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該当件数 : 104



strong yen and weak Euro  - Weblio Email例文集


In relation to foreign exchange, in particular, the euro dropped below 100 yen around the turn of the year.  - 金融庁

ドル/ユーロ相場は、2011 年に入って以降、ドルユーロ高傾向で推移した(第1-4-1-5 図)。例文帳に追加

In the dollar/Euro exchange market, Euro appreciated against Dollar in 2011 (Figure 1-4-1-5). - 経済産業省

「これいくらで買ったの?」「20ユーロくらい」「っ! 嘘でしょ?」例文帳に追加

"How much did you pay for this?" "About 20 euros." "Wow! That's incredibly cheap." - Tatoeba例文



"How much did you buy it for?" "About 20 euros." "That cheap? Really?" - Tatoeba例文


東日本大震災の以前、ユーロ圏全体におけるインフレ加速とECB の利上げ観測等もあり、円ユーロ高傾向で推移していた。例文帳に追加

Before the East Japan Great Earthquake Disaster, the Yen has been depreciating against the Euro due to acceleration of inflation in the Euro zone and the prospect for another raise in interest-rate by ECB. - 経済産業省


As for the yen and euro, there has been predominant weakening of the euro from the beginning of 2010 after the concerns in Europe including Greece. - 経済産業省


After this new information government bonds in Greece and the euro dropped and the dollar/euro rate dropped to the low level of 1 euro = 1.33 dollars for the first time in a year. - 経済産業省


Included in these countermeasures was the European stabilization mechanism which is a fund support framework of at most 500 billion euros for euro member countries. - 経済産業省



On the exchange rate of yen and euro, the yen became stronger against the euro starting from the end of 2009. It was due to financial risk in Europe especially in Greece. The appreciation of yen against the euro rapidly progressed to the level of ¥112 commencing from the last 10 days of April through May in 2010. Again, it was due to increase in debt concerns in Greece. - 経済産業省



At the euro zone summit held on May 7th, 2010, all organizations within the euro zone (cabinet ministers, European Commission and the ECB) and member countries agreed to implement all executable measures in order to maintain stability within the euro zone. - 経済産業省


The European stabilization mechanism would be made up of 60 billion euros procured from the market by the European Commission using the EU budget as a guarantee and the support (guarantee) of at most 440 billion euros from euro member states. - 経済産業省


The EFSF has already played an important role in safeguarding the stability of the euro area as a whole.  - 財務省


We certainly recognize that the euro-zone countries have made great efforts so far in stabilizing the region.  - 財務省

4 月7 日、欧州中銀による金融危機後初の利上げにより円ユーロ高となった。例文帳に追加

On April 7, the Yen depreciated against the Euro due to the rise in interest-rate by ECB for the first time after the monetary crisis. - 経済産業省

ユーロは2 年前と比べると11.0%下落し、ドルも2007 年の円時から比べると7.6%下落している。例文帳に追加

The euro drops 11.0% from two years ago and the dollar declines 7.6% from 2007 when the yen was weaker. - 経済産業省


Since the debt problem emerged, the EU and euro zone authorities have taken measures to stabilize the financial markets in sequence including the establishment of a relief fund system amounting to a total of 500 billion (raised to ?700 billion in March, 2012). However, market concerns have not been completely eliminated. - 経済産業省


The frameworks consist of a "European Financial Stabilization Mechanism (EFSM)," which was based on the EU's existing system "International Balance of Payments Facility" (finance for supporting EU member counties facing an international balance of payments crisis) with its finance capacity increased to 60billion, and a "European Financial Stabilization Facility (EFSF)" with 440 billion, which is a special-purpose entity consisting of euro member countries. - 経済産業省


As was mentioned now, there have been unstable movements in the foreign exchange market, with the euro dropping to the 1.27 dollar-range and to the 98-yen range yesterday, on January 5.  - 金融庁


In case of Korea, the central bank exchanged their purchased US dollar into the Euro market and it led to Won's depreciation against the Euro and Won's appreciation against the US dollar. - 経済産業省

