
「一般に開放されている」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 15



This garden is open to the public (on) every day except Monday.  - 研究社 新和英中辞典


Presently the remain of the residence is a children's park and open to the general public.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Thus the filter inserting portion is largely opened, and the filter mounting work can be easily performed even by the unprofessional user. - 特許庁


Two doors are simultaneously opened without being connected with a guard room by simultaneously opening the two doors by reading information registered in a radio tag imparted to the cargo in addition to a general card. - 特許庁


2 前項の規定は、美術の著作物の原作品を街路、公園その他一般公衆に開放されている屋外の場所又は建造物の外壁その他一般公衆の見やすい屋外の場所に恒常的に設置する場合には、適用しない。例文帳に追加

(2) The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall not apply with respect to a permanent installation of the original of an artistic work in open places accessible by the public, such as streets and parks, or at places easily seen by the public, such as the outer walls of buildings.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



In addition, the communication paths used by the information communication equipment do not have to be an expensive communication path in which the security of a private line, etc., is guaranteed so that secure communication can be realized in a communication environment that is inexpensive and generally released. - 特許庁


Seto City in Aichi Prefecture developed the house of a potter that was constructed in the Meiji era as the "Kamagaki no Komichi Museum." Opening this facility to the public allows it to be used as a community hub. - 経済産業省


The conical grease filter with the open bottom face for airflow and a side filtering part is very suitable for use with a pipe (about 120 mmϕ) of a circular cross section which is generally used very often as a smoke exhaust duct in broiled-meat stores or the like. - 特許庁


In 1614, at a Sarugaku Performance in the Imperial Palace (in those days people were permitted to enter), 'Kiyojiro Shigekata YOSHIOKA (Kenpo YOSHIOKA)' had a fight with the security guards and was killed, and as a result, the Yoshioka School of Heiho ended; considering that information, the Yoshioka had still existed after the fights with Musashi (1604).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


[解決手段] 従来のGPS電波を利用して得られた位置情報を市販されている携帯用の電波上にデータを加工して送受信するのが殆どであったが、本発明品は日本国が一般に無償で開放されている電波領域を使用して送受信する事を可能とした技術製品です。例文帳に追加

Although almost all positional information data obtained by utilizing conventional GPS electric waves are transmitted and received through electric waves used for commercially sold cellular phones after processing the information data, this terminal device is a technological product which enables the transmission/reception to be carried out, by using electric wave bands opened free of charge to the public in Japan. - 特許庁



The company is located in a residential area and its building site has no space for parking a tourist bus. The company has entered into a tie-up with a local shrine, wherein the company borrows the shrines parking lot, and offers its atelier/showroom tour including a priest’s brief explanation on the history of the Shinto religion and a tour to mikoshi-gura (sacred palanquin storehouse), to which tourists are usually not permitted access. - 経済産業省


In recent years, there have been new deregulations such as open access to public facilities and services, measures to approve the sale of medical supplies with relatively light effects on the human body in general retail shops as non-medical supplies, schools and hospitals managed by corporations in special structural reform zones, lifting of the ban on management of special elderly nursing homes, etc. - 経済産業省


The description describes such a technical solution that: detecting the opening of the folder cover (20) which contains a display screen (21); sensing the opening direction of the folder cover (20) and outputting a sense signal; if being a first sense signal, then changing the operation mode into a general phone mode for performing a phone call function, adopting a vertical view and enabling only the keys for performing the phone call function; and if being a second sense signal, then changing the operation mode into a computer mode, adopting a horizontal view and performing a function of editing and sending e-mails.  - 特許庁


Picture and writing information read by a scanner of the electronic chalkboard system is captured as a general image data format and a reference use HTML file is simultaneously generated (extension control section 11), registered in a Web server (extension storage device 12) and open to clients through a browser (LAN interface 13 of MODEM 14). - 特許庁


(b) 政府機関の図書館又は公共の施設若しくは公的機関の図書館において,これを閲覧することができ,かつ,当該図書館が当該書類に係る事項に利害関係を有する公衆の構成員に一般的に開放されている図書館であって,また,当該書類の主題に係る情報を調査する公衆の構成員が当該情報を通常求める筈の図書館及び事実上求めている図書館である場合例文帳に追加

(b) If it can be inspected in a library of a Government Department or of any institution or public authority and the library is one which is open generally to members of the public who are interested in matters to which the document relates and is a library in which members of the public in search of information related to the subject of the document would ordinarily seek and do in fact seek the information: - 特許庁


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