該当件数 : 97件
The financial consultant commented on the off-balance-sheet. - Weblio英語基本例文集
the value at which an asset is carried on a balance sheet - 日本語WordNet
The company's balance sheet is debt free. - 旅行・ビジネス英会話翻訳例文
The city government prepared the balance sheet for 2001. - 京大-NICT 日英中基本文データ
(iii) The transfer of risks off bank balance sheets was overestimated. - 経済産業省
The decline in housing prices affects household balance-sheets adjustments - 経済産業省
a list of debts and credits showing a family's financial condition, called household balance sheet - EDR日英対訳辞書
Then, a balance sheet is prepared by using the asset information and the debt information and the pure assets. - 特許庁
Equity investments made by the reporting company using the company's own capital and balance sheet, including: - 経済産業省
Such severe situation as the housing market had an influence on the balance sheet adjustment of the family budget. - 経済産業省
Therefore, it is thought that balance sheet adjustment in the household sector continues for the time being. - 経済産業省
In addition, the flow of capital into the United States, Europe and emerging countries with balance sheet problems has been delayed. - 経済産業省
Many plans for the construction of danchi are decided based on a balance sheet with a supply that corresponds to demand and profit. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
This requires greater transparency and further strengthening of banks’ balance sheets and better corporate governance of financial firms. - 財務省
We welcome and encourage the MDBs to continue making full use of their balance sheets. - 財務省
full and exceptional use of MDB balance sheets, to create further capacity for lending to meet crisis needs; - 財務省
They noted the importance of strengthening national balance sheets to help cushion against unexpected shocks. - 財務省
Consistent with prudential considerations, there should be a full and transparent disclosure of the impairment of banks' balance sheets. - 財務省
Based upon them, portfolio analysis/balance sheet (current state analysis), insurance analysis, and portfolio modeling/tax measures are taken. - 特許庁
The debtor side 5 discloses balance sheet information, profit and loss data and the like of own enterprise on a Web server 9. - 特許庁
A lifetime fund balance analysis means allows the transition of a household balance to be visualized, together with loan payments by means of a graph or a balance sheet. - 特許庁
Improvements in performance and balance sheet shifted capital investment-to-cash flow ratio from downward to upward trend - 経済産業省
In addition, revitalization methods that involve adjustments of company balance sheets are used frequently by enterprises that deal with many financial institutions. - 経済産業省
The preceding sections analyzed mainly borrowing from financial institutions, i.e. financing through liabilities on the balance sheet. - 経済産業省
家計部門のバランスシートを確認すると、2009 年第4 四半期末の純資産の可処分所得比は4.9 倍となった(第1-2-1-4 図)。例文帳に追加
The balance sheet for the household sector shows that the ratio of disposable income to net assets at the end of the fourth quarter of 2009 was 1:4.9 (see Figure 1-2-1-4). - 経済産業省
Asset impairment caused by destabilizing housing market prices is a factor to lengthen the balance sheet adjustment in the household sector. - 経済産業省
Examining price trends, many advanced economies continued balance sheet adjustment in 2010, which is being affected by such factors as the collapsing real estate prices. - 経済産業省
Over the past 10 years, such extreme ideas, mainly promoted by Wall Street investment banks, have led the world. That was because the United States was a capitalist nation centering around the financial sector and it was the most powerful country in the world. - 金融庁
As for the quality of capital, there are risks in both assets on the balance sheet and assets off the balance sheet. The role of a bank’s capital is to absorb losses suffered by the bank when the risks materialize, thus enabling the bank to maintain financial soundness and enhancing the possibility of the bank’s business operations being continued. - 金融庁
Changes in prices of securities held by banks affect their balance sheets through changes in valuation profits and losses on those holdings. - 金融庁
また、ABCP プログラムの下での流動性補完の実行を通じて、関係する金融機関のバランスシートが拡大し、流動性リスクが信用リスクに転化するという問題が生じたと言われる。例文帳に追加
It is also said that the balance sheets of the financial institutions concerned have been expanding through the provision of liquidity under the ABCP programs, as a result of which liquidity risks are transformed into credit risks. - 金融庁
The process of disposing of them and removing them from the balance sheets is necessary. I believe that the fact that the United States has started to work on this process represents significant progress. - 金融庁
Secondly, when a financial institution holds a huge amount of non-performing assets, it is desirable to remove the losses from the balance sheet in order to dispel concern about the possibility of additional losses arising. - 金融庁
Progress is also needed to strengthen balance sheets and market infrastructure, and to reduce risks from systemically important financial institutions and moral hazard, while ensuring a level playing field. - 財務省
In pursuit of our goal of strengthening the public sector balance sheet, work is needed to better assess risks to public debt sustainability. - 財務省
The U.S. side welcomed the Government of Japan's strong commitment to implement measures to address weaknesses in bank and corporate balance sheets. - 財務省
The decline in land prices, which has put downward pressure on the Japanese economy through corporate balance sheet adjustments, has contracted.Stock prices have moved up steadily. - 財務省
The desired rebound in private demand has not materialized due to a combination of weak job growth, the ongoing correction in the housing sector and the associated rebuilding of household balance sheets. - 財務省
Further progress is also required on financial repair and reform to increase the transparency and strengthen the balance sheets of our financial institutions, and support credit availability and rapid growth, including in the real economy. - 財務省
First, should the pace of the recovery in the global economy turn out to be slower than expected, it could cause asset prices to plunge, thereby worsening the balance-sheet problem in the household and corporate sectors. - 財務省
We support a substantial increase in MDB lending and full and exceptional use of MDB balance sheets in order to mitigate the effects of the global recession on emerging markets and developing countries. - 財務省
Our key priority now is to address the uncertainties around the value of assets held on banks' balance sheets, which significantly constraining banks' are lending. - 財務省
The eligibility of assets for support should be kept flexible due to the difference in balance sheet compositions, the conditions in different countries and because the amount and type of impaired assets is likely to differ across financial sectors. - 財務省
Inter-enterprise credit is an important means of financing for SMEs; in recent years, inter enterprise credit has accounted for a higher percentage on balance sheets at SMEs than short-term borrowing (Fig. 3-2-33). - 経済産業省
Below, we analyze financing through equity on the balance sheet and market-oriented indirect financing, which has emerged owing to advances in financial technology. - 経済産業省
Besides income, the environment remains severe for personal consumption owing to factors such as continuing tight credit conditions and balance sheet adjustments in a household sector burdened with excessive debt. - 経済産業省
米国家計部門のバランスシートを確認すると、負債の可処分所得比は、ピークである2008 年第1 四半期末の1.4 倍から、2009 年第4 四半期末は1.3 倍に低下した。例文帳に追加
The U.S. household sector’s balance sheet shows the ratio of debts to disposable income declined from its peak of 1:1.4 in the first quarter of 2008 to 1.3 in the fourth quarter of 2009. - 経済産業省
In the United Kingdom, households have been pressured to adjust their balance sheets by the credit crunch which followed the financial crisis and the collapse of the housing bubble, and this move has given rise to sluggish personal consumption and housing investment, which have made a major negative contribution to economic growth. - 経済産業省
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