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occurring during the period around birth (5 months before and 1 month after)  - 日本語WordNet


the last issue of penicillin was over a month ago  - 日本語WordNet


the first half of a year that is divided into two periods  - EDR日英対訳辞書


It rains continuously in the vicinity of this front and the period for continual rain lasts for one to two months in each district.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


※ 円高の影響を受けた事業主については「最近3 か月間の売上高又は生産量の月平均値がその直3か月又は年同期に比べ5%以上減少していること」という従来の要件に加え、「最近1か月間の売上高又は生産量がその直1 か月又は年同期に比べ原則5%以上減少している」場合でも利用を可能とした。例文帳に追加

* Employers that have been affected by the appreciation of the yen can now also apply for subsidies in the case that “sales or production in the last month fell by (as a rule) at least 5% from the preceding month or the same period a year earlier.” This is in addition to the existing condition requiring that “average monthly sales or production in the latest three months fell by at least 5% from the preceding three months or the same period a year earlier.”  - 経済産業省



the solar calendar introduced in Rome in 46 b.c. by Julius Caesar and slightly modified by Augustus, establishing the 12-month year of 365 days with each 4th year having 366 days and the months having 31 or 30 days except for February  - 日本語WordNet


All seats may be reserved beforehand; tickets are available to the general public for purchase one month in advance at the Green (or 'Midori') Window at any major JR West station.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Because of the above-mentioned reasons, there is an approximately one-month difference between a date according to the Gregorian calendar and the equivalent date according to the Tenpo calendar (actually, the difference between the dates varies from year to year and this degree of variation is also approximately one month).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In March 1578, a month before his death, Kenshin summoned an artist from Kyoto to make a self portrait and also a painting of his back.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



In many cold regions like Hokkaido, etc. it is often advanced by one month and the ritual takes place on October 15 because November 15 is too cold.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


の記録は17歳7か月1日で,1997年4月に 稲(いな)本(もと)潤(じゅん)一(いち)選手(当時ガンバ大阪)によって樹立された。例文帳に追加

The previous record was set by Inamoto Junichi (then of Gamba Osaka) in April 1997, at the age of 17 years, 7 months and 1 day.  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


According to the "Consumer Confidence Survey" published by the Cabinet Office, the monthly consumer sentiment index for private households (original figure) has continued to increase since January 2009, for a period of four months. - 経済産業省

その後も、外国人観光客やビジネスマンの入国者数は、1 週間毎の推移でみると、約2 万人、約3.7 万人、約3.6万人となっており、震災から1 か月の間は震災以に比べて1 割から2 割程度と極めて少ない状態が続いている。例文帳に追加

After that, the change in the weekly number of foreign tourists and business persons entering Japan in the following three weeks at 20,000, 37,000 and 36,000 respectively represented only10% of pre-disaster levels. - 経済産業省


In the case of more than 45 overtime hours per month, the symptoms are more associated with work. (a) If over 100 hours of overtime work for 1 month before the onset of symptoms can be confirmed, (b) If over 80 hours of overtime work per month for 2 to 6 months before the onset of symptoms can be confirmed, the symptoms will be considered to be closely associated with work - 厚生労働省


In November, from the first day to the Misoka (last day of month) was Araimi (capsule Monoimi, 'avoiding something regarding as ominous'); the three days from Ushi no hi (the day of ox), right before the U no hi on which the festival was held, were Maimi (strict Monoimi) and associating with impurities was admonished during the period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Injury and Disease (Compensation) Pension is paid for amount of the previous 2 months 6 times every year in February, April, June, August, October and December. The payment starts the following month when the above conditions (1) and (2) are met. - 厚生労働省

業種別に見ると、最も倒産件数の多い建設業では、緩やかな減少傾向にあるものの、1 か月当たりの倒産件数は300 件後と引き続き高い水準が続いている。例文帳に追加

By industry, the number is highest in construction, where bankruptcy cases, though gradually declining, still number around 300 per month.  - 経済産業省

