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「risk ratio(リスク比)」とも呼ばれる。例文帳に追加

also called risk ratio.  - PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版


The risk distribution calculation means 11 calculates the risks in a ratio minimizing a risk after risk distribution. - 特許庁


The risk distribution calculation means 12 calculates the risks in a ratio minimizing a risk after risk distribution whose upper limit is the meteorological risk of the business entity having the lowest meteorological risk. - 特許庁

・ 自己資本対でのリスク許容度に関する方針例文帳に追加

- The policy on the risk limits in relation to the capital  - 金融庁



Furthermore, investment risk standard value risks by every risk index is compared with the investment risk of the candidate security to be invested (or complex investment risk calculated from the investment risks of a plurality of candidate securities to be invested (step S103) and calculates deviation by every risk index (step S104). - 特許庁



a risk ratio of greater than one or of less than one usually means that being exposed to a certain substance or factor either increases (risk ratio greater than one) or decreases (risk ratio less than one) the risk of cancer, or that the treatments being compared do not have the same effects.  - PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版


- Comprehensive risk management refers to a self-control type of risk management based on a comparison of a financial institution’s financial strength (capital) and all risks faced by the institution, including risks not counted in the calculation of the capital adequacy ratios (credit concentration risk, interest rate risk in the banking book, etc.) and assessed on a category-by-category basis (credit risk, market risk, operational risk, etc.).  - 金融庁

・ 統合的リスク管理とは、金融機関の直面するリスクに関して、自己資本率の算定に含まれないリスク(与信集中リスク、銀行勘定の金利リスク等)も含めて、それぞれのリスク・カテゴリー毎(信用リスク、市場リスク、オペレーショナル・リスク等)に評価したリスクを総体的に捉え、金融機関の経営体力(自己資本)と較・対照することによって、自己管理型のリスク管理を行うことをいう。例文帳に追加

- Comprehensive risk management refers to a self-control type of risk management based on a comparison of a financial institution's financial strength (capital) and all risks faced by the institution, including risks not counted in the calculation of the capital adequacy ratios (credit concentration risk, interest rate risk in the banking book, etc.) and assessed on a category-by-category basis (credit risk, market risk, operational risk, etc.).  - 金融庁

「統合リスク管理」とは、統合的リスク管理方法のうち各種リスクを VaR等の統一的な尺度で計り、各種リスクを統合(合算)して、金融機関の経営体力(自己資本)と対することによって管理するものをいう。例文帳に追加

The “integrated risk managementis a type of comprehensive risk management based on a comparison of a financial institution’s financial strength (capital) and the aggregate of various risks measured with uniform yardsticks such as VaR (value at risk).  - 金融庁


「統合リスク管理」とは、統合的リスク管理方法のうち各種リスクをVaR 等の統一的な尺度で計り、各種リスクを統合(合算)して、金融機関の経営体力(自己資本)と対することによって管理するものをいう。例文帳に追加

The "integrated risk management" is a type of comprehensive risk management based on a comparison of a financial institution's financial strength (capital) and the aggregate of various risks measured with uniform yardsticks such as VaR (value at risk).  - 金融庁



A risk calculation device 32 calculates a risk from present rainfall and an evaluation device 34 compares the present risk with the flooding risk potential to evaluate the existence of dangerousness. - 特許庁


The new regulations include in the denominator operational risk, or the risk that the financial institution will suffer losses due to operational mishaps or misconduct, along with to credit risk and market risk as in the existing regulations, which allows equity ratios to be calculated with greater precision. - 経済産業省


(ii) Does the Comprehensive Risk Management Division apply comprehensive risk management to the credit concentration risk and the interest rate risk in the banking book and is it considering whether to apply comprehensive risk management to the risks not included in the calculation of the capital adequacy ratio?  - 金融庁


a measure of the risk of a certain event happening in one group compared to the risk of the same event happening in another group.  - PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版


Does the Comprehensive Risk Management Division utilize management indicators such as return  - 金融庁


The former BIS regulations define capital adequacy ratio as the ratio of capital to credit risk and market risk (Fig. 2-3-1-1). - 経済産業省


The FSA will examine whether the characteristics of risks faced by insurance companies are shown properly in an easy-to-understand format in the disclosed information pertaining to their risk management frameworks, including whether or not internal risk management and asset-liability management have become more sophisticated than the identification of risks under regulations on the solvency margin ratio.  - 金融庁


Does the division review and revise the market risk measurement method by comparing the measurement results with the actual trend of profits/losses?  - 金融庁


Does the Market Risk Management Division review the reasonableness of the risk-return strategy by comparing the results of market risk measurement and the trend of actual profits/losses?  - 金融庁


Does the division review and revise the market risk measurement method by comparing the measurement results with the actual trend of profits/losses?  - 金融庁


In such examination and analysis, does the division compare the losses/profits with the risk quantity, for example?  - 金融庁


For example, does the ALM Committee, etc. control the level of interest rate risk in the banking book in relation to the capital?  - 金融庁


The risk is compared with a standard population by outputting a simple graph. - 特許庁


Further, warning control is executed by comparing the risk Rd with the warning threshold Rw(k). - 特許庁


To enable new investment using a virtual market such as an auction at relatively low risk. - 特許庁


The risk of foreign exchange fluctuations is identified as a comparatively common issue in all six countries.  - 経済産業省


an odds ratio of greater than one means that the exposure may increase the risk of cancer, and an odds ratio of less than one means that the exposure may reduce the risk of cancer.  - PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版


a risk ratio of one means there is no difference between two groups in terms of their risk of cancer, based on whether or not they were exposed to a certain substance or factor, or how they responded to two treatments being compared.  - PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版


