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He inspires Chihaya to have a dream of her own. - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


Sennen-no-hibiki' mixed with Buddhism Shomyo after restoring the ancient instruments of Shinnyo-en  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

や小数点の区切りなどに影します。 日付と時間のフォーマットを定義します。例文帳に追加

Affects things such as thousand separator and decimal separator.LC_TIMEDefines formatting of dates and times. - Gentoo Linux


Subsequent successions within the Hisada family were influenced by the successions within the Omotesenke, and there are many instances of troubled successions.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


一方で、入国者全体数では、約5 万8 人から、1 週間ごとに、約5 万人、約8 万7 人、約10 万6 人と徐々に回復しているのは、震災直後に日本から退去した日本定住外国人(入国許可を有する者)の一部が3 月下旬以降、日本に戻りはじめたことが影している。例文帳に追加

On the other hand, the total number of foreigners entering Japan shows a recovery from about 58,000, 50,000, 87,000 to 106,000 people each week. This indicates that a number of the permanent foreign residents in Japan (persons with entry permits)who left Japan just after the disaster began to return to Japan after the end of March. - 経済産業省


5 (a)この協定は、九百六十一年四月十八日の外交関係に関するウィーン条約又は九百六十三年四月二十四日の領事関係に関するウィーン条約の規定に影を及ぼすものではない。例文帳に追加

5. (a) This Agreement shall not affect the provisions of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of April 18, 1961, or the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations of April 24, 1963. - 厚生労働省

7 (a)この協定は、九百六十一年四月十八日の外交関係に関するウィーン条約又は九百六十三年四月二(a)十四日の領事関係に関するウィーン条約の規定に影を及ぼすものではない。例文帳に追加

7. (a) This Agreement shall not affect the provisions of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of April 18, 1961, or the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations of April 24, 1963. - 厚生労働省


Over its 1200-year history, Todai-ji Temple has had great influence not only on Japanese temples but also on the country itself.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The tornado and associated lightning caused about 67,000 houses in Saitama and Chiba Prefectures to lose power, according to Tokyo Electric Power Company. - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave



Fig. 2-1-1 shows the numbers of enterprises in regions affected by the tsunami or subsequent nuclear crisis in Fukushima. Some 40,000 SMEs were located in areas severally affected: approximately 38,000 being in tsunami inundated areas and 3,000 in restricted areas, etc.  - 経済産業省



Most of the founders were disciples of Shoo TAKENO or a direct pupil of SEN no Rikyu, and formed a unique way of tea different from 'Sotan School' even being influenced by Rikyu.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It keeps the style of tea ceremony in the period of SEN no Rikyu, emphasizing avoidance of frivolousness; it is the mix of wabicha (literally, "poverty tea style"; known as the tea ceremony) led by Jouou TAKENO/Rikyu with an influence of tea manners of samurai family led by Shigenari/Shigeteru FURUTA.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Along with "Sugawara denju tenaraikagami" (Sugawara's secrets of calligraphy) and "Yoshitsune Senbonzakura" (Yoshitsune and One Thousand Cherry Trees), "Kanadehon Chushingura" is considered as one of the three masterpieces of ningyo joruri plays, and it has influenced various works in other fields since then.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

創元社『天神祭 なにわのき』において大阪代田短期大学の専任講師・朝野典子氏は、「意識」的な曲、「無意識」でも演奏できる曲というような区別をしているが、その意識的な曲が「うた」の部分である。例文帳に追加

Noriko ASANO, who is a full-time lecturer at Osaka Chiyoda Junior College, distinguishes between music which is played 'consciously' and music which can be played 'unconsciously' at "Tenjinsai Naniwa no Hibiki" (Tenjin Festival - the sound of Naniwa), Tokyo Sogensha Co., Ltd.; the conscious music is the part of 'Uta' (song).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Shimazu had an enormous impact on Japanese film, with his pupils including Heinosuke GOSHO, Shiro TOYODA, Kozaburo YOSHIMURA, Keisuke KINOSHITA, Noboru NAKAMURA, Kiyoshi SAEKI and Senkichi TANIGUCHI.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When Japanese economy came to a standstill in the aftermath of the Great Kanto Earthquake, he bravely visited the United States where sentiment toward Japan was deteriorating, and he succeeded in introducing the foreign capital of as much as 25,000 dollars, which was unheard of.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Throughout the several thousand year history of Koshinto, forms and styles for shrines as containers and for festival rites as inner substance were established independently or under the influence of foreign religions, and these were further established as jinja (shrine) shinto, etc.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The driving devices 5 for the respective keys are arranged zigzag, and a shield member which reduces influence of magnetic flux of the needles 54 of the adjacent driving devices 5 is arranged between the adjacent driving devices 5. - 特許庁


