
「データ読み込み」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(5ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > データ読み込みの意味・解説 > データ読み込みに関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 1265



A document read function section 10 reads a document and an image dividing function section 1 divides image data of the read document by each block according to a prescribed division number. - 特許庁


An image pickup means 2a continuously reads fingerprint images, an extracting means 2b extracts the fingerprint image just after a finger tip touches a reading plane, and a detecting means 4a detects the reference position of fingerprint data from this image. - 特許庁


In a vote counting apparatus 30, a radio tag reading part 31 reads in the information stored in the radio tag 21, and a decoding part 40 decodes the encrypted vote data. - 特許庁


When the full cancel key is pressed in the middle of image data reading operation, such reading is forcibly stopped in emergency and that processing mode is ended. - 特許庁



A prescribed number of data symbols for mapping to a prescribed number of sub-carrier signals of the OFDM symbol is read in an interlever memory and read out in order different from the read-in order. - 特許庁



To avoid the lowering of reading speed for the data in which the lowering causes a problem by a linear alternate processing of an alternate sector processing for the secondary defect sector of an optical disk. - 特許庁


The read timing data preparation means sets the read timing in a non-output period having no output timing over a period of time in the program. - 特許庁


When reading of the BB prize winning flag is completed, reading of the RB prize winning flag data from the special prize winning position storing memory is started by the prize winning completion controlling part 64. - 特許庁


When the storage element is a memory, the extraction part 101 reads in the head address and size, but when an FF, the address is read in and its data are outputted to an address conflict detection part 103. - 特許庁



To evade the deterioration of a reading speed with respect to data such as the one bringing the problem due to the deterioration of the reading speed, by the linear alternating process being the alternating sector process of a secondary defective sector of an optical disk. - 特許庁



Moreover, prior to the read-in processing of image data, a storage device having a storage capacity not smaller than a predetermined storage capacity is detected, and a service is terminated so that it is possible to avoid such circumstances that it takes a long time to perform the read-in processing. - 特許庁


To avoid the deterioration of reading rate with the respect to such a data that the deterioration of reading causes trouble by means of a linear alternating processing which is an alternating sector processing of secondary defective sector of optical disk. - 特許庁


When the total-cancel key is pressed while reading operation of image data is being performed, the reading operation is forcibly urgently stopped so as to terminate the processing mode. - 特許庁


An image processing circuit 22 reads a value of optical axis deviation (a discrimination circuit in deviation between an optical axis of an optical system 10 and a center of a valid range of an imaging element 20 and a deviation amount) from an internal memory 30 and reads a correction data group. - 特許庁


To avoid the lowering of reading speed for the data in which the lowering of reading speed causes a problem by a linear alternate processing of an alternate sector processing for the secondary defect sector of an optical disk. - 特許庁


When the separated data failed in read of the data exists, the separated data which can not be read is created by using the redundant data and original data is restored by the separated data. - 特許庁


File data areas are secured on a memory, and file data are read in the file data areas to analyze the file data, and event data which are reference data are referred to. - 特許庁


The image processing apparatus includes: a decoding means for reading coded data from a code storage means in the unit of a block according to a read address generated by a code reading address generating means and decoding and outputting the read coded data in the unit of a line; and an image processing means for applying image processing in the unit of a line to image data decoded by the decoding means. - 特許庁


Even if data reading inspection for all tracks of the magnetic tape are not performed, inspection of data error caused by physical damage of the magnetic tape can be performed by performing data reading inspection for one track from the head of the magnetic tape to the terminal. - 特許庁


In a step S33, resource data which are temporarily stored are read by the recording processing performed simultaneously with the reproduction processing, during the recording processing and in a step S42, the content data to be reproduced are read on the basis of the resource data. - 特許庁


Since reading of the image data on the rear side is finished before reading of the image data of the front side is finished, the time until a first copy is output can be reduced when the image reading apparatus reads the control code-attached image data and prints out the data. - 特許庁


A control part 31 in the ticket checking machine 30 writes and/or read out the ticket data in/from the IC card through a communication control part 32 and quickly writes and/or read out examination data in/from the checking data area of the memory by performing mutual authentication based on a common key system. - 特許庁


In a calculation processing device 1, a part file is read from the part data storage area 6 of a storage device 2, a decrement area file is read from the decrement area data storage area 7 of the storage device 2, and a set file is read from a set data storage area 8. - 特許庁


Performance data for a special performance are read in, and the reading of a prescribed performance data are omitted by responding to the winning of a replay winning combination; so, with the winning of the replay winning combination, the special performance is executed without forcibly ending it otherwise done by the reading of the prescribed performance data. - 特許庁


To provide an external storage device controller capable of preventing data stored in a block concerned from being lost by retreating the data stored in the block to another block when the reading of the data succeeds by retrial after failing its reading. - 特許庁


A game machine 1 reads the data of a cassette 2 and signature data, for which the digest of these data is enciphered, compares the digest of read data with deciphered signature data and certifies the cassette 2. - 特許庁


