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該当件数 : 41



Could you check my skin type? - 旅行・ビジネス英会話翻訳例文


Could I get this ticket changed? - 旅行・ビジネス英会話翻訳例文

下記URLのページで紹介されている情報の出典をご教示頂きたいですが。メールで書く場合 例文帳に追加

I'd like you to tell me about the source of the information in the following URL.  - Weblio Email例文集


I love your products and would absolutely love to feature them on our website. - Weblio Email例文集



I would like you to tell me one more time, but how should I go there from the station.  - Weblio Email例文集


追加で2名参加させて頂きたいですが、席に余裕はありますでしょうか。メールで書く場合 例文帳に追加

I'd like to add two more people as participants. Do you have any seats available for them?  - Weblio Email例文集


I understand that the Commissioner will continue to be prohibited from giving press conferences. Could you tell me why?  - 金融庁


Thank you for your kindness in offering me the job, but I must ask to be excused from it.  - 研究社 新和英中辞典


In relation to Olympus, the top official of the company's main creditor bank recently said that his bank had failed to see through the window-dressing. Generally speaking, what do you, as the minister in charge of financial administration, think of the role and the responsibility of main creditor banks in ensuring the transparency and fairness of borrowing companies?  - 金融庁



First, I would like to ask about what you have just explained. It is written here that JBIC will provide financing for local financial institutions, etc. If there is already any deal that has actually been concluded in some country, can you please tell us about it?  - 金融庁



I am aware that Tokyo High Court made such judgment. As this is a judicial judgment, I would like to refrain from making comments.  - 金融庁


In matters like this, we must not act hastily, nor should we take too much time. What's important is a worldwide harmony.  With that in mind, I talked with him in a very friendly atmosphere.  - 金融庁


Foreign media also reported on it. Now that this case has arisen, I believe that it is important to appropriately deal with it first.  - 金融庁


Mr. Keimei Kaizuka formerly served as the dean of the University of Tokyo's Faculty of Economics, counselor to the Ministry of Finance's Policy Research Institute and advisor to the Bank of Japan. His stature is such that he gives lectures to FSA staff. He is the eldest son of a brother of Mr. Hideki Yukawa. As advisor, he will make suggestions and give instructions concerning overall matters. A man of such stature is suited to the post of counselor.  - 金融庁


Mizuho Bank's president said that he was scheduled to hold a press conference one day earlier. I told him to consider this matter well, although not face-to-face.  - 金融庁


Naturally, domestic and foreign companies should be treated equally, and we strongly call on Citibank to follow Japanese rules in Japan.  - 金融庁


While I would not make comments regarding a specific company, frankly speaking, I would like to ask securities companies to make efforts to exercise their self-purification capability so as to prevent the weakening of governance and ensure that employees develop a sense of professional ethics.  - 金融庁


While sumo wrestlers may exercise their power to the full, there are off course rules. Rules must be followed.  - 金融庁


As I have repeatedly stated in the Diet, in times like these, private and government-affiliated financial institutions should complement each other so as to contribute to the post-earthquake restoration and reconstruction as they have their respective advantages.  - 金融庁


As I said earlier, I would like you to understand that there will remain three additional requirements other than the notification requirement under the Postal Service Privatization Act after more than half of the government-held shares are disposed of. I would like you to understand that Japan Post Insurance is subject to additional regulations that are not applicable to other insurance companies as well as regulations under the Insurance Business Act.  - 金融庁


Awarding a ministerial commendation to such financial institutions is my initiative. Usually, administration consists of rubberstamping by a senior official of what is presented to him through the bottom-up process. However, as we face a financial emergency now, I have decided on my own responsibility to award a ministerial commendation by the end of the fiscal year to financial institutions that are making assiduous efforts in this respect, and on various occasions, I have expressed hope that such efforts will be continued.  - 金融庁


European countries as a whole, or euro-zone countries, are holding the summit meeting as they are taking their situation seriously, and they are moving to take measures to make progress in dealing with the Spanish problem. I strongly hope that such efforts will be continued, and I will keep a close watch on the situation.  - 金融庁


As was mentioned in the question, the results were affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake and the flooding in Thailand, which I visited during the Golden Week holiday. Around 450 Japanese companies were affected by the flooding, and I presume that the large amount of insurance benefits paid in relation to those disasters was a major cause of the poor results.  - 金融庁


