
「まつばる」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(5ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > まつばるに関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 561



Each of the wireless apparatuses 1-12 includes global terminal connection information indicating a connection relationship between the terminal devices and the wireless apparatuses in the entire wireless communication system 100. - 特許庁


The communication processing part establishes a communication session between a plurality of telephone terminals on a private network and a telephone terminal on a global network by using a common port specifying the private network. - 特許庁


It is desirable that acicular powder of a cobalt-iron amorphous alloy be used as the ferromagnetic powder for the board 1, and that the board have an axis of easy magnetization which is easy to be magnetized. - 特許庁


To provide a method of producing a sintered article from a powder with well distributed cobalt and with optimum compaction pressure, and to provide a powder using the method and a sintered article produced by the method. - 特許庁



The second terminal device 100 transmits INVITE with the global address as a transmission destination when telephone communication should be resumed to the first terminal device 60. - 特許庁



This base station device 100 receives a sequence transmitted using different frequency signals for every terminal and in which signals formed by guard intervals and data are repeated for every terminal. - 特許庁


Routers 20, 30 convert the communication addressed to the virtual terminal 40V into an inter-private-network communication to the terminal 50 via a global network GN on the basis of addresses managed by a management server 10. - 特許庁


To obtain an improved new metal powder blend, concretely the one useful for producing vehicle parts such as a valve seat insert or the like. - 特許庁


To provide a valveless pump which is used for mixing powder with high pressure water and dispenses with pressure resistant structure to be adopted to a powder tank. - 特許庁



To reliably perform communication between a terminal on a global network and a terminal on a private network by reducing the number of setting ports of port forwarding to be set in an NAT (Network Address Translator) router. - 特許庁



To provide a hard-particle powder for sintered body which can improve wear resistance of a valve sheet without substantially impairing powder characteristics and sintering characteristic, and to provide a sintered body having excellent wear resistance. - 特許庁


A telephone terminal operates by the absence mode (s360) if an affiliated user does not exist in the predetermined range of the telephone terminal itself, and operates by a normal mode (s350) if the affiliated user exists. - 特許庁

通信端末1aと通信端末1bとの接続経路は、SIP(Session Initiation Protocol)サーバで構成された交換台サーバ6がネットワークアドレス(グローバルIPアドレスなど)、ポート、識別子(MACアドレスなど)を用いて指定する。例文帳に追加

A switchboard server 6 comprising a SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) server designates a connection path between the communication terminals 1a, 1b by using a network address (global IP address or the like), a port, and an identifier (MAC address or the like). - 特許庁


To structure a system which enables 24-hour consultation by globally connecting a biological information measuring terminal of a consulter and a terminal of a consultant doctor by using the Internet. - 特許庁


Then, the communication device allocates a global address to the radio communication terminal 50, and in response to a connection request for a connection-restricted site from the radio communication terminal over the second transmission path, the communication device connects the radio communication terminal to the connection-restricted site. - 特許庁


This powder tank for the dental abrasive sprayer is provided with a delivery valve having a closed body 17 and a delivery port 2 delivering the powder into the mixing chamber 3. - 特許庁


The cobalt ferrite powder is added to the MnZn ferrite powder by 0.18 wt.% and at the same time prescribed amount each of TiO_2, CaCO_3, SiO_2, ZrO_2 and Nb_2O_5, and the mixture is wet pulverized, formed and fired. - 特許庁


Further, since information for sleep interval scheduling is not transmitted when the subscriber terminal shifts to a sleep mode, the amount of traffic between the subscriber terminal and the base station can be reduced. - 特許庁


When next transmission data are transmitted from the communication terminal at a transmitter side to that at the receiver side, the data are transmitted after the lapse of the interval time of the data transmission (S21). - 特許庁


On powder compression, by the operation of the three way valve 80, powder 34 in a cavity 27 is degassed, and the lubricant 68 in the lubricant feed path 74 is recovered to the recovery tank 82. - 特許庁


A terminal gives a terminal identifier of its own station to a data frame and transmits the resulting frame, a proxy converts it into a global address and gives a connection identifier to the global address and transfers the resulting frame to the access unit. - 特許庁


To provide a communication network system for enabling one-to-one mutual communication between a managing terminal, based on a global address and a managing terminal based on a private address. - 特許庁


In the method for surface treatment of the metal component, metal powder with W and Mo added to powder consisting of a cobalt-based alloy material is cladded by welding on a surface of a base metal 35 by the plasma powder welding to form a lining layer 36. - 特許庁


To enable an Internet connection terminal to which a private IP address is assigned, to perform communication in the same manner as terminals to which global IP addresses are assigned. - 特許庁