輸出は、主に洪水や世界景気低迷の影響による主力工業製品の輸出額減少により、昨年11 月から今年1 月まで3 か月連続で年同月比マイナスとなった。例文帳に追加

Exports registered a negative growth compared to the corresponding month the previous year for three consecutive months from November 2011 to January 2012 due to the decline in the amount of exports of major industrial products affected mainly by the floods and the global economic downturn. - 経済産業省


Thanks to all-out efforts by both public and private sectors in Japan, the assessment by international organizations as mentioned above, and others, the trend of foreign-affiliated enterprises and others evacuating from Tokyo subsided at the beginning of April, one month after the earthquake, and has almost returned to the levels before the earthquake by now. - 経済産業省

2013 年1 月には株高や緊急経済対策等を受け、雇用環境を中心に消費者の先行きへの期待感が高まり、2004年7 月以来の月比3.3ポイントの上昇となって以降、3 月まで3 か月連続で上昇し、消費者心理は持ち直した。例文帳に追加

As consumer expectations have becomehigher mainly in terms of the employment environment in response to the rise in stock prices, the emergencyeconomic measures, etc., the index increased by 3.3 points in January 2013 (which was the largest increase sinceJuly 2004), and continued to increase for a consecutive three months until March, showing the sign of recovery inconsumer confidence. - 厚生労働省

企業の景況感について、全米供給管理協会(ISM)による生産、新規受注、雇用などの現状と 1 か月を比較した指数は、製造業、非製造業共に景気を見極める上での分岐点である 50 を上回って推移している。例文帳に追加

The indexes relating to enterprise sentiments by the Institute for Supply Management (ISM) that compared the current status of production, new orders, and employment, etc., with the status of those of one month before, exceed 50, which is a turning point in judging the economy in both manufacturing and non-manufacturing businesses. - 経済産業省


Other grounds that support the views that the mastermind of the plot was the Imperial Court are that, after the Battle of Yamazaki, Nobutaka ODA tenaciously searched for Sakihisa KONOE by issuing an order to track down and dispose of him, that Kanemi YOSHIDA was interrogated for information, and that the original contents of "Kanemikyo-ki" (diary of Kanemi), which is the first class historical material for that time, were missing for approximately one month around Honnoji Incident and the section for 1582 was rewritten.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

EU・韓FTA の実際の効果については、発効からまだ日が浅いことに加え、欧州債務危機に伴うEU の需要減も重なったため評価は難しいが、統計データとしては、EU とのFTA が発効した7 月1 日からの4か月間で、韓国のEU 向け自動車輸出額が年同期比91%増の18 億3,700 万ドル(約1400 億円)に達している。例文帳に追加

Assessment of actual effects of the EU-South Korea FTA is difficult as it has not been long since the FTA became effective and in addition demand from the EU declined due to European debt crisis, but statistical data shows that South Korea's auto exports to the EU grew 91% year on year to $1,837million (approx. 140 billion yen) for the period of four months from July 1 when the FTA with the EU came into effect. - 経済産業省


He says, “When I used a personal computer I borrowed from a friend to check my mailbox, it was filled with large numbers of orders and words of encouragement from all over the country! Also, as I went back and forth to clean up our one remaining shop in front of Natori train station, the local people and customers from Yuriage said they were eager for us to reopen soon. I gradually regained my strength and after about a month I felt ready to move forward with rebuilding the company.”  - 経済産業省


It is 18 months since I took office as the Minister for Financial Services.Some time after I took office, 15 or 16 months ago, I had meetings with younger FSA staff members who had returned from the Kanto Finance Bureau.I remember a staff member saying, “Previously megabanks never participated in gatherings of regional financial institutions, and yet after the enactment of this law, megabanks started to participate.”  - 金融庁


However, according to the indices shown by Institute for Supply Management (ISM) that compared the situation in one month before with the current situation on items such as production, new orders received, inventory level and employment, it was improved towards the end of 2010, but presently the manufacturing industry remains at a level same as before in spite of being a high level, and the non-manufacturing industry is decreasing. It should be noted that the future situation of the business activities cannot be optimistic. - 経済産業省


In Vietnam, prior approval and a separate borrowing registration certificate from the central bank of Vietnam is required when borrowing from the parent company involves a medium- to long-term loan (more than one year), even if the amount to be borrowed is within the range set at the time of license acquisition. Though these procedures usually can be completed within a few weeks, they sometimes can take a few months depending on the transaction. - 経済産業省


