
「充当金」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 充当金の意味・解説 > 充当金に関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 119



appropriable funds  - 日本語WordNet


Appropriation of the Foundation to Affairs Expense  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


The tax reserves are not enough this year. - Weblio英語基本例文集


He put his prize money to the purchase of a new car.  - 研究社 新和英中辞典



The fund is appropriated toearmarked for―the establishment of a school.  - 斎藤和英大辞典



The sum will be devoted toapplied to―the education of the children.  - 斎藤和英大辞典


The money is to be applied to the debt. - Tatoeba例文


be debited and credited to the proper bank accounts  - 日本語WordNet


The money is to be applied to the debt.  - Tanaka Corpus






Ko' members contributed to pay for the journey.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


the necessary funds were obtained by the government's appropriation of the company's operating unit  - 日本語WordNet

二 徴収の権限を有する者による還付又は過誤納充当例文帳に追加

(ii) Appropriation of a refund or payment by mistake, which is enforced by a person with power of collection  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

四 受領額及びその利息、賠償額の予定に基づく賠償又は元本への充当例文帳に追加

(iv) The amount received and amounts appropriated for repayment of the interest, the agreed liquidated damages, or the principal;  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


To put it in the concrete, the user 5 instructs whether to appropriate the fund from a deposit 3 to a settlement account 12 or to have the loan of the fund from the facility 11 to a loan account 14 to appropriate the fund to the account 12. - 特許庁


They even had to take drastic measures as applying the rent to the management funding.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The points exchanged with the barcode are allocated to the whole or some of the credit. - 特許庁


To conduct the appropriation of a money amount by a simple operation, in a mobile terminal having a prepaid card function. - 特許庁


The charge management server 20 performs appropriation accepting process for appropriating the charge amount to the billed amount which is managed according to a receiver side telephone number. - 特許庁


In step S18, an appropriation scheduled payment period is determined by using a positive integral value determined by discarding fractions below the decimal point in a multiple value obtained by dividing the scheduled payment appropriation sum by one scheduled payment sum. - 特許庁


The land owner obtains the contract money and obtains a stable yield effect, by applying the money to an architecture fund. - 特許庁


When the deposit is reserved on the card, the deposit is supplied from a previously designated financial institution by account transfer. - 特許庁


Then, when the deposit is added to the card, the deposit is appropriated by account transfer from a designated financial institution. - 特許庁


On the other hand, the security money from the successful bidder is used for the payment in trading when the trading is normally completed, and is used for compensating for the loss received by the exhibitor when some trouble caused by the successful bidder occurs. - 特許庁

(b) 規則に定める額の保証であって,申請人が納付すべき手続費用に充当するためのものの設定を証明する書類例文帳に追加

(b) a document attesting to constitution of a security, the amount of which shall be prescribed in the Regulations, to be used to meet the costs of the procedure to be paid by the applicant; - 特許庁


The electronic commercial transaction server 102 carries out an accounting process to allot the determined refunding amount of money for a purchase price of a new ink tank. - 特許庁


The coin rack 90 reads the number of storage points of the member card 92, and charges in order to appropriate it for print charge. - 特許庁


When a financing institution system 10 accepts money receipt data of scheduled payment by direct debit or bank transfer, a money receipt processing program 141 is started to update the allocation to the scheduled payment and the surplus balance that is the remainder after allocation in a money receipt management table 145. - 特許庁


In addition, along with philanthropic donations, each bangumi houses was allotted a portion of the building costs semiannually for permanent operational expenses.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The excavation technology and refining method were actively employed from nanban (the Europe), and a large amount of gold was yielded to be devoted to flood prevention projects and military expenses.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Then they applied the profits to the management funding, and rented the sites of the mansions of feudal lords to influential merchants.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The provider server 3 accepts the point use request of the customer terminal 1 and charges the dealer server 2 for an amount appropriated with the point. - 特許庁


To provide a compensation point system which enables a user to apply compensation points obtained through the Internet to the payment of the charge for use of a credit card. - 特許庁


This system displays the advertisement on the whole face, a front face or a side face of the automatic vending machine, and devotes one part of an advertisement fee thereof to the donation. - 特許庁


<4 social security expenses> Appropriation of a Consumption tax should be expanded to four areas of 'pension, medical, long-term care and child care’. - 厚生労働省


