of putting vegetable propagation material on the market by the patent holder or with his consent to a farmer for the purposes of agricultural exploitation implies a right for the latter party to use the products of his harvest for further propagation or multiplication by himself in his own company, with due observance of the provisions stipulated under or by virtue of Regulation (EC) no. 2100/94 of the Council of the European Union of 27 June 1994 on Community plant variety rights (Official EC Journal L 227). - 特許庁


The Federal Ministry of Justice shall have the power to lay down by legal ordinance further details of the protection of designations of origin and of geographical indications under Regulation (EEC) No. 2081/92 in agreement with the Federal Ministry of Economics, the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forests and the Federal Ministry of Health and with the consent of the Council of the Lander as far as required in consequence of Regulation (EEC) No. 2081/92 or of its implementing provisions issued by the Council or the Commission of the European Union. By legal ordinance under sentence 1 may be laid down in particular provisions concerning  - 特許庁


If, on an application for the registration of a trade mark as to which the Registrar has given such advice in the affirmative, made within 3 months after the advice is given, the Registrar, after further investigation or consideration, gives notice to the applicant of objection on the ground that the trade mark is not capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one undertaking from those of another, the applicant shall be entitled, on giving notice of withdrawal of the application under section 45 (withdrawal of application) within the prescribed period, to have repaid to him any fees paid for the filing of the application.  - 特許庁

(3) ある商標の登録出願がそれについての肯定的な助言が登録官から与えられた後3月以内になされたが,その後の更なる調査又は検討の結果,登録官が出願人に対して当該商標は識別性を有さないとの理由による拒絶の通知を与えた場合は,出願人は,所定期間内に出願取下の通知を行うことにより,納付済みの出願手数料の返還を受けることができる。[法律1078による改正]例文帳に追加

(3) Where an application for the registration of a trade mark is made within three months after the Registrar has given advice in the affirmative and the Registrar, after further investigation or consideration, gives notice to the applicant of objection on the ground that the trade mark is not capable of distinguishing the applicant shall be entitled, on giving notice of withdrawal of the application within the prescribed period, to have any fee paid on the filing of the application repaid to him. [Am. Act 1078] - 特許庁

(1) 特許により保護されている発明が不法に実施された場合は,特許所有者は,次に掲げる請求をすることができる。 1) 発明の不法実施によって生じた損害に対する,債務行為法(Law of Obligations Act)第1043条による補償 2) (廃止-2003年1月29日。2003年4月1日施行-RT I 2003, 18, 106) 3) 特許の不法使用の結果として受領した物の,債務行為法第1037条及び第1039条による移転 4) 債務行為法第1055条による特許の不法使用の終結及び更なる違反の防止 (2004年3月10日。2004年5月1日施行-RT I 2004, 20, 141)例文帳に追加

(1) In the case of unlawful use of an invention protected by a patent, the proprietor of the patent may demand: 1) compensation for damage caused by unlawful use of the invention pursuant to § 1043 of the Law of Obligations Act; 2) (Repealed - 29.01.2003 entered into force 01.04.2003 - RT I 2003, 18, 106) 3) the transfer of that which is received as a result of the unlawful use of the patent pursuant to §§ 1037 and 1039 of the Law of Obligations Act; 4) termination of the unlawful use of the patent and refraining from further violation pursuant to § 1055 of the Law of Obligations Act; (10.03.2004 entered into force 01.05.2004 - RT I 2004, 20, 141)  - 特許庁

(1) 特許は,特許所有者の同意を得ていない第三者が,当該発明の本質的要素に関連する手段をその発明の本法の施行領域内での実施のために,本法の施行領域内で,特許発明を実施する権限を有する者以外の者に提供又は供給することを禁止するという更なる効力を有するが,ただし,当該手段がその発明の実施に適したものであり,かつ,そのように意図されていることを,当該第三者が知っているか又はそれが状況からみて明白であることを条件とする。例文帳に追加

(1) A patent shall have the further effect that any third party not having the consent of the patentee shall be prohibited from offering or supplying within the territory to which this Act applies to any other persons, other than such persons authorized to use the patented invention, means relating to an essential element of said invention for use of the invention within the territory to which this Act applies, if said third party knows or it is obvious from the circumstances that such means are suitable and intended for use of the invention.  - 特許庁