As this involves a partner country, I cannot comment on specifics. This is a matter concerning a U.S. lawsuit, or judicial proceedings, so as the head of a Japanese administrative agency, I would like to refrain from making comments, as the separation of the three powers applies in the United States.  - 金融庁


On February 2, the FSA ordered the TSE, based on Article 151 of the FIEA, to submit a report after examining the cause of the system glitch and drawing up measures to prevent a recurrence, and as I said at my previous press conference, I believe that it is important that the TSE itself conduct a full investigation.  - 金融庁


In my experience, two profitable Sogo Department Stores went bankrupt in my hometown of Kitakyushu City, one located in the front of Kokura Station and the other in Kurosaki. Citizens of Kitakyushu have had an extremely tough time since then. With much pain, I have learned the impact of financial crisis on the regional economy.  - 金融庁


Naturally, from the perspective of a local foreign financial institution, the proper involvement of a semi-public JBIC or JETRO would be sufficient reason for it to do business with Japanese companies as it would provide peace of mind. I believe that it is the lowest level of support that the government should provide. Amid the high yen situation, we have just made a decision to have the SME Financing Facilitation Act extended for one year. It is vital to have the bill passedfor the purpose of making it easier for SMEs to enter overseas markets, specifically, Asian markets, with peace of mind. As I pointed out the importance of the best public-private balance, our decision to launch this policy reflects our wish to elevate the Japanese economy by having the public and private sectors help each other to bring out the best of each other's strengths. Our administrative staff made a huge effort to put this policy measure together.  - 金融庁


In the Diet, I was asked what relevant ministers should do when they have heard opinions from the committee. The committee will comprise members who have excellent judgment, academic knowledge and capabilities, so I have said that their opinions will be too important to be ignored.  - 金融庁


Specifically speaking, as I explained by citing the example of Sendai in Tohoku yesterday as well, I was the Parliamentary Vice-Minister of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry twenty years ago. As I also observed in the Tohoku Region yesterday, there are local organizations called Societies of Commerce and Industry, which are not Chambers of Commerce and Industry and are smaller than them. The percentage of construction businesses in them is 25 percentit is about 30 percent in my constituency, a figure similar to the Tohoku region, where 25 percent of Society of Commerce and Industry members are also construction businesses.  - 金融庁


I would like to ask you about the tax system, which is an issue of strong interest for market players and the financial industry. In early August, Prime Minister Taro Aso, who was then secretary-general of the Liberal Democratic Party, proposed the introduction of tax exemption for small-lot securities investors. The FSA (Financial Services Agency) included the establishment of a tax exempt account scheme similar to the ISA (Individual Savings Account) system of Britain, and tax exemption for dividends received by elderly people in its list of requests for the fiscal 2009 tax revision, which was submitted to the Ministry of Finance at the end of August.  - 金融庁


Given this timing, I think that it is a very significant opportunity for SME organizations to be offered robust support from us in the areas of information and financing from a combination of entities like the Regional Banks Association of Japan, or shinkin banks and credit cooperatives, and JBIC and JETRO. As all of you here are very influential and versed in economic matters, I am willing to listen sincerely to any criticism that you may have. If the system does not work well, we will try to improve itso, I would like you to report on this.  - 金融庁


At the same time, there is also the fact that the construction business is extremely important. Earthquake-resistant construction work for municipal elementary schools nationwide is for the most part contracted to local businesses, not major contractors. This also means that money changes hands nationwide. Considering the safety of elementary and junior high school childrenyour own children or grandchildrenin the face of an earthquake and the resultant risk of their school buildings collapsing, earthquake-resistant construction is imperative, a point that we, the Cabinet, gave weight with respect to this issue as well.  - 金融庁


I would like you all to understand this. Japan Post Insurance's new businesses will be subject to the Insurance Business Act and the Postal Service Privatization Act. Japan Post Insurance is naturally subject to regulations under the Insurance Business Act, which are applicable to ordinary private companies, and it is also subject to authorization under the same Act. In addition, Japan Post Insurance is subject to additional regulations under the Postal Service Privatization Act that are not applicable to other insurance companies.  - 金融庁