When an acceptance information for receiving the charge amount is received from the receiving side terminal 40 that has accessed the charge mediation server 10, an appropriation requirement for requiring the appropriation of the charge amount to a billed amount is transmitted to a charge management server 20. - 特許庁


A transaction management device includes a simulation means 16 for, when a payment sum for repayment to be transmitted from terminal equipment 30 of a customer is applied to each debt, simulating each application result according to use conditions, and configured to provide objective judgement materials when the customer selects a repayment object debt by transmitting each application result to the terminal equipment 30 of the customer. - 特許庁


To provide a method and a device for managing a water utility fee and a computer program, which may compensate for an unpaid charge for water utility fees in past times if a payment for a current water utility fee is over paid. - 特許庁


In addition, a borrowing burden of fund for acquisition/ construction of a house is relieved/eliminated by making prescribed down payment by the user and appropriating the down payment to construction fund of the building by the owner. - 特許庁


Then, an excess insurance benefit, increasing insurance benefit, temporary receivable benefit or discount insurance fee are calculated from the cash value so that it is possible for a contractor to select the application method of the excess insurance fee. - 特許庁


The input part 3 is used for inputting the loaned amount for each loaned party, the amount of the debt unpaid, the reserve for debt unpaid cancel, the depreciation rate of this reserve, the amount of the debt unpaid to be appropriated from the reserve for debt unpaid cancel and input data containing the depreciation rate of the reserve. - 特許庁


In Fig. 2 left showing examples where all A to C progress on schedule, the sales charge of A and B paid on schedule is spent to pay off the loan, and the surplus fund is released for paying an outstanding construction cost, etc. - 特許庁


Further, when money more than the allocated amount is paid, the temporary time limit 2g having been shortened and set is put back to the normal time limit 2f which should be set in advance. - 特許庁


Accounts receivable are paid from a trade debtor to an account for recovery, and matched with credit sale details by using a payment person or a payment date as a key, so that the accounts receivable can be specified, and a loan corresponding to the accounts receivable is specified, and a fund paid is appropriated to the payment of the specified loan. - 特許庁


Payment is received from a trade debtor to an account for loan recovery, and matched with credit sale details by using a payment person or payment date as a key, so that accounts receivable can be specified, and furthermore, a loan corresponding to the accounts receivable is specified, and the paid fund is appropriated to the payment of the specified loan. - 特許庁

(b) 保証の設定を証拠立てる書類で規則により一般に定められ申請人が弁済すべき手続費用に充当し使用される額を記したもの例文帳に追加

(b) a document attesting to the constitution of a security, the amount of which shall be fixed in general in the Regulations, to be used to meet the procedural costs payable by the applicant; - 特許庁


Then, when the settlement data is sent from the computer 2A, the means 32 applies the amount pooled in the file 34 with respect to the seller to the paying price of merchandise purchased by the seller. - 特許庁


The surplus fund of the A and B after, the repayment is spent on repayment for C, consequently, a refund from a bank account is temporarily inhibited. - 特許庁


Cash and the number of service points accumulated in a point card are used at the same time and the number of service points is used for payment of fractions of a total sum of purchased goods so that the number of coins paid as small changes may decrease. - 特許庁


第五十八条 国税局長、税務署長又は税関長は、還付等を還付し、又は充当する場合には、次の各号に掲げる還付等の区分に従い当該各号に定める日の翌日からその還付のための支払決定の日又はその充当の日(同日前に充当をするのに適することとなつた日がある場合には、その適することとなつた日)までの期間(他の国税に関する法律に別段の定めがある場合には、その定める期間)の日数に応じ、その額に年七・三パーセントの割合を乗じて計算した額(以下「還付加算」という。)をその還付し、又は充当すべき額に加算しなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 58 (1) Where the regional commissioner of a Regional Taxation Bureau, the district director of a tax office or the director-general of a customs house pays or appropriates a refund, etc., he/she shall add, to the amount to be refunded or appropriated, an amount calculated by multiplying the amount to be refunded or appropriated by the rate of 7.3% per annum according to the number of days during the period from the day following the day specified in each of the following items for the categories of refund, etc. listed respectively in said items, until the day on which payment of the relevant refund is determined or the day on which the relevant refund is appropriated (in the case where appropriation has become possible before the said date of appropriation, that day on which it becomes possible) (or during the period otherwise specified by other national tax laws) (the amount thus calculated shall be referred to as "interest on refund"):  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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