(1) 特許の存続期間は,発明に係る出願の日の翌日から起算して20年とする。発明の目的が,出願人が既に特許保護を獲得している他の発明の改良又は更なる発展である場合は,当該出願人は,前記の出願の日から又はその出願について先の日が基準日として主張されているときはその日から 18月以内に追加特許の出願をすることができ,その特許は先の発明に対する特許と同時に満了するものとする。例文帳に追加

(1) The duration of a patent shall be 20 years, beginning on the day following the filing of the application for the invention. If the purpose of an invention is the improvement or further development of another invention for which the applicant has already secured patent protection, said applicant may apply, within 18 months from the date of filing of the application or, insofar as an earlier date is claimed as relevant for the application from that date, for a patent of addition, which shall expire at the same time as the patent for the earlier invention.  - 特許庁

(3) 裁判所は,上訴不能の命令によって,(2)の規定に基づく代理権を有さない授権代理人を拒絶しなければならない。代理権を有さない代理人による手続の処理,及び当該代理人への送達又は通告は,当該代理人が拒絶されるまでは有効とする。裁判所は,(2)第 2文において指定した代理人に対し,当該代理人がその事件に係る事実的及び法律的事情を適切な方法で示す立場にない場合は,更なる代理行為を禁止することができる。例文帳に追加

(3) The Court shall reject by a non-appealable order those authorized representatives who do not have a right to represent under the provisions of subsection (2). Any actions in proceedings by a representative not having a right to represent and any service of process or delivery of notifications to said representative shall be effective until said representative is rejected. The Court can prohibit the representative designated in subsection (2), sentence 2, from any further representation by non-appealable order if said representative is not in a position to present the factual and legal circumstances of the case in an appropriate manner.  - 特許庁


At least one further sub-system or one component which is not present in reality is simulated independently of the interfaces via a simulation program which is supplied with real, actual measured values and/or signals of a real part, wherein the output signals of a simulation model are fed to a control device of the real part for further processing. - 特許庁


A femtocell base station receives an interference notification from another femtocell base station, determines an action for reducing or eliminating an interference notified in the interference notification, and sends, to the other femtocell base station and/or one or more further femtocell base stations, an interference remedial command for the other femtocell base station and/or the one or more further femtocell base stations to allocate or reallocate a resource block or to alter a transmit power. - 特許庁


This method for producing a cross-linked organopolysiloxane comprises reacting preferably polydimethylsiloxanediol and/or a 3-(2-aminoethylamino)propyl-methylsiloxane unit-having polydimethylsiloxanediol with a trifunctional silane, preferably N-morpholinomethyl-trimethoxysilane, for forming cross-linked points in the presence of a dispersant, an emulsifier and, if necessary, an additional substance directly not participating in the reaction. - 特許庁


To provide a fluid-filled vibration-resistant device capable of reducing generation of bubbles in a pressure-receiving chamber when entering excessive vibrational load and reducing noises and vibrations caused when entering large load and improving greater vibration-resistant effects on the basis of fluidization actions of fluid flowing an orifice passage without requiring remarkable enlargement of the whole orifice passage in size. - 特許庁


That is, the rear holder 3 moves sideways with energization of the die 34, is engaged upon going beyond an engage projection 16 on the housing 2, abuts to the abutting part 15 of the housing 2, moves down aslant along the abutting part 15 with further energization of the die 34, and is engaged on an engage projection 17 on the housing 2 to generate a provisionally engaged condition. - 特許庁


A single graphic display editor may be used to create various interrelated graphic displays that may be accessed from one another in the runtime environment to provide further information about a process entity within one of the graphic displays, to scroll through adjacent sections of a process plant or to provide different functions in the process plant with different displays for an operator viewing function, a simulation function and a maintenance function. - 特許庁


To provide both an optical probe with high accuracy and reproducibility having a hardly damageable micro aperture and capable of forming a small spot in the direction in parallel with the polarizing direction of incident light by interference between modes and the shape of the aperture, and implementing high efficiency and high-speed tracking operation, and to provide an optical pickup apparatus capable of easily achieving lightness in weight and compactness and highly accurate tracking control. - 特許庁


