該当件数 : 66件
A piece of iron, if placed near the magnet, will be attracted to it. - 研究社 新和英中辞典
Kimosui (a clear soup with eel guts) is often served along with it. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To provide a suction tool for a vacuum cleaner which prevents the blocking of inflow of air by paper and cloth which stick to the suction tool of the vacuum cleaner. - 特許庁
Since the work P approaches the suction port 23f during the air suction, the work P forms an obstacle even when the storage bag F is sucked toward the suction port 23f, and the storage bag F is not stuck to the suction port 23f. - 特許庁
very small (to 3 inches) flattened marine fish with a sucking disc on the abdomen for clinging to rocks etc. - 日本語WordNet
To prevent an unexpected torque rise in an inlet valve closing timing (IVC) approached to a bottom dead center in deceleration. - 特許庁
The pen holding part (2) is provided with a magnet (4), and the pen (3) is provided with a part (5) to be attracted to the magnet (5). - 特許庁
The motor with the cooling fan is mounted while arranging the cooling fan to face the air inlet. - 特許庁
To easily repeat posting a notice, such as a poster on a surface where a sucker sticks to, such as a glass surface. - 特許庁
Furthermore, since the fixation to the fixing surface F is performed by suction of the suction pad portion 4, the fixing surface F is prevented from being scratched. - 特許庁
When the inside of the continuation piping 28 is depressurized by the suction pump connected to the inlet port, the hood 41 is closely attached so as to suck the suction ports 27 of the distal end 21 of the endoscope, and is fixed to the distal end 21 of the endoscope. - 特許庁
To provide a cloth cleaning attachment for a suction tool of a vacuum cleaner which can remove attaching matters without sucking cloth into a suction port by winding the attachment around the suction tool of the vacuum cleaner and further make the vacuum cleaner smoothly move on the cloth surface. - 特許庁
To connect suction passages without winding a suction tube around a rotation holding member for sucking and holding an optical element to be inspected, to secure a smooth rotation of the rotation holding member, and to maintain a measurement precision. - 特許庁
Thus, at the time of cleaning, by an abnormal state where paper or the like is clung or stuck to a suction port body connected through a hose and an extension pipe to the main body case or the like, the suction air amount is reduced. - 特許庁
When the suction head 42 is turned to approach the object item, the suction head 42 is swung and displaced in such a way that the longitudinal direction of a film held at the suction head 42 is oriented in a height direction of the object item. - 特許庁
To provide a respirator which is an all face respirator having a fan unit operating interlocking with the breathing of a user, which has a light source being switched on when the pressure inside of the face body becomes negative, and by which such a possibility that the user of the respirator finds out the switch on of the light source is high. - 特許庁
The actuator has a means for supplying variable attracting current to the electromagnet when the plate approaches the electromagnet. - 特許庁
To prevent a joined resin member from being colored and largely reduce the running cost by reducing the usage of an expensive laser beam absorbing material. - 特許庁
A transparent protective film 13 preventing the damage of the drawn pattern and imparting glossiness is formed on the surface of the ink absorbing layer 12. - 特許庁
Injection ratio is kept being increased until intake air quantity gets close to a target value (step S104, S105). - 特許庁
When an upward external force is applied to an operating arm 30, a mover 26 is moved upward, and stuck to an upper plate 14 by an upper magnet 42. - 特許庁
In this case, by sucking the connection part 19 on the valve side approximately in a vertical state to the upper surface 12a, an opening part 19a is opened to an external part. - 特許庁
On the other hand, when downward external force is applied to the operating arm 30, the mover is moved downward and stuck to a lower plate 15 by a lower magnet 42. - 特許庁
The cut hair is rapidly and easily removed (the hair is easily sucked by the vacuum cleaner and the cut hair is not wound again). - 特許庁
After some time after opening, it would be hard to handle Ajitsuke nori which sticks together or becomes sticky when holding it due to seasonings leaking out after absorbing humidity. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Thus, the print on which the input image B is printed is stuck to a message board for attracting a magnet or a conspicuous wall surface, etc., like a message, a memo is clamped or the like and various using methods are enjoyed. - 特許庁
