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該当件数 : 53



View of Work and its Changes - 厚生労働省


I want to do a job that is related to tourism.  - Weblio Email例文集


I was off from work today so I went to watch a movie. - Weblio Email例文集


I'm here not for sightseeing, but on business.  - 研究社 新英和中辞典



His job is driving a sight-seeing bus. - Tatoeba例文



Tourism generated many new jobs. - Tatoeba例文


Tourism generated many new jobs. - Tatoeba例文


Tourism generated many new jobs.  - Tanaka Corpus


Did you do a lot of sightseeing when you went there for work?  - Weblio Email例文集



of theater personnel, the occupation of taking care of those issues that concern the audience  - EDR日英対訳辞書



Good news for parents who are unable to visit their children's classrooms because of work!  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


When asked about a perspective on ideal work in Japan, a tendency toward stability became more pronounced particularly in the middle aged group and a tendency toward challenge was more apparent particularly in the younger generation. - 厚生労働省


Looking at the changes in perceptions of whether one puts more emphasis on work or leisure, from the perspective of the balance between work and personal life, the width of increase of respondents who chosethe balance between work and leisure’ was particularly large. - 厚生労働省


The tourism department of Queensland, Australia, is offeringthe best job in the world.”  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


A work environment where work and personal lives are balanced is vital for maintaining a worker's mental and physical health, for handling both work and family life, and, moreover, for securing job efficiency and creativity. A flexible work time system, for example, should be adopted - 厚生労働省


Further reduction of working hours is important from the standpoint of work efficiency and creativity, as well as in terms of maintaining the mental and physical health of workers and providing a work environment with appropriate work-life balance - 厚生労働省


Amid social and economic changes and the diversification of work and lifestyles of workers, a tendency toward stability was more pronounced particularly in the middle aged group and a tendency toward challenge was more apparent particularly in the younger generation when questioned about ideal work. - 厚生労働省


C. Northcote Parkinson's cynical observation that the number of subordinates in an organization will increase linearly regardless of the amount of work to be done  - 日本語WordNet


C. Northcote Parkinson's cynical observation that work will expand so as to fill the time available for its completion  - 日本語WordNet


When people in Shikoku go to Hiroshima Prefecture on business or on a sightseeing trip and eat Hiroshimafu-okonomiyaki for the first time, many of them are still shocked at it.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


My job as a tourism bureau staff member is basically to collect, translate and publicize information on tourism in Tanabe.  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


To provide a device for correctly computing an engine workload, even though a signal indicating a cylinder pressure in any part of an observation section is detected. - 特許庁


Generally speaking, however, “compact town development34) that puts homes and places of work in closer proximity to each other appears to be one effective way of making it easier for employees to balance the demands of work and parenting. - 経済産業省


Development of these systems is particularly advanced in the UK from the viewpoint of a work-life-balance (harmonization of work and living) . - 経済産業省


Work should be considered with each country’s history, tradition, sense of ethics, and social practice in mind. - 厚生労働省


Looking at the changes in the perspective on ideal work, there are some elements that seem to reflect business fluctuations in terms of working conditions and other factors. - 厚生労働省


A further reduction in working hours is important from the standpoint of work efficiency and creativity, as well as in terms of maintaining the mental and physical health of workers and providing a work environment with an appropriate balance between work and personal life. This could be achieved through efforts to change the attitude toward non-scheduled working hours and paid days off in the workplace, work efficiency improvements, reduction in non-scheduled working hours and promoting paid days-off. - 厚生労働省


Through “Cool Adult Newsworkshops and other activities in which children interview adults about their work contents, the program is designed so that children are given a rare opportunity to experience adult work tasks firsthand and learn how to live and views of occupation.  - 経済産業省


3) As the proximity of workplaces to employeeshomes creates an environment in which it is easier for women to combine work and parenting, pursuing town development that brings homes and residents closer together is an effective way of supporting the balancing of work and parenting demands (compact town development, etc.) - 経済産業省


Furthermore, Hideo KANZE, while he withdrew from the Nohgaku Performers' Association and thus was not a member of the Association, taught Noh to Shingeki (literally, new play) actors and students as a job and performed Noh abroad with Hisao KANZE and other actors.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The early work on the problem of dynamical HOLZ line shifts was actually devoted to the problems of the anomalies which were observed in the position and intensities of Kikuchi lines.  - 科学技術論文動詞集