As a system for connecting the PHS telephone set 1 having a browser function to a fault notification device 4 via a PHS control unit (switchboard) 3, the faulty notification device 4 transmits audio information for notifying the PHS telephone set 1 of a fault occurrence via the switchboard 3 and provides further information on the fault to a request made via a network 5 by the browser function of the PHS telephone set 1. - 特許庁


Thus, flow can be suppressed, and extrusion can be reduced, and peripheral components more adjacent to the semiconductor chip 2 than a conventional manner can be mounted, and to further miniaturize module components. - 特許庁


The solid fuel comprising the fermented product can be reused as a soil modifier and a block after being used as the fuel. - 特許庁


Taking into consideration the effects of special schemes to be newly established, and inline with the purport of the Japan Revitalization Strategy, the Council for Industrial Competitiveness and the Council for Regulatory Reform will collaborate with each other to discuss means to further regulatory and institutional reform and accelerate structural reforms, especially in the fields of employment (building of a personnel management system to promote flexible and diversified working styles, etc.), medical care and nursing care (establishment of a system to efficiently provide high quality services, etc.), and agriculture (measures to facilitate entry of corporations, etc.). - 経済産業省


To foster human resources with a high level of specialization, higher education institutions need to be developed to provide systematic education in the management techniques and management technology which will create technology and use this in the strategic development of new business. This will require expanded exchange outside universities, including the further introduction of internships through coordination between universities and industry, systemic upgrading to encourage matriculation to graduate school by working members of society, improved training for highlyskilledexperts7, and the utilization as lecturers of experts working on the front line of industry. - 経済産業省


After the establishment of the WTO in 1995, dispute settlement procedures were strengthened by introducing; (1) negative consensus method (a losing party cannot block adoption of a report); and (2) two-tiered system (introduction of an Appellate Body in addition to a panel). - 経済産業省


Despite the existence of an unpredictable world economy due to uncertain prospects of monetary policies by the United States and Europe, debt problems in Europe, China's stance of further monetary tightening, maintenance of worldwide economic expansion in markets backed by continued concern about tight supply of crude oil caused by strained situation in Middle East and North Africa, recovery of the monetary systems, active economic activities in the emerging economies and confidence in the advanced economies of recovery, and the continued rise of crude oil prices. - 経済産業省

今後も、ERIAには、ASEAN事務局及び東アジア各国政府との更なる密接な連携及び域内外の研究機関等の協力を踏まえ、東アジア首脳会議等の東アジア各国の政策フォーラムに具体的な政策提言を行う国際的研究機関として、「アジア総合開発計画」等の東アジア経済統合に向けた政策研究を実施し、実用的な政策提言を行っていくことが期待されている(コラム第45-1 図、コラム第45-2 図)。例文帳に追加

In the future, ERIA is expected to continue to implement policy research aiming at economic integration of East Asia through an "Asia comprehensive development plan" and other projects. It will providing practical policy recommendations as an international research institute which provides detailed policy recommendations in each East Asian country's Policy Forum during the East Asia Summit and other meetings, based on increased cooperation from the ASEAN Secretariat and East Asian countries? government's joint efforts and research institutes within and out of the region. (see Column Figure 45-1 Framework of East Asia-ASEAN Economic Research Institute (ERIA) Column Figure 45-2 Fields of development study East Asia-ASEAN Economic Research Institute - 経済産業省

我々は,人々が健康であることは,人的資源の持続可能な開発と,延いては APEC地域内の持続可能な経済発展及び革新的成長に極めて重要であることを認識し,健康問題に対するエコノミーのセクターを越えた取組を支持し,妊産婦,乳幼児及び小児から人生の終焉までの生涯に亘る非感染性疾患の予防,健康,健康的なライフスタイル及びウェルネスの推進並びにこれらへの投資による保健制度の強化に関する更なる具体的な方策を奨励する。例文帳に追加

Recognizing that a healthy population is crucial for sustainable development of human resources, and therefore, for sustainable economic development and innovative growth in the APEC region, we support the efforts made by our economies to address health issues across sectors, and encourage further concrete steps to strengthen health systems by preventing non-communicable diseases, promoting and investing in health and healthy lifestyles and wellness across the life course starting from maternal, infant and child health through to the end of life. - 経済産業省


We highlight the importance of further work to advance our shared green growth objectives and enhance mutual supportiveness between trade and environmental policies, including through the promotion of international standards, transparency and information exchange among economies on environmental measures and requirements which could have significant trade effects, as well as to consider trade and development objectives alongside environmental protection in the development of environmental measures. - 経済産業省


