該当件数 : 12件
There is no saying what may happen. - 斎藤和英大辞典
The Korean Dynasty described the situation of Sanpo and said, 'Sanpo is, so to speak, a tumor in the belly, and is about to collapse,' and a sense of crisis grew among them. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
This allegation is refuted by another article in the book, which points out that this episode is too convenient to be valid, and says that hashed beef was a popular dish at that time at Mikawaya, a Western-style restaurant located in Kanda Sakuma-cho, which was founded in the first year of the Meiji period. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
These patterns were described as 'kinubakama (clothes and divided skirt) with stenciled patterns dyed by products from giblets in the historical material about that period, and Shinichi SATO interpretes that this description suggests the share of kebiishi. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The visual effect enables the user who concentrates on one kind of work to sense the dynamic change in other information and quickly switch to the window. - 特許庁
To separately house each umbrellas, to clearly know the position of newly inserting and standing an umbrella even when several umbrellas are already stood and to become an ornament in the case of being not required as an umbrella stand. - 特許庁
This polymeric thermosensitive material containing a polyamide composition is obtained by mixing and kneading a polyamide resin, a crushed copolymer of a polyamide and polyether, and a conductivity-imparting material to uniformly disperse the polyamide and polyether copolymer for satisfying all characteristics. - 特許庁
To provide a rollback seal which can reduce the total weight of a hydraulic brake system, secure a sufficient amount of rollback even at low temperature, perform the function of reliably returning a piston from brake position to release position, and exhibit sealing performance stable over a long period. - 特許庁
To provide a back face electron bombardment heating device in which electric contact resistance between a heating container 1 and a table 6 is made small and stabilized, deficiency in the thermal decomposition produced carbon film of the heating container 1 is prevented, and thereby, airtightness of the heating container can be secured stably for a long period. - 特許庁
To efficiently mount a highly integrated module, easily coping with the improved function of an already working device, and exchange and maintain an individual fan that is prepared for the highly integrated module without scarifying the functions of the device. - 特許庁
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