In Nagoya, there are management teams of financial institutions and four SME organizations such as the Federation of Aichi Prefecture Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Yesterday, I exchanged opinions with the four SME organizations about the state of regional communities. I had the opportunity to work on SME policies for one year and three months under Minister of International Trade and Industry Eiichi Nakao while I served as the Parliamentary Vice-Minister of International Trade and Industry 20 years ago, when the Parliamentary Vice-Minister appointed from the House of Representatives was required to take charge of SMEs.  - 金融庁

このような背景の下、我々は、地域の金融セーフティネットである CMIM の強化にコミットし、全会一致により以下の点に合意。(i) CMIM の資金規模について、現行の 1,200 億ドルから 2,400 億ドルへ倍増(ii) IMF デリンク割合について、2012 年に 30%へ引き上げ、一定の条件のレビューを提として、2014 年に 40%へ引き上げ(iii) 満期及び最大支援期間について、IMF リンク部分は、各々現行の 90 日から 1年、現行の 2 年から 3 年へ延長。IMF デリンク部分は、各々現行の 90 日から 6か月、現行の 1 年から 2 年へ延長(iv) 危機予防機能(CMIM 予防ライン (CMIM-Precautionary Line (PL))を導入 我々は、サーベイランス、金融セーフティネット及び能力強化の分野において、IMF の関与を継続。例文帳に追加

Against this backdrop, we all committed to strengthening the CMIM as a part of the regional financial safety net, and unanimously agreed as follows: to double the total size of the CMIM from US$120bn to US$240bn; to increase the IMF de-linked portion to 30% in 2012 with a view to increasing it to 40% in 2014 subject to review should conditions warrant; to lengthen the maturity and supporting period for the IMF linked portion from 90 days to 1 year and from 2 years to 3 years, respectively; and those for the IMF de-linked portion from 90 days to 6 months and from 1 year to 2 years, respectively; to introduce a crisis prevention facility called "CMIM Precautionary Line (CMIM-PL)."  - 財務省


With less than one month left until the expiry of the current Diet session, the mass media have expressed doubt over the fate of the bill. The postal reform bill is intended to ensure that postal services will continue to be universally provided comprehensively by post offices from the standpoint of users and the general public by resolving various problems arising from the postal privatization. The important thing is this. I recently visited Ishinomaki in Sendai City, and as reported by national newspapers over the past few years, I talked with Japan Post employees there and was told that the division into five companies created a difficult situation after the earthquake. For example, at the Ishinomaki post office, the chain of command was split between the postmaster and the branch manager of Japan Post Service Co., as I related to you previously.  - 金融庁


Regarding the other point of your question, which concerns postal savings - 15 years ago, I served as the Minister of Posts and Telecommunications under the second Hashimoto cabinet - fixed-term savings deposited before the privatization of the postal savings business change to ordinary postal savings after maturity, and after the passage of another 10 years, which would mean the passage of a total of 20 years, notices urging savers to take action are sent.  If claims for repayment are not made for two months after the notice, the savers' rights to savings expire under Article 29 of the former Postal Savings Act.  - 金融庁



In this context, if we are to proceed with postponing the expiration of the Act, we will properly request various organizations to submit data or conduct interviews with them. When I served as Parliamentary Vice-Minister of International Trade and Industry twenty years ago, I was in charge of SMEs as required as the Parliamentary Vice-Minister of International Trade and Industry appointed from the House of Representatives back then for one year and three months under (former) Minister of International Trade and Industry Eiichi Nakao. Based on such experience, I have been told by SMEs how extremely helpful the Act has been. I may have also told you previously that according to what I have been informed by bureaucrats, a megabank attended a gathering of various financial institutions-a gathering of shinkin banks and credit unions at one of the financial bureaus-for the first time ever since the establishment of the Act. In that sense, my intuition as a politician is that the Act is proving to be extremely effective against the backdrop of the strong yen at this stage when we are considering the possibility of postponing its expiration.  - 金融庁


浜島書店 Catch a Wave
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