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Persons who think kindness and feeling important and seek mutual understanding can be said to have Sachimitama.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Therefore, although I expect that the monetary easing by the BOJ (Bank of Japan) will be somewhat effective as a countermeasure against the yen’s rise and deflation, we believe that fiscal policy measures must be implemented in conjunction with it. In this sense, the annual budget is crucial.  - 金融庁


This is not an easy step to take, but by continuing such efforts step by step, we would like to establish careers and work styles from the viewpoint of the labor unions and of working people. - 厚生労働省


Now that it has been decided that either Mr. Sugiura, secretary-general of the headquarters, or Mr. Nakagawa, an adviser, will submit requests concerning the decision to the Prime Minister's Office, I will wait for a response to the requests.  - 金融庁



In that sense, it is important to ensure the safety and stability of the market and prepare for unexpected incidents.  - 金融庁



I presume that in the eyes of the BOJ, the deflation gap is widening due to the lack of domestic demand (not to the lack of money). In any case, however, I expect the BOJ to fulfill the responsibility that should be fulfilled.  - 金融庁


In that sense, the FSA needs to provide guidance in a strict manner to both banks in the future.  - 金融庁


However, the biggest obstacle to skills transfer identified by the vast majority of enterprises is their inability in recent years to recruit the younger workers that they would like. - 経済産業省


I think that it is necessary to set a proper benchmark for evaluating the revitalization effects of the support measures.  - 金融庁



This way of living was said to match the feeling of Kanso Nenbutsu where one thinks and adores the image of Buddha.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



While founders might generally be expected to have a soft spot for their own businesses, an examination of whether the proprietors interested in business succession were founders or non-founders reveals no particular difference.  - 経済産業省


I am expecting a report based on such opinions and comments. If further examination is required based on my judgment, I will instruct them to examine specific matters more deeply.  - 金融庁


To provide a drying lamp device which is capable of efficiently performing drying by drooping the drying lamps mounted on a supporting pole sideward of the supporting pole so that the drying lamps can be brought near to the coating surfaces existing in a low position as desired. - 特許庁


To provide a water discharge device enabling hand washing etc. without making a user feel cool due to the discharge of cold water until high-temperature water from a water heater reaches a faucet. - 特許庁


In light of this, we may say that Japanese financial institutions have been put in a position of relative advantage and given an opportunity to enhance their presence in the global market, by providing high-quality services and by properly performing their financial intermediary function.  - 金融庁


Absolute monarch of the whole civilized world, he preserved through life not only the most unblemished justice, but what was less to be expected from his Stoical breeding, the tenderest heart.  - John Stuart Mill『自由について』


I believe this message remains valid, and I would like to stress that these countries need to make further efforts towards these policy goals while earnestly promoting regional cooperation.  - 財務省


I hear that the Prime Minister will give the executives of both parties instructions regarding the economic stimulus package this morning, so debate on the economic stimulus package and financial measures will deepen within the ruling parties.  - 金融庁


I made the announcement after receiving instructions from the Prime Minister. If you are to insist that we are acting too slowly, you should convey your opinion to the Prime Minister.  - 金融庁


Of course, if the United States decides to take some positive steps regarding the real estate and housing market conditions, we will welcome the decision.  - 金融庁


Consequently, major financial institutions generally posted profits. However, while there are signs of a recovery in the Japanese economy, the economic situation is still difficult  - 金融庁


From a broad perspective, although Japan's financial system is stable compared with the systems of the United States and Europe as I have been saying, the condition of the real economy is very difficult. So, there are stronger hopes than before that Japan's financial system will support the real economy by exercising the financial intermediary function.  - 金融庁


If that happens, we may expect that the extraordinary price surges in the markets for crude oil and commodities, which are smaller than in the capital markets, will be somewhat normalized accordingly.  - 金融庁


To provide a retrieving device which enables a user to retrieve a document, even when the user can not recall the document, title, and retrieval expression having contents and even when the user can not express the title and contents of the document well in a natural language. - 特許庁


To provide a prize-winning device and a pinball game machine which never make a player feel unpleasant by effectively preventing flowing out of game balls flown down onto the prize-winning device in an open state to the outside of the prize-winning device. - 特許庁


Therefore, we will need a framework for maintaining the “ecology systemof the global economy without succumbing to the temptation of protectionism amid the ongoing multi-polarization.  - 金融庁


Wazuka Junior High School in Wazuka Town has provided students with experience in producing tea (Wazuka tea) in the Period for Integrated Studies subject so as to encourage them to love and take pride in their home town. - 経済産業省


As the FSA is responsible for conducting financial regulation in a comprehensive manner, the basic logic of financial regulation is shared widely and deeply ingrained throughout the agency.  - 金融庁


Given this timing, I think that it is a very significant opportunity for SME organizations to be offered robust support from us in the areas of information and financing from a combination of entities like the Regional Banks Association of Japan, or shinkin banks and credit cooperatives, and JBIC and JETRO. As all of you here are very influential and versed in economic matters, I am willing to listen sincerely to any criticism that you may have. If the system does not work well, we will try to improve itso, I would like you to report on this.  - 金融庁


When an intruder takes a look of the display unit 24, a trespass detector can make the intruder assume that the transmitter 1 is active in either states of the transmitter 1. - 特許庁


The SWFs of countries to which wealth has been transferred have gained significant influence, and the investment agreements you mentioned were probably signed with their increased influence in mind.  - 金融庁