According to Hideo KANZE, there is a tacit consensus in the Nohgaku Performers' Association to equally offer jobs to Kuroto, and it is said that Shitekata performs in about 30 stages per year.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the observation section, a correlation coefficient is computed between the detected cylinder pressure of the engine and the computed reference signal, and based on the correlation coefficient, an engine workload is computed. - 特許庁


To provide a suction hose for a vacuum cleaner provided with a bending mechanism for improving operability by controlling the centroid of a hose and suppressing appearance deterioration, weight increase and power decline by simple constitution. - 特許庁


To provide a vacuum cleaner provided with a turning mechanism and a bending mechanism for improving operability by controlling the centroid of a hose and suppressing appearance deterioration, weight increase and power decline by simple constitution. - 特許庁


Thus even from the subjective point of view of employees who actually work there, enterprises with fewer employees are felt to be more conducive to balancing the demands of work and parenting. - 経済産業省


This indicates that for women, working nearer to home makes it easier to have and raise children. From the point of view of creating a working environment that is more conducive to combining work and parenting, therefore, it may be more advisable to establish business establishments near employeesresidences and in the suburbs rather than in the center of cities. - 経済産業省


In this chapter, we have analyzed what action needs to be taken to create a society that makes it easer to have and raise children from two perspectives: from the point of view of the employment of younger people, and from the point of view of balancing work and parenting. - 経済産業省


Considering the original meaning of annual paid leave, the purpose of annual paid leave by the hour is to ensure effective usage of the annual paid leave in view of achieving work-life balance of workers. - 厚生労働省


This validity can be both objective validity related to a function related to the position of the inquiry in a retail store, shopping mall or automobile road and subjective validity concerning a position such as client's home, the destination of work, area close to the client's home or area away from the client's home. - 特許庁


While I would not make comments regarding a specific company, frankly speaking, I would like to ask securities companies to make efforts to exercise their self-purification capability so as to prevent the weakening of governance and ensure that employees develop a sense of professional ethics.  - 金融庁


Of course, after examining not only the current cases but also past cases, we must require that securities companies' employees should conduct business with a stronger sense of responsibility, professional ethics, and public service than usual.  - 金融庁


We recognize the role of travel and tourism as a vehicle for job creation, economic growth and development, and, while recognizing the sovereign right of States to control the entry of foreign nationals, we will work towards developing travel facilitation initiatives in support of job creation, quality work, poverty reduction and global growth.  - 財務省


Secondly, to encourage an appropriate match between companies and personnel, companies have to supply a clearer picture of what they are offering and what they are seeking, specifying the skills and experience they are looking for and the exact nature of the job. - 経済産業省


Against the background of changes in personal values and outlook placing greater emphasis on self-fulfillment and lifestyle than on wages and remuneration, people appear to be choosing where to work based not only on wages but also other factors, such as work content and time constraints (amount of vacation). - 経済産業省


From the perspective of concerns about the future, those who feel concerned about “health damage due to overwork”, “no chance of developing skills”, “being unable to secure living wages”, “being unable to secure a promotion and career advancementhave less satisfaction with their current work. - 厚生労働省


Under the guidance of this taste for good work, men are compared with one another and with the accepted ideals of efficiency, and are rated and graded by the common sense of their fellows according to a conventional scheme of merit and demerit.  - Thorstein Veblen『ワークマンシップの本能と労働の煩わしさ』


Then, from the perspective of determining the kind of efforts necessary to increase the will and abilities of those personnel, Section 2 will consider collaboration with universities and other educational institutions. Section 3 will turn to the wages of SME employees, and Section 4 will analyze factors such as how rewarding SME employees find their work. - 経済産業省


With this in mind, it is important to provide prospective on new graduates with information relating to the current situation for personnel working in SMEs. Considering this point of view, from Section 2, attention will be turned to the abovementioned current situation, looking also at factors such as wage levels in SMEs, and the sense of reward in work. - 経済産業省



To create an environment where employees can balance work and child care and every employee can comfortably work, we must build teamwork that allows employees to share information and problems and to complement one another while taking advantage of their strengths. We will formulate a more specific action plan so that employees in different positions, with different senses of values, can deepen mutual understanding, and carry out the plan carefully. - 厚生労働省


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原題:”The Instinct of Workmanship and the Irksomeness of Labor”

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