Many university ventures operate in rural areas. They are expected to revitalize local economies because their growth may encourage innovation in a community and create more R&D jobs for those who have received sophisticated education. A cluster in a community of university ventures established to put to commercial use achievements of research at a university may attract another cluster of industries, which might add value. That would also contribute to its development.  - 経済産業省

(ⅰ)農地中間管理機構が、市町村や民間企業等に業務委託を行い、地域の総力を挙げた体制を構築しつつ、法人経営、大規模家族経営、集落営農、企業等の担い手への農地集積・集約化に配慮して貸し付ける農地再配分スキームを確立する。 【本年秋までに具体化、速やかに法制化を含む措置を実施】企業の参入状況の検証等を踏まえ、農業生産法人の要件緩和など所有方式による企業の参入の更なる自由化について検討を行う。例文帳に追加

(i) Establish a farmland re-distribution scheme where intermediary institutions that manage and lease farmland to responsible entities, such as corporate farmers, large-scale family farmers, consolidation farming associations, and companies, while outsourcing services to municipalities and private companies and building a community-wide system in consideration of farmland consolidation and intensification. (Set out details by autumn, and swiftly implement measures including development of legal system) After verifying the circumstances of corporate entry into agriculture, explore the further liberalization of corporate entry through farmland acquisition by easing requirements for the establishment of an agricultural production corporation.  - 経済産業省


While improving market access through negotiations on non-agricultural market access is beneficial to all Members, several studies in the past have clearly shown that developing countries, especially the LDCs, are also able to enjoy benefits according to the development needs, in the course of world economic growth enhanced by the expansion of world trade. The Members should make efforts to further stabilize the multilateral trading system and promote negotiations to enable all Members to benefit.  - 経済産業省

具体的な事例としては、掃除サービスで創業した会社が、衛生関連、環境関連へと業容を拡げながら北米全体へと事業を拡大させ、更なる発展を目指して2011 年に複数の対外M&A を行ったケースや、医療廃棄物処理会社が、医療機器リコール製品回収サービス等の分野へ事業拡大し、その後、欧州、中南米、アジアへと事業展開を果たし、この一環として2011 年に複数の対外M&A を行ったケース等がみられた106。例文帳に追加

Specific cases are as follows: a company founded to run a cleaning service business expanded its business to sanitation-related and environment-related businesses throughout North America, and, aiming at further development, implemented several external M&As in 2011; a medical waste disposal company expanded business to a sector, such as recalled medical equipment collection service, and then, developed to Europe, Central and South America, and Asia, and as part of development, implemented several external M&As106. - 経済産業省


From the viewpoint of creating the clustercore” and enhancing centripetal force, Chubu Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry should push ahead with creating further advanced clusters by enhancing state-of-the-art hardware that plays important roles in the creation of clusters, such as (1) testing equipment necessary for form certification of large wind tunnels and large joint testing machines because Japanese manufacturers are currently using overseas facilities and (2) an R&D base (National Composite Center) capable of comprehensively providing design technologies, processing technologies and repair services on CFRP (composite Source: METI data (January 2011) materials) usable for automobiles and aircraft.  - 経済産業省

二階経済産業大臣とカタールのアッティーヤ副首相との共同議長のもと、石油市場の安定化に向けて、商品先物市場の監視の強化や透明性の向上に関し、規制当局に更なる協調した行動をとることを要請することとしたほか、①アジアの需給見通しの策定②省エネ・新エネに関する先進プロジェクト事例の共有 ③相互の研修機会の提供など、具体的なプロジェクトを今後進めることで一致。例文帳に追加

Trade and Industry Minister Toshihiro Nikai and Qatar’s Deputy Prime Minister Abdullah Bin Hamad Al-Attiya, it was decided to require regulatory authorities to take more cooperative actions concerning reinforced monitoring of commodity futures markets and improvement of transparency thereof for stabilization of oil markets, and it was also agreed to promote specific projects from now on including: 1) formulating the outlook for supply and demand in Asia; 2) sharing examples of advanced projects concerning energy conservation and new energy; and 3) providing opportunities for mutual training. - 経済産業省