The XML generation processing part 14 reads the format data with XML definition information attached thereto from the format data file 13, converts the print data into the XML data and outputs the XML data to an XML data file 15. - 特許庁


Music number data in TOC data stored on a CD are read out and only a reading of a number corresponding to the music in the TOC data is from a database stored with readings of numbers and held as candidate data. - 特許庁


An equivalent circuit converting means 1A reads circuit diagram data D1 on a transistor level and equivalent conversion rule data D2 of the circuit, and converts and outputs the circuit diagram data D1 based on the equivalent conversion rule data D2. - 特許庁


The digital microelectronic circuit is provided with a data processor with a clock (1) and a converter (2) for reading data in the output of the data processor, carrying out a prescribed converting operation of data and supplying converted data. - 特許庁


An inspection result data read part 34 reads CAD result data, medical image data, biochemical examination data and oral consultation data respectively from various kinds of storage parts 24-26. - 特許庁


In the case of reproducing picture data, a picture data retrieval means 310 of a picture data reproduction section 300 reads the picture data management information 110 recorded in the memory 100 and retrieves a picture data file to be displayed next on the basis of the information 110. - 特許庁


The center side server reads demonstration graphic data 110 comprising statistical data of a purchase data collecting object region, compares them with the attribute data of the registered panelists, and detects the attribute data with a large deviation. - 特許庁


In the chain type DMA data transfer, control information data are read in the order of pointer data and the transfer is carried out according to the read-in control information data, so that the data are transferred in the correct transfer order. - 特許庁


A data selection part 11 in an image processing section 4 reads the DCT data stored in the image memory section 3, DCT data larger than a threshold value are selected and sent to a data arithmetic operation section 12, and the data arithmetic operation section 12 performs a given processing. - 特許庁


The two or more NC data and the schedule data determining the execution order of the NC data and the like are read out by a data control part 85, and the NC data are respectively transmitted to a CNC part 77 by the scheduled order. - 特許庁


An automatic bending data generating part 25 reads the cutting shape data from the cutting shape data memory 29, generates bending data considering a position of the joint or the like, and stores it in a bending data memory 27. - 特許庁

読み込みおよび書き込み動作は、 このオフセット位置から行われ、データが転送される毎にオフセットの位置は更新されます。例文帳に追加

Read and write operations start at this offset, which is updated after each data transfer.  - FreeBSD

上記の lpr(1)コマンドではファイル名の指定がないので、 lprは標準入力から印字するデータ、 この場合、ls -lコマンドの出力、を読み込みます。例文帳に追加

Because no files were listed for the lpr(1) command, lpr read the data to print from standard input, which was the output of the ls -l command.  - FreeBSD


For extra security, static data can be put on a separate partition that is mounted read-only. - Gentoo Linux


Start next cycle, but skip reading from the input if there is still data in the pattern space.  - JM

関数はネットワークデータベースから次のエントリを読み込み、そのエントリを netent 構造体の要素別のフィールドに格納し、その構造体を返す。例文帳に追加

function reads the next entry from the networks database and returns a netent structure containing the broken-out fields from the entry.  - JM

は、この後の同じファイルからのデータ読み込み時にディスク I/O で動作が停止 (block) しないように、前もってファイルの内容をページ・キャッシュに読み込む。例文帳に追加

populates the page cache with data from a file so that subsequent reads from that file will not block on disk I/O.  - JM


readfds This set is watched to see if data is available for reading from any of its file descriptors.  - JM

select () から戻る時に、exceptfds のうち、OOB データ読み込みが可能になっているディスクリプタ以外は集合から削除される。例文帳に追加

has returned, exceptfds will be cleared of all file descriptors except for those that are available for reading OOB data.  - JM

Hibernate は、アプリケーションとデータベースの間に位置し、オブジェクトの読み込みと保存をシームレスに行って、持続性のある内容管理を支援します。例文帳に追加

Hibernate sits between your application and database, and seamlessly loads and saves objects, assisting you with persistence content management.  - NetBeans

キャッシュを有効にすると、取得した値がすべてユーザのセッションに保存されます。 これにより、データベースからの読み込み量を減らします。例文帳に追加

If the cache is enabled then any values retrieved will be saved in the user's session to reduce load on the database.  - PEAR

データソースドライバの読み込みとインスタンス作成を行う、賢いメソッドです。 さまざまな方法でコールすることができます。例文帳に追加

A clever method which loads and instantiate data source drivers.Can be called in various ways:  - PEAR

EOF に到達しない限り、少なくとも 1 バイトの転送処理済みデータ読み込みます。 EOF に到達した場合は '' を返します。例文帳に追加

Read at least one byte of cooked data unless EOF is hit.Return '' if EOF is hit.  - Python


fp rehashrehash 引き数を指定すると、フォントパスを現在値にリセットし、現在のフォントパスのフォントデータベースをサーバに再読み込みさせる。例文帳に追加

The default argument causes the font path to be reset to the server's default. fp rehash - XFree86


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