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After Yoritomo died, Nagakiyo was implicated in the Rebellion of Yoshikazu HIKI and accordingly he was punished because his son had been an attendant of the second Shogun MINAMOTO no Yoriie, and owing to this incident, the Ogasawara clan fell at one time, but he became the 'deputy of the seven provinces' as one of the Daishogun (commander in chief) of Tosando and made a great contribution to the Jokyu War, and thanks to this achievement he became the Awa no kuni shugo (provincial constable of Awa Province) in 1221.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


With this timetable, the operation of each type of train is increased in the morning and in the evening, and particularly in the evening (from 16:00 to 17:00), one special limited express train from Sanjo for Tenmabashi, one special express train from Yodo for Tenmabashi, and one 'Gallop' from Yodo for Yodoyabashi are added for operation every 10 minutes, and with the regular trains, in the quadruple-track section (the outbound track between Yodo and Kayashima) five trains were operated on each track (with an average interval of two minutes) in 10 minutes, which was comparable to the number used during the morning rush.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to the investigation by the Nara Prefectural Board of Education, the locals usually did not call the road 'Kohechi,' instead of it, particularly in Nosegawa Village, they called it 'Koya-michi' or 'Koya-kaido' after Mt. Koya (Temple), particularly in Totsukawa Village, they called it 'Kumano-michi' or 'Kumano-kaido' after Kumano (Shrines), presumably the road reflected local people's strong beliefs not only in Kumano Shrines but also in Mt. Koya Temple and in Daishi (higher priests).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


From the Heian period onwards, when the Ritsuryo system declined and the Fujiwara clan gained power, Ommyodo, showed people how to avoid natural disasters through the art of divination and spell-casting and became guidelines that could affect the private life of the Emperor and court nobles, in contrast to Goryo-shinko (an off-shoot of Shintoism, its purpose to quell angry spirits of individuals who have been done injustices), which had become increasingly popular and more ritual in the imperial court.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



In the liberal atmosphere after the end of the World War II, when figures like Hiromichi KUMAZAWA, the so-called 'Emperor Kumazawa,' appeared and each claimed that only he himself was the legitimate successor to the Emperor, most of these self-styled Emperors were reacting to the fact that in 1911 Emperor Meiji had decided that the Southern lineage was the legitimate one, and came forward claiming to be descendants of the Southern dynasty.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Even after Retired Emperor Uda (who soon after became Cloistered Emperor Uta) abdicated the throne to Emperor Daigo, he went far beyond merely his written injunction, the Kanpyo goyuikai--which advised the new emperor on how to prepare himself to rule--and actively planned to continue his leadership role in the new emperor's government by surrounding Emperor Daigo with the group of his closest aides and ministers who had been the driving force behind the administration of the Kanpyo era, notably Michizane but also including MINAMOTO no Yoshi, the Chunagon (vice-councilor of state) MINAMOTO no Mare, the Kuroudo no kami (Majordomo of the palace) TAIRA no Suenaga, and the Jiju (Chamberlain) FUJIWARA no Tadahira.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Since the entry for August 31, 848 in "Shoku Nihon Koki" (Later Chronicle of Japan Continued) contains the description that lightning struck in Heiankyo and damaged some buildings, which included the Kobunin, and since a Chinese poem ('宿') supposedly composed by SUGAWARA no Michizane when he visited the Kobunin in 885 was contained in "Kanke bunso" (an anthology of Chinese-style poetry by SUGAWARA no Michizane) in 885, it was estimated that the Kobunin had existed at least for 80 years after it was founded.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As a couplet in a poem titled 'Anraku-ji ni sanzu' (Visited Anraku-ji Temple) (contained in "Honcho zoku monzui" (Further Anthology of waka poems and prose written in classical Chinese) composed by OE no Masafusa in 1100 to Anraku-ji Temple (SUGAWARA no Michizane's mortuary temple located in Dazaifu) had it 'Ruiyo roka no matsuyo tari' (I was the last leaf in a heap of leaves in the hallway), it could be estimated that the school had been kept by generations of the Monjo hakase of the Sugawara clan and at least until the late Heian period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The contents of the picture scroll match the story marked down in "Godansho," written by OE no Masafusa, and the story is about KIBI no Makibi, a Japanese envoy sent to Tang Dynasty China, who succeeds in returning to Japan after being imprisoned during his visit to Tang by solving arduous tasks: "Monzen" (Wen-hsuan, ancient Chinese poems) Igo (board game of capturing territory) and more set by the Emperor of Tang, with the guidance of his companion ABE no Nakamaro who passed away and became a ghost.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