During the operation of the bobbin yarn sucking guide member for ending except the above operation, the yarn end is only sucked and caught, so there is no problem such that a yarn is slackened in its midway to be entwined with another component member. - 特許庁
To provide a water absorbing sheet imparting no unpleasant feeling to a user because the surface of the sheet does not become tacky by the absorption of water, unnecessary for especially specifying upper and rear surfaces and capable of being utilized for a wide use. - 特許庁
When the movable iron core 8 contacts the movable iron core receptacle 16, the movable iron core receptacle 16 moveS toward the shock absorbing part 17 against the fixed iron core 7, vibrations (shocks) generated when the movable iron core 8 contacts the movable iron core receptacle 16 are absorbed by the shock absorbing part 17. - 特許庁
To provide an article sucking device capable of certainly carrying out suctional hold of an article susceptible to flaw, etc., or to avoid flawing and capable of improving in sucking reaction of the article as much as possible and its method. - 特許庁
To provide an injection molded product taking-out apparatus capable of easily performing the setting work of suction pressure capable of properly and certainly sucking and holding an altered product at a time of the alteration of the kind or size of an injection molded product without approaching the injection molded product taking-out apparatus. - 特許庁
A liftable nozzle unit 24 of the emptying device 10 includes a nozzle body and a sliding nozzle head, and the sliding nozzle head is enclosed by a shield member 72 for preventing an inner bag of the flexible container 14 from moving close to and sticking to a suction port of the sliding nozzle head. - 特許庁
A suction pipe 105 of feeding the bath water from the bathtub 103 to the gas-liquid mixing tank 102 is piped so as to be in contact with the circumference of the electrolytic cell 116 and be wound therearound, and an electrolytic solution stored in the electrolytic cell 116 is warmed by the heat of the bath water flowing through the inside of the suction pipe 105. - 特許庁
A body 28 of the vacuum conveyor 10 has a non-funnel (columnar or downward expanded) inner periphery wall 42 to permit a loose material sucked into a suction chamber 44 and subjected to solid-gas separation to fall straight down without staying on the inner periphery wall 42. - 特許庁
To provide a method for producing cloth showing a soft touch as if it adheres to hands by extracting a polymer alloy fiber with a good spinning operability, making a cloth with this fiber, and then, forming a nanofiber. - 特許庁
A hole 92 is formed in the part of the second shell 10b approached by the permanent magnet 84, and the adsorption of the permanent magnet 84 to the second shell 10b made of a magnetic material is prevented. - 特許庁
To provide a method of manufacturing a solid state imaging device package which prevents the troubles that a lens provided on the image area of a solid state imaging device absorbs moisture or its surface flaws or dust deposits thereto, etc. - 特許庁
To provide a packing material for an absorbent article, which can reduce uncomfortableness and antipathy owing to place the packing material even when the packing material is placed in a place where it is easy to attract people's attention. - 特許庁
To provide a compressor capable of supplying a desirable quantity of refrigerant into a cylinder bore, preventing a suction valve and a valve plate form being stuck to each other, and easy to be manufactured. - 特許庁
To provide an electric vacuum cleaner equipped with a dust-dirt separating chamber wherein introduced dust and dirt do not wind around, and the noises generation and suction fall efficiency accompanying with the lapse of use are suppressed. - 特許庁
The suction cup 23 can stick on an installation face G by a larger force than a force F01 required when the base 21 is removed from the cylindrical container body 11. - 特許庁
In order to draw closer more effectively to maximum degree of saturation obtainable with improved mass transfer, a part of the gas is sucked in by the vacuum produced by the liquid injected, carried along together with the liquid and mixed uniformly with the liquid at the same time. - 特許庁
By a pressure-reducing phenomenon caused by sliding contact between the mirror face flat guide 7 and the magnetic tape 1, an air film between the rotary head drum 2 and the magnetic tape 1 is reduced, and the magnetic tape 1 travels as if it is sucked thereto. - 特許庁
To secure aid effectiveness, we all know that it is important to provide additional resources commensurate with the improvement of the absorptive capacity of developing countries.At the same time, however, we have to recognize that it takes some time for capacity building efforts to produce their expected outcomes and for these outcomes to become truly owned by developing countries. - 財務省
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