The control part 110 also determines the ratio between the significance and a risk avoiding cost, and evaluates performing of a risk avoiding measure on the basis of the determined ratio. - 特許庁


The asset portfolios of institutional investors such as pension funds comprise only a small portion of risk money such as stocks and investment trusts in contrast to those in the United States192. - 経済産業省

・ オペレーショナル・リスクとは、金融機関の業務の過程、役職員の活動若しくはシステムが不適切であること又は外生的な事象により損失を被るリスク(自己資本率の算定に含まれる分)及び金融機関自らが「オペレーショナル・リスク」と定義したリスク(自己資本率の算定に含まれない分)をいう。例文帳に追加

-Operational risk is the risk of loss resulting from inadequate operation processes, inadequate activities by officers and employees and inadequate systems or from external events (the type of risk included in the calculation of the capital adequacy ratio) and the risk defined by the financial institution as operational risk (the type of risk not included in the calculation of the capital adequacy ratio).  - 金融庁


Supervisors shall check whether financial instruments business groups, which calculate their combined equity capital, etc., by applying the Bank Holding Companies Notice mutatis mutandis, identify the overall quantity of various risks involved in their individual business divisions, including risks not reflected in the consolidated capital-to-asset ratio, such as interest rate risk related to assets and liabilities not included in the calculation of the value of the market risk equivalent and credit risk related to large-lot borrowers, by establishing an integrated control environment for group-wide risk management.  - 金融庁


a. A Financial Instruments Business Operator should set the maximum allowable value of market risks that may be allotted to proprietary stock trading or reasonable limits and risks equivalent thereto (hereinafter referred to as the “allowable market risk value, etc.”), based on an appropriate capital adequacy ratio target set with due consideration of its own financial condition and other factors.  - 金融庁


Therefore, banks that continue to hold a relatively large amount of shares based on their business judgment need to properly manage share-related risks, including volatility, and it will also be very important for them to hold risk buffers.  - 金融庁


(ii) Does the Capital Management Division apply capital management to the credit concentration risk and the interest rate risk in the banking book in the internal capital adequacy assessment and is it considering whether to apply capital management to the risks not included in the calculation of the capital adequacy ratio?  - 金融庁


(ii) Does the ALM Committee, etc., in accordance with the strategic objectives, the Market Risk Management Policy and the Market Risk Management Rules, discuss the management of assets and liabilities, including long-term investments for business relationships and off-balance sheet assets and liabilities, and conduct risk control in relation to the institution's capital and other elements of institution's soundness?  - 金融庁


The ECU 20 calculates a subjective risk as a subjective degree that a driver of the vehicle 100 feels that the vehicle 100 may collide with an obstacle whose objective risk is relatively low within a range from a lower limit to an upper limit. - 特許庁


However, in many cases, overseas resource acquisition requires more money than in other businesses, and because resources are located in regions of high geopolitical risk and involve excavation risk, the risks are higher than other businesses. - 経済産業省


a relative risk of one means there is no difference between two groups in terms of their risk of cancer, based on whether or not they were exposed to a certain substance or factor, or how they responded to two treatments being compared.  - PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版


Does the Board of Directors or equivalent organization to the Board of Directors compare the institution's corporate strength and the quantity of market risk it faces and make sure that the quantity of market risk is not excessive in relation to the corporate strength?  - 金融庁


In the questionnaire survey presented in Figure 4.3.14, the Japanese emerge as having a stronger risk avoidance tendency than in the United States, as evidenced in responses such asno desire to take a risk” and “difficult to resurrect oneself after failure”. - 経済産業省

第3の柱(市場規律)は、開示の充実を通じて市場規律の実効性を高め、自己資本率とその内訳、 各リスクリスク量とその計算手法についての情報開示を求めている。例文帳に追加

The third pillar, or market discipline, requires that the effectiveness of market discipline be enhanced through more thorough disclosure of information, and that information concerning the methods of calculating equity ratio and its component factors such as the various risks and risk weights, also be disclosed. - 経済産業省

この情報により事業者は、バリューチェーンのどこに排出および関連するリスクと機会が存在するか、また、事業者の直接排出とべスコープ3 排出のリスクと機会がどこに存在するかを見極めることができる。例文帳に追加

This information provides companies with an understanding of where potential emissions and associated risks and opportunities lie in the value chain, as well as the relative risks and opportunities of scope 3 emissions compared to companies' direct emissions.  - 経済産業省


Companies are getting more interested in mitigating risks, but some firms are planning on examining/conducting “expansion of overseas production ratio.” This suggests corporate risk mitigation actions could back up industrial hollowing-out further.  - 経済産業省


Therefore, only when the risk of increased security vulnerabilitiesy is judged to be smaller than the risk of decryption of cryptographic algorithms, two or more cryptographic algorithms should be implemented.  - 経済産業省


In regard to providing surveys, analysis and results of relatively high risk geological structures, the Japanese government has contributed to reducing the exploration risk through ODA activities and joint implementation with JOGMEC and NEDO. - 経済産業省


a relative risk of greater than one or of less than one usually means that being exposed to a certain substance or factor either increases (relative risk greater than one) or decreases (relative risk less than one) the risk of cancer, or that the treatments being compared do not have the same effects.  - PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版


In financial conglomerates, as management of financial institutions with different risk exposures is conducted as one body, it involves more diversified risks compared to the management on a single-entity basis. On the other hand, as risks of financial institutions are appropriately diversified, the risks of financial conglomerates as a whole may be alleviated. Also, cost reductions can be expected as a result of unified management of risks by a specific entity within the group.  - 金融庁


in cancer research, risk ratios are used in prospective (forward looking) studies, such as cohort studies and clinical trials.  - PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版



To put such a member into perspective in comparison with other risks, we need to examine data on facilities from other causes. - 英語論文検索例文集


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