To prevent the penetration of dust and water from the vent, fabric and a moisture-permeable sheet are stretched at the vent portion to prevent dust, or the like. - 特許庁
Since the hanao must be gripped between the toes to hold on to the zori, they are thought to be good for strengthening leg muscles, forming the arch of the foot and preventing bunions. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
When loads in an extension direction is generated to the piezoelectric element actuator 32, the actuator holds on, so as to restrain folding of the bending part 21. - 特許庁
To provide a pair of socks enabling a wearer to sufficiently move the toes and stand firm on the ground. - 特許庁
To provide a method for executing a tension member capable of pulling the tension member in an easily executable manner by a length section required for a tension input. - 特許庁
When lengthwise loads are generated to the piezoelectric element actuator 25, the actuator holds on and rigidity of the vehicle body frame 11 increases, so that it becomes safe against buckling. - 特許庁
To enable simplification of packaging and cost reduction and cause no environmental pollution, and prevent bulking and facilitate management, and hence sufficiently meet the need of customers to articles. - 特許庁
The vascular anastomosing instrument 1 is so configured that, by pulling the threads 4 and 5 from the exterior of the blood vessels, the rings 2 and 3 are drawn closer to each other, and edge portions of the incisions in the two blood vessels are clamped between the rings 2 and 3. - 特許庁
To provide a riding posture guiding method and a device therefor capable of stabilizing the driving posture while the driver braces his legs on the floor properly at the time of running. - 特許庁
To provide passive exercise equipment for naturally and efficiently improving firmly-standing force while balancing by mainly stimulating a calf by a physical approach from outside. - 特許庁
To provide a device for preventing damages by droppings or the like on a veranda by fixing fittings to a handrail or the like of the veranda and an outside passage, and stretching a thread between them to prevent the alighting of birds on the handrail or the like of the veranda and the outside passage. - 特許庁
To provide a level vial for simplifying an operation to put a plurality of equipment for their proper use, and for preventing work interruption due to loss or the like, and for efficiently stacking concrete blocks or the like by integrating the function of a level vial and a function for stretching a leveling string as a reference. - 特許庁
A germination-preventing agent for an aquatic plant, spreading its root in bottom mud in a fresh water area selected from the group consisting of an emerged plant, a floating-leaved plant and a submerged plant, that comprises a magnesium oxide powder having a particle size of at most 0.75 mm and bulk density of at least 2.10 g/cm^3 is scattered on bottom mud in a fresh water area. - 特許庁
To provide an auxiliary implement allowing a person mounting on a wheelchair to brace a body by hands when the wheelchair swings during traveling of a welfare vehicle because cannot cope with the swing of the vehicle by a handrail or an auxiliary handrail equipped in the vehicle, or a wheelchair fixing device when picking up the person by the vehicle. - 特許庁
The tension member 1 is assembled temporarily under a non- tension state having no looseness, interposing a filler plate 7 having the thickness size of a required elongation length section, the filler plate 7 is removed, and the tension member 1 is pulled until an opening 8 formed by removing the filler plate 7 is eliminated. - 特許庁
A bridge portion 16 is torn, the finger hooking portion 14 is erected, and a finger is hooked to the finger hooking portion 14 and the finger hooking portion is pulled, and then, the cap 5 can be easily detached from a bottle mouth 2, and the pre-treatment including the recycling and the sorting can be easily achieved. - 特許庁
By holding and pulling the outer cylinder body 1, the skirt body 9 is detached from the annular part piece 16 and pulled out from the bottom case body 15, to be separated into three of the integrated article, the bottom case body 15 and a lid case body 22 and thus they are disposed of separately by the material. - 特許庁
Although pulverization of the oyster shells has fear of causing bad influence on plant roots when a person gets on the shells for maintenance because the shells are formed each into an angulated shape having corner parts when pulverizing the oyster shells, the corner parts prevent bad influence due to the corner parts by addition of the submaterial. - 特許庁
The potty has a tube (1) at the center of the handle part to charge paper into and out of the tube (1), an openable and closable lid (2) to take paper out of the tube (1) sheet by sheet, and the detachable length-adjustable footrests (4) on the toilet seat part (3). - 特許庁
Note that the consistent and logical legal definition of .link. itself remains to be standardized. Now that numerous disputes are arising from unauthorized use of links, careful consideration is advised whenever you set up a link to any website explicitly saying, "Unauthorized Link Strictly Forbidden". - 経済産業省
The side surface 134 of an autofocus unit 106 projects to the side by an amount equivalent to the thickness of the circuit board for autofocus processing 124, but the upper surface of the casing 104 does not project, so that the lens device 10 will not become a hindrance in the turning operation of the view finder 120 and the sound-collecting microphone 122 of a camera body 110. - 特許庁
In the method for evaluating coagulation of organic compound powder, by stretching a sample of organic compound powder coagulated through the application of load and determining the breaking strength, the sample of coagulated organic compound powder is prepared by applying a heavy load in the range of 100-10,000 times of an actual load to the organic compound powder of 5-30 min. - 特許庁
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