When it comes to policy measures such as promoting economic partnerships, assisting infrastructure exports and supporting overseas business development by small and medium enterprises, those measures should focus on not only assisting cost-cutting efforts by enterprises but also raising brand value and increasing exports of packaged-type products coupled with services and products satisfying customer demand in local markets. It is desirable that these measures would strengthen Japan’s competitive edge against companies in emerging countries in other aspects than prices, leading to the improvement of Japan’s terms of trade. - 経済産業省


On that occasion, we need to conduct thorough discussions from the perspective of how to realize a best mix of energy sources by considering such issues as what to do with nuclear power, the expanded introduction of renewable energy, effective utilization of fossil fuels, and further promotion of energy conservation by society as a whole. - 経済産業省

今後も、ERIA には、ASEAN 事務局及び東アジア各国政府との更なる密接な連携及び域内外の研究機関等の協力を踏まえ、東アジアサミット等の東アジア各国の政策フォーラムに具体的な政策提言を行う国際的研究機関として、「アジア総合開発計画」や「ASEAN コネクティビティマスタープラン」の実施等の東アジア経済統合に向けた政策研究を実施し、実用的な政策提言を行っていくことが期待されている(コラム第7-1図)。例文帳に追加

ERIA, as an international research center to recommend specific policies to the East Asian countriespolicy forum such as East Asia Summit, is expected to conduct the implementation of theAsia Overall Development Plan” and the “ASEAN Connectivity Master Plan” and to offer practical recommendations to policies also in the future under the close relationship with the ASEAN Secretariat, East Asian countriesgovernments and cooperation with research bodies both in and outside the region (Column Figure 7-1). - 経済産業省


The company succeeded in the world's first demonstration of a SiCinverter in January 2006.In November 2009, the company introduced a technology to further reduce power loss and proved a 90% reduction of power loss compared to conventional Si inverters. Due to a wide range of potential applications, the SiC inverter technology is expected to be utilized in various products, including air-conditioning equipment, power conditioners for solar photovoltaic systems, and elevators. - 経済産業省


When looking at the business confidence of SMEs per region, it can be seen that in the Kanto, Chubu and Kinki regions,4) which rely heavily on manufacturing sectors, business conditions were stronger than other areas until 2007. After the overall manufacturing industry weakened in fiscal 2008, the SME Business conditions DI of these three regions dropped to the same level as what was seen in other regions during the period of October- December 2008. The decline continued into the period of January-March 2009 (Fig. 1-2-4). - 経済産業省


We noted the considerable progress made in 2010 to strengthen food safety systems and to facilitate trade and investment through an ambitious program of capacity building activities, and urged further work to develop and improve localized and suitable food safety systems in 2011, including planned work to strengthen laboratory capacity and to reduce the negative impact of food safety incidents on public health and trade. - 経済産業省

第一には、協定において扱われる分野として、関税・非関税障壁の撤廃のみならず、投資、競争、環境、経済協力、人の移動など、新たな分野に関するルールの整備が含まれるケースが増えたことである(従来の貿易についてのFTAの要素を含みつつ、特定の二国間又は複数国間で域内のヒト、モノ、サービス、カネの移動の更なる自由化、円滑化を図るため、水際及び国内の規制の撤廃や各種経済制度の調和等を行うなど幅広い取り決めを内容とする協定を、わが国では、経済連携協定(Economic Partnership Agreement(EPA))と呼んでいる)。例文帳に追加

First, there were more cases involving, not only the elimination of tariff and non-tariff barriers to trade, but also the establishment of rules in new areas (such as investment, competition, environment, economic cooperation and the movement of natural persons). - 経済産業省


To generate a vigorous economic growth in East Asia, further development of rules in each country is needed. In addition, for this purpose, building a seamless economic zone based on a framework of economic partnerships that covers whole East Asia, in other words, comprehensive systemic harmonization including liberation of trade (both goods and service), upgrading investment rules, securing movement of people, and protection of intellectual property rights is also desired. - 経済産業省



It shares the education know-how practiced in its classrooms in each country and region, not only through the Internet, but through the exchange of opinions where various classroom managers are given the opportunity to meet altogether. This contributes to instruction methods that are different from the manualized teaching method using education materials, upgrades the teaching abilities of instructors, and leads to further development of the entire company’s education methods. - 経済産業省


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