該当件数 : 10件
Thanks to her mediation [Because she put in a good word for me] I got off with just apologizing. - 研究社 新和英中辞典
To provide an air massager capable of restraining a user from making a mistake in the attaching direction of a leg belt to a leg. - 特許庁
To eliminate print sheet designation errors and prevent print sheets from being removed without warrant, such as replenishment. - 特許庁
To provide an inexpensive sunshade attachable cap having a simple structure and attachable properly a main sunshade and side sunshades on it. - 特許庁
To correctly and efficiently produce products different in the quantity of production and specifications lot by lot by preventing the possibility of taking wrong parts during production. - 特許庁
When, for example, the pipe members 71, 72 have different piping dimensions, if the direction of the case 4 is wrong in attaching the pipe members, the piping dimensions of the pipe members 71, 72 become short or too long and wrong connection can be prevented. - 特許庁
Not only design properties can be heightened but also possibility that a user mistakes handling of the optical recording medium is reduced and the optical recording mediums can be also visually discriminated for every manufacturer or brand. - 特許庁
To provide a vehicular meter unit capable of displaying a bar graph with a scale figure added, decreasing the possibility of misreading a border between a main bar and a remaining region as a scale, and thus realizing correct meter reading on the scale as intended. - 特許庁
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