However, as all other subject names and titles of hakase corresponded with each other (myogyo hakase for myogyodo, san hakase (professor of mathematics) for sando and myobo hakase for myobodo in which once the title of ritsugaku hakase (professor of the law in the Ritsuryo system) was used but changed to myobo hakase later on), it left room for misunderstanding after the Meiji period that monjodo and kidendo existed separately and kidendo was absorbed into monjodo.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



It also owed to activities of foreign monks such as Ganjin (Jianzhen) wajo from Tang who arrived in January 754 in Heijokyo on his sixth attempted voyage to Japan and introduced the precepts of Buddhism, bringing a large number of Buddhist scriptures, Bodai Senna from India who acted as Kaigan doshi (an officiating priest to consecrate a newly made Buddhist statue or image by inserting the eyes) for the daibutsu, Buttetsu, a monk from the kingdom of Champa (Lin Yi, a former name for Vietnam) who came to Japan at the same time as Tang monk Bodai Senna (Dosen) and a large number of monks from Silla.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the Russo-Japanese War, the Japanese military forces and the Government treated their adversaries in a gentlemanly manner in accordance to the way and mentality of bushido ("way of the samurai.") and mentality of the samurai; for instance, the Russian commander of the Lushun Fortress wore his sword when formalizing the surrender of Lushun, and prisoners of war were treated very humanely, and the Japanese Red Cross Society worked hard to treat injured Russian soldiers.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Tsugumichi SAIGO and Ichido HARADA of the Army Ministry, who were responsible for supplying Snider Ammunition, rushed about frantically busy supplying ammunition to support firepower of soldiers fighting in the front line by taking every possible measures like obtaining permission to use the facilities to produce ammunition from the Navy Ministry, planning to purchase 5 million empty cartridge cases from a foreign merchant, and borrowing ammunition from the Qing dynasty in order to supply a great deal of ammunition.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


After the frequent structural changes, the administrative divisions of Taiwan were confirmed as follows: the administrative regions consisting of Taihoku-shu, Shinchiku-shu, Taichu-shu, Tainan-shu and Takao-shu and Taito-cho, Karenko-cho and and Hoko-cho (independent from Takao-shu in 1926) were established in 1920 with the local administrative regions of shi (city), machi (town) and sho (village) ("sha" for the Takasago Tribe settlement) under each administrative region.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Although Toshimichi OKUBO gained the initiative, rooting out pro-Seikanron members during Meiji roku-nen no Seihen (Coups of 1873), Emperor Meiji's pronouncement of that time was that Japan postponed (not abandoned) dispatching troops to Korea due to a border dispute with Russia, which left a strong possibility for reigniting demand from pro-Seikanron once the border with Russia was determined (The Treaty of Saint Petersburg was signed on May 7, 1875.)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Its major roles were foreign diplomacy and defense, and for the nine provinces in Saikaido (Chikuzen, Chikugo, Buzen, Bungo, Hizen, Higo, Hyuga, Satsuma, and Osumi Provinces) and three islands (Iki, Tsushima, and Tane (present Osumi Islands, absorbed into Osumi in 824) Provinces), it held jurisdiction over an administrative branch and a judiciary branch including personnel affairs of jo (secretary of provincial offices) and lower ranks as well as auditing shidoshi (envoys who bring four major official documents sent by kokushi (provincial governors)).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