一方、対ユーロの為替レートもドルと同様、2011 年4 月以降円高傾向が続いており、2012 年1 月には、米格付け大手スタンダード・アンド・プアーズがフランス等ユーロ圏9か国の国債を一斉に格下げしたことを受け、約11年ぶりの円高・ユーロ安となった。例文帳に追加

While it wavered somewhat up to February 2012, the exchange rate has since settled down at between 75 to 80 yen against the US dollar. The yen similarly continued to strengthen against the euro from April 2011, and in January 2012, the mass downgrading by U.S. credit rating agency Standard & Poors of the government debt of nine eurozone members, including France, propelled the yen to its highest against the euro in some 11 years.  - 経済産業省


In foreign currency markets the euro continued to depreciate from August onwards, while investors bought the yen as safe assets sending the currency further appreciating (Figure 1-1-2-5). - 経済産業省

現在ユーロ圏には、各国の保証により債券を発行して資金を調達し、4400億ユーロ規模の融資能力を持つ欧州金融定ファシリティ―(EFSF:European Financial Stability Facility)がある。例文帳に追加

At present, Europe has the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF), which has a lending capacity of 440 billion euro, financed through issuing bonds guaranteed by euro-zone countries.  - 財務省


The Euro Area members of the G20 will take all necessary measures to safeguard the integrity and stability of the area, improve the functioning of financial markets and break the feedback loop between sovereigns and banks.  - 財務省


Governments in the euro area commit to take all necessary measures and actions needed to ensure the stability of the euro area and have adopted a comprehensive package.  - 財務省


Three months from now the euro will be introduced. A greater role for the Japanese yen, as an international currency together with the US dollar and the euro, should contribute to the stability of the international monetary system.  - 財務省

震災の影響で一時、円高ユーロ安が急速に進行したが、3 月18 日のG7 による協調介入により、3 月下旬にはユーロは震災前の水準に戻った。例文帳に追加

The Yen's appreciation against the Euro progressed temporarily due to earthquake disaster, but Euro returned to the level existing before the earthquake disaster at the end of March due to coordinate intervention by G7 on March 18. - 経済産業省


In addition, a Euro Plus Pact, under which the member countries would make policy coordination in a wide range of areas such as the strengthening of competitiveness, promotion of employment, strengthening of fiscal sustainability and strengthening of financial stability, was approved at a meeting of the euro zone leaders in March 2011. - 経済産業省


Additionally, to secure market confidence about the government bonds in the euro zone, the European Commission publicized a proposal document for an open discussion for introducing a stability bond (Euro bond) in November 2011. Attention will be paid to the progress of the discussion in the future. - 経済産業省


Investors did not pay sufficient attention to the disparities in the competitiveness and soundness of public finance among euro-zone countries, because to the euro-zone investors there was no exchange rate risk in the intra-regional transactions due to the euro being ubiquitously used in the euro zone, and governance in the public sector was also considered to be equally stable among the member countries under the Stability and Growth Pact.  - 財務省


Ministers discussed the prospect of exchange markets after the launch of the euro and stressed the importance of its stability.  - 財務省


We welcome European Leaderscommitment to take all necessary measures to safeguard the integrity and stability of the Euro area.  - 財務省


Economic and monetary policies of the euro area will have significant implications for the stability of the global financial and monetary system.  - 財務省

震災直後は、ドル、ユーロに対して元傾向となったが、G7 協調介入後は元高傾向で推移した。例文帳に追加

Immediately after the earthquake disaster, the Yuan registered a lower value both against the US dollar and Euro, but this trend changed to higher value of the Yuan after coordinated intervention by G7. - 経済産業省

震災直後は、ドル、ユーロに対してウォン傾向となったが、G7 協調介入後はウォン高傾向で推移した(第1-4-1-4 図)。例文帳に追加

Immediately after the earthquake disaster, the Won was traded at a lower value against both US dollar and Euro, but the trend changed to higher value of the Won after coordinated intervention by G7 (Figure 1-4-1-4). - 経済産業省