To provide an image reading apparatus wherein sensor chips are arrayed in a zigzag manner, capable of accurately correcting sub-scanning image shift due to the influence of variation in original conveying speed. - 特許庁


An electroacoustic transducer 100 is structured so that a plurality of piezoelectric vibrators 110 each being perfectly circular or hexagonal in planar shape are positioned in a zigzag arrangement to ensure closet packing in planar shape. - 特許庁


In addition, although other products can promote the cross license involving from several hundreds to thousands of patents in one product, as there is one basis patent for the pharmaceutical products as principle, the acquisition of patent have a significant impact on the life to the products. - 厚生労働省


In particular, completion of "sado (tea ceremony)" by SEN no Rikyu, which can be said to include the idea of "wabi, sabi" based on Zen Buddhism and the ultimately splendid "golden tea arbor," which is handed down as the idea of Hideyoshi and for which opinion on beauty is divided, gives strong influence on the whole culture of Japan even today.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Prime Minister Kan has been dealing with a once-in-a-millennium tsunami. The triple disasters, namely the earthquake and tsunami, and the nuclear accident, which is still continuing, would have been a difficult challenge for anyone to deal with.  - 金融庁


Individual acoustic elements are formed in a chip shape of ceramics, or formed of piezoelectric elements 1 different in shape, size (surface area, volume) such that the same frequency characteristics or the different frequency characteristics can be obtained, and the plurality of piezoelectric elements 1 are arranged on a substrate 2 in a grid, staggering, or a random two-dimensional configuration. - 特許庁


In this survey, radioactivity concentration was not detected (below the minimum limit of detection) or a tiny amount of it was detected in the breast milk of 23 people (4 people in Fukushima Prefecture, 9 in Ibaraki Prefecture, 2 in Chiba Prefecture, 1 in Saitama Prefecture, and 7 in Tokyo). - 厚生労働省


Furthermore, similarly, Ieyasu thought that the Nichiren sect, which had strong influence over townspeople, was dangerous for the following reasons: In holding Senso-kuyo (a religious ritual where 1,000 priest were invited) at the Daibutsu-den hall of Hoko-ji Temple, ordered by Hideyoshi, the Nichiren-sect was divided into the Jufuseha group, which admitted receiving offerings from other religious sects, and Fu-jufuseha group led by Sogi, which did not admit receiving offerings from other religious sects; In this situation, Ieyasu decided that the latter group did not follow orders of the bakufu and had also the feeling that the Nichiren set was rather aggressive to other religious sects.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

やすみしし わが大君の あり通ふ 難波の宮は 「いさなとり」 海片附きて 玉拾ふ 浜辺を近み 朝羽振る 波の音(と)さわき 夕なぎに 櫂の声(おと)聞ゆ あかときの 寝覚めに聞けば 海若(わたつみ)の 潮干(しおひ)のむた 浦渚(す)には 鳥妻呼び 芦辺には 鶴(たづ)が音(ね)(とよ)む 視る人の 語りにすれば 聞く人の 見まくり欲(ほ)りする 御食(みけ)向かふ 味原の宮は 見れども飽かぬかも例文帳に追加

Yasumi shishi Waga Okimi no arigayo Naniwa no miya wa 'inasa-tori' Umi katazukite Tamairiu Hamae wo chikami asa wa furu namino otosawaku Yunagi ni Kaji no Oto kikoyu Akatoki no Nezame ni kikeba Watatsumi no Shioi no muta Urasu ni wa Chidori zuma yobi Ashibe ni wa Tazugane toyomu Miru hito no Katari ni sureba Kikuhito no Mimakurihorisuru mike mukau Ajiharanomiya ha Miredomo Akanu kamo (Naniwanomiya Palace where Our Okimi often goes is placed at the sea and near the beach to pick the balls; It could be heard the sound of waves in the morning as if birds shake their wings, the sound of oars in the evening; Keeping ears open at the dawn, birds sings to call my wife in a hidden reef appearing at low tide, canes cries in the reedy shore; when people hear about the palace from those who have seen it, they want to see it; it has seen enough of Ajiunomiya [also known as Naniwanomiya Palace])  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Concerning KUROITA's theory, in recent years objections to it have surfaced; in 1990 the maritime historian Dr. Shozo KANASASHI ran a computer analysis of the tides on the day of the battle, and concluded that there was a neap tide that day, and thus that there could not have been a strong, swift current of eight knots, and moreover pointed out that the tidal study done in the Taisho period had been conducted at the narrowest point of the Kanmon straits (where it would have been impossible for more than 1000 ships to fight), concluding that in the spacious area of sea near Kanju and Manju islands, the tide was under one knot in speed and would have had no influence over the course of the battle.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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