From 1754 to 1755 the Satsuma Domain was ordered to do flood prevention works of Kiso-sansen (Kiso Three Rivers) in Mino Province, but the bakufu changed the order repeatedly and the Satsuma Domain suffered from no cooperation of the local prominent figures, and until the completion the fifty-one committed Seppuku and the thirty-three died of sickness and the chief retainer and general manager, Yukie HIRATA tragically committed suicide to take his responsibility (the Horeki flood control Incident).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Putting them in order from the biggest number, Mamichi TSUDA published 29, Amane NISHI 25, Shiroshi SAKATANI 20, Koji SUGI 13, Arinori MORI, Shigeki NISHIMURA and Masanao NAKAMURA 11, Hiroyuki KATO 10, Takahira KANDA 9, Rinsho MITSUKURI 5, Takaaki KASHIWABARA (柏原) 4, Yukichi FUKUZAWA 3, Usaburo SHIMIZU 2, Shuhei MITSUKURI, Sen TSUDA and Shokichi SHIBATA 1.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In fact, 200 years before Shingen, Akiie KITABATAKE, who was a young court noble and busho (Japanese military commander) as well as Chinju-fu shogun (Commander-in-Chief of the Defense of the North) in the period of the Northern and Southern Courts (Japan), used the emblem of Fu-Rin-Ka-Zan on a flag when he raised an army at Mutsu Taga-jo Province (present Tagajo City, Miyagi Prefecture) in order to defeat Takauji ASHIKAGA, who took control of Kyoto.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


After that, its ownership was transferred for a while to FUJIWARA no Kanshi (the Empress of the Emperor Goreizei), his daughter, but around 1060, it became customary that important events of imperial families and sekkan-ke (the top family in the govermental hierarchy), such as big banquets by sekkan-ke, the ceremony of assuming the position of Toshi Choja (the chief of the Fujiwara clan), the ceremonies of instituting a crown prince and an empress and coming-of-age ceremonies, were held here, and therefore, it was decided after the era of FUJIWARA no Moromichi that the place would be owned by Toshi Choja (the chief of the sekkan-ke) in each generation.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The inside of each resident area remains uninvestigated, but these regions are presumed to have been living spaces for various craftworkers from the fact that in the southwest of the village there is a market-like place where earthen vessels carried in from Kawach, Omi, Ki and so on were found, in the south a place where unfinished wooden cups, remains related to bronze ware casting and remains of furnaces were found and in the north a place where raw stones of sanukite and their fragments were found in clusters.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It is thought that Hikoisaserihiko no Mikoto (also known as Kibitsuhiko no Mikoto) and Wakatakehiko no Mikoto brothers, the princes of Emperor Korei, as commanders of Yamato dynasty (Shido-shogun [Generals Dispatched to Four Circuits]), toured to the Kibi Province to subdue Ura, who were the armed forces there and advanced iron making skills (they are considered as powerful local clans and cooperating groups of toraijin, i.e. settlers from overseas).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In any case, in order to make the repayment, the new bank to be created through the business integration will first need to gain the trust of customers and society by building a robust business model, making an appropriate business performance and increasing its corporate value through a steady increase in profits.  - 金融庁

・ 中小企業者からの貸付条件の変更等の申込み、中小企業者に係る事業再生ADR手続の実施依頼の確認、企業再生支援機構からの債権買取申込み等の求めについて、他の金融機関や政府系金融機関、信用保証協会等、中小企業再生支援協議会が関係している場合には、当該者と緊密な連携を図ることの確保例文帳に追加

. For a request from a small or medium-sized enterprise for a change in loan conditions, etc., or for confirmation of a request for implementation of Business Reconstruction ADR Procedure concerning a small or medium-sized enterprise, or for a credit purchase request etc. from the Enterprise Turnaround Initiative Corporation of Japan, in cases involving other financial institutions, governmental financial institutions, credit guarantee association, etc., or the Small and Medium Size Business Rehabilitation Support Co-operative, ensure that there is work on close cooperation with those parties  - 金融庁

・ 中小企業者からの貸付条件の変更等の申込み、中小企業者に係る事業再生ADR手続の実施依頼の確認、企業再生支援機構からの債権買取申込み等の求めについて、他の金融機関・政府系金融機関、信用保証協会等、中小企業再生支援協議会が関係している場合には、当該者と緊密な連携を図ることに関する取決め例文帳に追加

. For a request from a small or medium-sized enterprise for loan condition changes, etc., or for confirmation of a request for implementation of a Business Reconstruction ADR Procedure concerning a small or medium-sized enterprise, or for a credit purchase request etc. from the Enterprise Turnaround Initiative Corporation of Japan, in cases involving other financial institutions, governmental financial institutions, credit guarantee association, etc., or the Small and Medium Size Business Rehabilitation Support Co-operative, arrangements so that there is work on close cooperation with those parties  - 金融庁