This matter has been reported in various news articles, and one article asserted that Japan Post Insurance would be allowed to do anything as long as it notifies the authorities. However, that is not true. Even if Japan Post Insurance notifies the authorities, it will have to give consideration to competition with other financial institutions and notify the privatization committee, and it is subject to orders from the Minister for Financial Services, acting on behalf of the Prime Minister, and the Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications. I would like you to understand that Japan Post Insurance is subject to such additional regulations, which are not applicable to other insurance companies, as stipulated in the law. In particular, I would like foreign correspondents here to avoid misunderstanding in that respect.  - 金融庁


I find this to be a very important policy. It must be put into practice with minute care and, after being launched, must be monitored at the same time. In reality, some things just do not flow or work well. We will assume a very flexible attitude in addressing those cases. It is our desire to have either technologically advanced or motivated mid-to-large companies and SMEs excel overseas, particularly in Asia, that spurred us to decide on implementing this policy.  - 金融庁


In that sense, it is hoped that an array of measures designed to achieve an early economic recovery will prove effective. As I often say, no policy measure is 100 percent flawless, as where there is light, there is a shadowmy conviction is that a politician needs to face such a reality with both eyes open, and it is from this kind of perspective that, this time, we decided to set the duration of the extension of the Act to be one year.  - 金融庁


Excuse me for taking so much time, but I am wishing strongly that the press will have a good understanding. Another point is that we will not be adamant about not changing a policy that we have once decided on. As all of you are well versed on economic issues and have extensive interviews with various SMEs, please fill us in with any advice you may have for us.  - 金融庁


I heard that 800 buses come to Sendai each day from the six Tohoku prefectures and Niigata. While Sendai has a population of one million, other cities have roughly 100,000 residents, reflecting the high level of concentration of people typical in regional cities. This trip gave me a strong realization that Sendai is the city of concentration in Miyagi prefecture or the Tohoku region, as is implied by the fact that Shopping Center Promotion Association representatives that I met were saying that there are very few vacant stores in Sendai, generally around a few percent (the percentage of closed stores). In contrast, however, I was told that the percentage of closed stores is roughly 18 percent on average in the prefecture’s southern part, excluding Sendai, and northern part and even as high as 25 percent in particularly suffering areas, which of course amounts to one in every four stores being vacant in shopping streets in those areas. They also said that, in Miyagi prefecture, Sendai has vibrant shopping streets but those in towns other than Sendai in the southern and northern parts (of the prefecture) are in a very grim state.  - 金融庁


There have been voices raised about the possible confusion emerging from the fact that a series of stationery store or music store gift certificates, or so-called kinken (cash vouchers) in general, are expiring one after another. Seeing that this is an issue associated with the Payment Services Act, I would like to have your opinion on this. Also in relation to the same issue, some criticize that general consumers may not be informed of the existence of the Act itself in the first place or that the refund period set by statute, which can apparently be as short as 60 days after a public notice, may be the source of the problemcan I please confirm if there is any specific step or action slated to be taken to address this issue in the future, or any policy of that sort?  - 金融庁


This type of decision used to be typically hindered by sectionalism, but we are hoping to eliminate sectionalism as much as possible and proceed in a proper fashion. We are also committed to continuing to work in partnership with related authorities to make progress in the examination needed to put the idea into practice. I would like everyone to have a thorough understanding of that point. Given the times that we live in, there are things that the public administration can and cannot do, but the FSA is eager to do the best it can do in its capacity in the context of a free economyit was in such a frame of mind that we developed this policy.  - 金融庁



In addition, as a result of deregulation due to the revisions of the Act on Worker Dispatching Undertaking and other labor-related laws that were implemented under the government of former Prime Minister Koizumi, the number of non-regular workers has increased to around 17.6 million, meaning that one in three workers is a non-regular worker. In light of this, Minister (for Government Revitalization) Renho will convene a meeting of the Council for Regulatory Reform today. Nowadays, it is in no way permissible for people to protect their own vested interests, for organizations to protect their interests, or for administrative agencies to protect their vested interests on the pretext of safety. However, as that is in their nature, at an informal meeting of cabinet ministers, I expressed hope that regulatory reforms satisfactory for the people will be implemented with due consideration given to the distinction between economic and social regulation.  - 金融庁


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