We welcome the European Leaderscommitment to take all necessary measures to safeguard the integrity and stability of the Euro area. - 経済産業省


In parallel with responses at an EU level, the ECB has also taken measures to stabilize the financial markets in the euro zone. - 経済産業省


The IMF would also participate in this support measure by supplying half the amount of the European stabilization mechanism, or 250 billion euros. - 経済産業省


In addition, there is a trend to raise the ratio of the Euro in the currency portfolio in order to avoid erosion in the value of foreign reserves due to the weak dollar. - 経済産業省

その内訳は、全ての EU 加盟国が対象となる上限600億ユーロの「欧州金融定化メカニズム(EFSM)」と、ユーロ圏参加国が欧州中央銀行への出資率に応じた比例配分で拠出して特別目的会社(SPV)を設立する「欧州金融定化ファシリティ(EFSF)」である(第1-2-2-4図、第1-2-2-5図)。例文帳に追加

The details were establishment ofEurope Financial Stability Mechanism (EFSM)” with maximum 60 billion euro to which all member countries of EU were subjected and “Europe Financial Stability Facility (EFSF), which was to establish a special purpose vehicle (SPV) financed by countries in the euro zone, with input amount proportional to financing rate to the Europe Central Bank for the SPV (Figures 1-2-2-4 and 1-2-2-5). - 経済産業省


The EU side discussed the current gradual recovery in the euro area, emphasizing that the EU economy was supported by sound macroeconomic and structural policies, showing the benefits of coordinated policy responses among EU Member States to minimize economic instability.  - 財務省


I am aware that in the financial and capital markets, including the foreign exchange market, there have been unstable movements, such as a drop of the euro due to concerns over the European fiscal and financial problems, after S&P lowered the credit ratings of nine euro-zone countries on Friday, as was mentioned now.  - 金融庁


What I can say here, as a non euro-zone official rather than a commentator, is that the euro zone is continuing in their efforts to stabilize the region, and so international society must support the euro-zone countries in accordance with their efforts.  - 財務省

ロスカボス首脳宣言にも記されているとおり、G20 のうちユーロ圏のメンバー国は、ユーロ圏の一体性及び定性を守り、金融市場の機能を改善し,国家と銀行の間のフィードバックのつながりを断ち切るためのすべての必要な措置を採ることにコミットした。例文帳に追加

As noted in the Leaders' Declaration of Los Cabos, Euro area members of the G20 committed to take all the necessary measures to safeguard the integrity and stability of the area, improvethefunctioning of financial markets and break the feedback loop between sovereigns and banks.  - 財務省


Against the background of renewed market tensions, Euro Area members of the G20 will take all necessary measures to safeguard the integrity and stability of the area, improve the functioning of financial markets and break the feedback loop between sovereigns and banks.  - 財務省


The euro area's exports (outside of the region) have been accelerating mainly through firm demand of emerging economies including China and increasing export competitiveness due to the continuing weak euro in 2011, far exceeding the peak level before the beginning of the world economic crisis. - 経済産業省


On May 10th the ECB announced that they would be purchasing euro zone government debt, private sector bonds, finance euros and reopen the temporary dollar swap arrangement with the FRB in order to stabilize the financial markets and prevent a rise in interest rates due to ensuring liquidity. - 経済産業省


According to Tanaka et al. (2007), in the euro zone countries of which inflation rate is stabilized at a lower level like Germany, the real rate of policy interest rates were relatively high even during the sluggish economy and the stability of prices tended to continue. - 経済産業省


The following introduces the measures to stabilize the financial markets taken by the EU and euro zone authorities, and outlines the tasks required to further stabilize the markets. - 経済産業省



However, a key currency requires deep and liquid financial markets denominated in that currency. In the case of the euro, one problem is that each euro zone country has a separate market for its government bonds, the most stable assets serving as benchmarks. Market depth and liquidity are thus lacking compared to the dollar.  - 財務省


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