・ 中小企業者からの貸付条件の変更等の申込み、中小企業者に係る事業再生A DR手続の実施依頼の確認、企業再生支援機構からの債権買取申込み等の求めについて、他の金融機関・政府系金融機関、信用保証協会等、中小企業再生支援協議会が関係している場合には、当該者と緊密な連携を図るための手続例文帳に追加

. For a request from a small or medium-sized enterprise for a change in loan conditions, etc., or for confirmation of a request for implementation of a Business Reconstruction ADR Procedure concerning a small or medium-sized enterprise, or for a credit purchase request etc. from the Enterprise Turnaround Initiative Corporation of Japan, in cases involving other financial institutions, governmental financial institutions, credit guarantee association etc., or the Small and Medium Size Business Rehabilitation Support Co-operative, procedures to work on close cooperation with those parties  - 金融庁


The two Customs Heads discussed a variety of issues, including efforts on facilitation of passenger processing, developments in Intellectual Property Rights Protection, the research and development of Customs inspection equipment, human resource development, modalities of technical assistance, and shared a common understanding that the functions and operations of Customs need to continuously evolve in response to the changing trade environment. - 財務省


In consideration of these economic conditions, on September 10, the government adopted the “Three-Step Economic Measures for the Realization of the New Growth Strategy,” which set forth how policy measures should be implemented in the period through FY 2011, and on October 8, it adopted the “Comprehensive Emergency Economic Measures in Response to the Yen's Appreciation and DeflationasStep 2” of the Three-Step Economic Measures.  - 財務省


From the early days including the BAckfile CONversion project, or "BACON," a cornerstone for IT efforts in 1988.to the Patent Prosecution Highway to the futuristic "Global Dossier" concept, the Trilateral Offices have led the way on international patent cooperation and laid the groundwork for work sharing efforts globally.  - 特許庁


The electrostatic charge image developing negative charge type magnetic toner consists essentially of a bonding resin, a magnetic powder and a charge controlling agent. - 特許庁


The optically anisotropic layer is formed of a copolymer which has a repeating unit derived from a monomer which has a specified structure containing a fluoro aliphatic group with a CHF_2 group at the optically anisotropic layer end. - 特許庁


The light quantity adjusting device includes: a base member including an opening; a plurality of light adjusting blades including cam grooves different in shape mutually and performing linear reciprocating motion to vary light quantity passing through the opening; and a driving mechanism moving a drive pin engaging in the cam grooves to drive a plurality of light quantity adjusting blades. - 特許庁


In this soundproof hollow synthetic resin material 100 which is provided with a hollow portion partitioned with a plurality of mutually opposed flat plates and a plurality of ribs, a long solid material 120 is inserted into at least the one hollow portion 113 of a hollow synthetic resin material body 110 having both ends of the hollow portion opened. - 特許庁


To provide a ball circulation tube for a ball screw corresponding to high speed, which improves the strength of a tongue for scooping up a ball in a ball circulation tube in the ball screw having the tongue for scooping the ball on both ends, when the ball is introduced and circulated without changing the standard size of a nut. - 特許庁


The polyglycerol fatty acid ester preferably comprises monoester of polyglycerol and a fatty acid, and the fatty acid preferably comprises at least one kind selected from the group consisting of myristic acid, stearic acid, caproic acid, caprylic acid, capric acid, lauric acid, palmitic acid, isostearic acid, behenic acid, erucic acid, palmitoleic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid, linolenic acid and octyl acid. - 特許庁


The method for forming folded fliers or coupons and applying them to cigarette boxes by a cigarette wrapping machine includes processes of cutting individual fliers from a continuous narrow slip material, applying horizontal folding lines which cross the fliers in the longitudinal direction, and wrapping each flier around one of a pair of wind-up members which operates in conjunction with a fixed restraining means. - 特許庁


The invention relates to transmembrane receptors, more particularly to a human G protein-coupled receptor for which the endogenous ligand is unknown (orphan GPCR receptors), and most particularly to mutated (non-endogenous) versions of the human GPCRs for evidence of constitutive activity. - 特許庁