At the FSA, which is attached to the Cabinet Office, this authority is delegated by the Prime Minister to the FSA Commissioner, so I would like to refrain from making any comment.  - 金融庁

dead.letterはありますか?cronは問題があるたいていメールを送信するので、メールを確認し、~/dead.letterファイルも確認してください。 思い出してください、それぞれのcronパッケージは異なっており、機能の範囲は大きく異なっていると言うことを。例文帳に追加

letters? cron usually sends mail whenthere's a problem; check your mail and also look for ~/dead.letter. Remember, each cron package is different and the range of features varies greatly. - Gentoo Linux


As I presume that such is the state of affairs, I hope that private financial institutions will make appropriate and timely judgment in accordance with the spirit of the law.  - 金融庁


This is a question for Mr. Mikuniya. Some financial institutions apparently mistrust the FSA in relation to the utilization of the amended Act on Special Measures for Strengthening Financial Functions. What do you think is the reason for their mistrust and how do you plan to resolve it?  - 金融庁


In this sense, the previous crisis was a serious internal disease. Diagnosis was difficult, but also various treatments, including surgical operations and the provision of nutrients, as well as a long period of recuperation, were necessary. In contrast, the current crisis may be likened to an external injury. Therefore, what we have been doing may be likened to a treatment intended to prevent an external wound from developing into an internal disease.  - 金融庁


With President Kuroda's energy and foresight, the ADB could take quick and appropriate responses to the support for the Indian Ocean Tsunami, the Earthquake in Pakistan and the avian flu. I must also commend the ADB's initiatives to enhance development effectiveness and efficiency of the operations.  - 財務省


The improvement was in fact no more than the drafting of an ineffective plan, and the FSA approved the plan and overlooked its ineffectiveness. As a result, organized crime groups opened hundreds of accounts with the bank, and illegal transactions were probably made. In light of this, the FSA will have to bear responsibility for the failure of its surveillance and supervisory systems. What would you say to that?  - 金融庁


Although Japan’s financial system itself has received a limited direct impact from the turmoil in the global financial market compared with the financial systems of the United States and Europe, I understand that the adverse impact is starting to spread.  - 金融庁


While the Prime Minister agrees with me on this point, he has made various decisions from his own standpoint. However, he reiterated yesterday that implementing measures to improve the people’s everyday lives is the top priority.  - 金融庁


While I would like to refrain from commenting on a case concerning an individual company, I think that if the company concerned is to take such action after a certain period of time, it is important for it to make responsible business judgment and perform the accountability obligation to the public and society, and to policyholders and users as necessary on a voluntary basis.  - 金融庁


Therefore, the important thing to do for the supervisory authorities of Japan is to prudently consider what action to take after "translating" the recommendations of FSF's report into actions to be taken by Japan. Also, it is important to be actively involved in discussions and deliberations held at international organizations. As for what specific actions to be taken, it is necessary to carefully "translate" the G-7's statement and the recommendations of the FSF's report, including the timetable, into actions to be taken by Japan, and we must do such work before considering specific actions.  - 金融庁


Major reasons raised for the expectations placed on retail and service businesses include the following:"attachment to the community," "knowledgeable about conditions in the community," a "synergistic effect with principal work," and a "familiarity with residents." - 経済産業省


Violent exchange rate fluctuations are undesirablethis is the consensus among G7 nations, as stated in the G7 declaration. Exchange rate volatility has an extremely adverse effect on the economy, and the problem cannot be ignored by the economy also in the sense that Japan's economy in particular is heavily dependent on exports.  - 金融庁


I am Nomura from Sekai Nippo. Prime Minister Kan has mentioned the risk that the whole of East Japan could crumble in a worst-case scenario. As what will happen is unpredictable, the possibility of the underwriting of government bonds by the BOJ, which is allowed under a proviso of Article 5 of the Public Finance Act, should be considered as an option. What do you think?  - 金融庁


Although some people say the economy is gradually recovering, deflation is continuing to progress, which is an extraordinary situation. Therefore, as I do not believe that it is wrong to say that the economy is still in recession, the government should candidly admit to the continuing recession and compile a bold budget. The total amount of budget expenditure depends on what measures to take.  - 金融庁


In light of this, as I said earlier, the FSA believes that it is important to grasp market developments in a timely manner and fully analyze them, and to reflect the results effectively in the designing and planning of a regulatory framework, inspection and supervision. To establish arrangements and procedures for doing this is one challenge.  - 金融庁


Japan has been successful at both protecting the ozone layer and preventing global warming by reducing fluorinated gases. Professor, I suppose that to effectively achieve this kind of reduction, it would require many special technologies and policies. What kinds of policies exist? Why has Japan has been so successful at ODS reduction?  - 経済産業省


However, I expect it to contribute to an orderly unwinding of the excessive leverage that is the major cause of the ongoing global financial turmoil, so I hope that it will actually bring about such benefits.  - 金融庁



Just at a time when we are promoting foreign investment in Japan and trying to open up Japan’s financial and capital markets, revitalize the markets by attracting funds from within and outside Japan and make the markets internationally competitive, I wonder why they are withdrawing. Although there may be a variety of reasons for this, we should not neglect our efforts aimed at making Japan’s markets more accessible and convenient.  - 金融庁


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原題:”On Liberty”

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