A metal salt aqueous solution containing the bivalent nickel salt, a bivalent cobalt salt and a complexing agent is reduced with hydrazine in the presence of caustic alkali to precipitate the cobalt-containing nickel powder. - 特許庁


An iron/chromium/cobalt alloy powder with an average particle size of 1.0-500 μm is used to obtain an iron/chromium/cobalt permanent magnet by electric discharge plasma sintering method. - 特許庁


The super-abrasive wheel has a super-abrasive layer using polyimide resin as a binding agent and containing cobalt and/or cobalt-base alloy powder. - 特許庁


This nickel hydroxide electrodes uses an active material obtained by forming a surface of the powder, mainly composed of nickel hydroxide having divalent or higher nickel with a cobalt compound having divalent or higher cobalt. - 特許庁


To provide a precursor substance having a high cobalt content for making a submicron scale cobalt powder to eliminate in advance the disadvantage of prior arts. - 特許庁


The thermal spraying powder contains cobalt alloy particles containing elements having the value of the iron atom diffusion coefficient at 1,100°C being smaller than that of the cobalt element. - 特許庁


It is desirable that the cobalt ion supplying solution that contains nitride be added at the addition rate of 0.45 g/min or less by cobalt conversion, to the nickel hydroxide powder of 1 kg in the suspension. - 特許庁


The terminal, making the request acquires target bulk data by referring to the meta-data, decodes the enciphered bulk data with the decode key and obtains the original data. - 特許庁


To provide a method for manufacturing an engine valve by which the breakage of the shank of a powder compact before sintering can be prevented and productivity can be improved and also to provide the engine valve. - 特許庁


When a terminal equipment 25-1 on a transmission side transmits a global number 31 to a server 5, the server 5 retrieves a database 7 and extracts user information 7a on multiple users 30 corresponding to the global numbers 31. - 特許庁


In this cobalt compound powder for a conductive agent of an alkaline storage battery, each particle 14 formed of a cobalt compound has a polyhedral shape having acute corners or edges, and the average particle diameter thereof is not greater than 5 μm. - 特許庁


The methods of the present invention further reduce a milling time required to form high surface area valve metal powders and lead to reducing contaminant levels in the valve metal powders. - 特許庁


A terminal 390 performs a port allocation request by using the global IP address and the global port number of the server 210, which are preliminarily disclosed. - 特許庁


To provide a raw material powder for a laser clad valve seat having excellent productivity, cladding property, wear resistance and finishing property, and a valve seat using the same. - 特許庁


A resistive element thermoscope 3 is inserted to the bulk cooler 1, and data of milk temperature and cleaning temperature of the bulk cooler tank measured over time is stored in the terminal processor 7 via a temperature data transmission line 8. - 特許庁


To provide a personal digital assistance which can selectively be equipped with a camera unit, reduces wasteful spending and is prevented from becoming unnecessarily bulky. - 特許庁


To provide a bulk transfer device of a receiver terminal side that can correctly recognize a frame synchronization character in a bulk transfer employing a plurality of leased lines. - 特許庁


To interpret an error notification from a global network even in a terminal or server which does not correspond to a call control protocol when any error is generated in a global network which corresponds to the call control protocol. - 特許庁


To provide a valve opening/closing display device appropriately displaying the opened/closed state of a valve at that time from the top face side even when an rotating handle is rotated in a range of 360° or more. - 特許庁


To provide a method and device for taking a bulk material out of a bulk material container, which can be easily manufactured at low cost, and which is easy to utilize and treat particularly in the case of the bulk material which does not flow freely like powder. - 特許庁


A terminal unit for equipment management reads in a range set data stored in a valve memory, and also reads in the range set data for the valve registered in the plant control system, and stores the above two data into the memory. - 特許庁


To provide a communication terminal with which guard interval of an appropriate length for communication is determined, based on a symbol to which one kind of guard interval for measurement is added. - 特許庁


In so doing, according to the beacon interval information stored in the storage part and the belonging state managed by the management part, the wireless terminal device performs passive scanning only for a time of the beacon interval information stored in the storage part. - 特許庁


An intervention server 20 generates link information and stores it on the basis of a user ID and a global address port number received from a user terminal 10 to which no global address is set. - 特許庁


The filling nozzle 15 is inserted in the valve opening 14, the content such as powder can be filled inside from outside, and the valve opening 14 can be sealed inside after the content is filled. - 特許庁



The magnetite-iron-cobalt composite powder for powder magnetic core contains magnetite, and has the average primary particle diameter of 0.7 to 5.0 μm, a bulk density of 0.6 to 2.5 g/cm^3, and a cobalt content of 0.01 to 3mass%. - 特許庁


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