The virtual network control method of controlling virtual networks by attractor selection in which behavior that a living creator makes to adapt itself to unknown environmental change is modeled includes a storing step of storing a fluctuation equation representing the attractor selection, a designing step of designing parameters included in the fluctuation equation, and a control step of controlling virtual networks by applying the parameters to the fluctuation equation. - 特許庁


A correction image generation part 111 performs de-convolution processing on a position specified by a direction component of a blur vector using the frequency component of the array holding the above-mentioned weight value and the frequency component of the composite image, and generates an output image by carrying out inverse frequency conversion of the result of the de-convolution processing. - 特許庁


To provide a resin composition formable of a molding for optical use, which has such heat resistance that distortion etc., do not occur when exposed to high temperature environment for a long period of time, high transparency to efficiently guide LED light, low hardness, and flexibility, and a molding for optical use obtained by using the same. - 特許庁


Six sets of acceleration information, based on the detected information of an acceleration sensor 20, are substituted into a variable of an equation of an ellipsoid, including six parameters corresponding to the sensitivities and offsets in the three detection axis detections of the acceleration sensor 20 orthogonal to one another that form simultaneous quadratic equations with the six parameters as the unknowns. - 特許庁


The temperature control system 10 senses a temperature boundary b dividing a low temperature region a1 from a high temperature region a2 generated within a tank 30 and gradually lowers the temperature of the heating object fluid f5 led to an auxiliary heating part 50 before hot water shortage occurs, to prevent rapid change in heating amount per unit time required for the auxiliary heating part 50. - 特許庁


The imaging system includes a camera device having an image sensor, a lens device including an aperture to guide light from the object to the image sensor, and the wiper disposed on the object side of the lens device, and includes an adjustment function for reducing a change in the brightness of a photographed image output from the image sensor, and stops the adjustment function when the wiper is operating. - 特許庁


To prevent fuel droplet from staying in an auxiliary chamber, while compactly-arranging an auxiliary chamber and an auxiliary port at positions where interference with other members is avoided, in an internal combustion engine with auxiliary chamber, in which the auxiliary port disposed to a cylinder head is connected with the auxiliary chamber guiding part of air-fuel mixture of a combustion chamber by opening an auxiliary chamber at a compression stroke. - 特許庁


When sections with traffic regulation, such as traffic stop, are present and no path other than the sections with traffic regulation is present, in roads around the destination entered into the route guiding device, the route guiding device sets an end of the road near the destination of both ends of the road as a new destination, makes a path from the current location to the new destination, and guides to the destination. - 特許庁


The widened part is configured such that luminous flux emitted from a lens 13 is led to an incidence surface S of the base 21 so that a length Z in the Z-axis direction of a cut plane of the luminous flux by a plane including the incidence surface of the base 21 is shorter than or equal to a length (a) in the Z-axis direction of the incidence surface of the base 21. - 特許庁


The fluid resistance reduction apparatus 10 includes: the heat engine 11 mounted on a marine vessel 1; the engine coolant cooling the heat engine 11; routing means 13 introducing the heat of the engine coolant to the vessel body 12 of the marine vessel 1 under a draft line; and heat exchanging means 14 releasing the heat, fed through the routing means 13, into the vessel body 12 under the draft line. - 特許庁


In the lower end 112a of a supporting column 112 in a ladder body 110 comprising a pair of supporting columns 112 and 114 and a plurality of treads 116 therebetween, a rotation part 120, disposed on the floor 10a of a utility tunnel 10, is installed to support the supporting column 112 in a freely turnable manner mainly at the axis parallel to the extended direction of the ladder body 110. - 特許庁


A hydraulic fluid fed so as to lubricate the bearing 16 for rotatably supporting an inner input shaft 15 in an outer input shaft 12 is led to the bearing 25 for supporting the rotor 21 of the motor 20 via an inter-axis oil passage 65 formed between the outer input shaft 12 and the inner input shaft 15 and a through oil passage 66 penetratingly formed at the outer input shaft 12 to perform lubrication. - 特許庁



The projector includes a body cabinet 1, a projection port 4 arranged to the body cabinet 1 for guiding modulated light to the outside, a first air exhaust port 9 arranged on the left side face of the body cabinet, and a first exhaust unit 21 for exhausting air warmed by heat exchange with a light source lamp, etc., arranged in the body cabinet 1 through the first exhaust port 9. - 特許庁


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