
「吹きあげる」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 77



of a wind, to blow a thing up into the air  - EDR日英対訳辞書


to stir up dirt or dust  - EDR日英対訳辞書


wind in the upper atmosphere blowing above but in the opposite direction from the trade winds  - 日本語WordNet


a machine that blasts sand to finish a surface, called sandblaster  - EDR日英対訳辞書



To float a workpiece without blowing up the workpiece itself or powder dust. - 特許庁



a wind consisting of air that gets hot during the day and blows up a mountain slope towards the peak  - EDR日英対訳辞書


When a wind is blown against the cornice preventive device 1, snow is blown up along the coarse gauze 20 on the windward side. - 特許庁


The flow of rainwater blowing up the surface of the main body 2 can be weakened by the groove section 10. - 特許庁


Consequently, an airflow blown up from the bottom center is generated in the container 2. - 特許庁



The hot air generation unit 11 blows hot air for heat treating the fiber laminate 50 upward. - 特許庁



To increase the wind velocity of drying air blown out from a slit of a duct without increasing the rotation speed of a fan. - 特許庁


To provide a combine harvester capable of suppressing noise and hot air blowing up from an engine. - 特許庁


The secondary separation step is carried out by blowing secondary air to the raw material particles dropping to the lower conical part in the primary separation step so as to blow up the light substances in the particles to the cylindrical separation space. - 特許庁


Cooling efficiency of the light valve element is increased by blowing air from a plurality of outles at angles larger than 90°. - 特許庁


The warm air produced in the heating portions 12A, 12B is sent from both the sides of the drying rooms 10 into the drying rooms 10 and then blown up. - 特許庁


In the ventilation system, the blow out opening 15 blowing air upward is arranged in the rear of a gas burner 25, and a hood 16 sucking up air is arranged above the gas burner 25. - 特許庁


The hot air producing unit 11 blows up hot air for heat-treating the fiber laminate 50 from below. - 特許庁


In contrast, it is necessary to raise an evaporation temperature by raising the evaporation pressure in order to raise an indoor blowout temperature. - 特許庁


To provide a wind turbine generator for building capable of effectively making use of wind blowing up along an external wall of a building. - 特許庁


The floating toy is composed of the float bodies 1 and a blower device 2 for blowing the float bodies 1 up in the air. - 特許庁


By making air blow from a plurality of blowout holes at an angle equal to or above a right angle, cooling efficiency for the light valve element 414 is enhanced. - 特許庁


An object of inspection, i.e., a steel ball 150 for use in bearing, is floated by blowing air from a supporting section 140. - 特許庁


Similarly, in the lower space of the sieving device 17, a nozzle 33 is positioned which blows air up to a sieving net 15 while it is rotating under the sieving net 15. - 特許庁


An air conditioning capability control section 5c increases the amount of blowoff air from the indoor machine selected by the preference room selection section 5a and further increases operation frequency of a compressor of an outdoor machine 1. - 特許庁


In order to increase the heating or cooling efficiency of an air injection nozzle used for producing the resin film, it is necessary to increase a flow rate of air blown to the resin film. - 特許庁


To apply a dephosphorizing treatment higher efficient in comparison with the conventional method by solving a problem point accompanied with acceleration of oxygen feeding speed from a top-blown lance when molten iron is dephosphorized by using a treating vessel having large free-board and supplying the oxygen from the top-blown lance. - 特許庁


The body 1 has a height from a floor face 6 neighborhood to a ceiling 7 neighborhood, and it is composed so that dust is blown up by an air flow jetted from the outlet 5. - 特許庁


Riemon learned from Hakusui of Minjin the refining method and kept it secret, and thanks to the Nanban-fuki copper refining method the Sumitomo Family gained enormous profit by extracting silver from crude copper.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The bowl 1 has a number of holes 12 inside each having a diameter smaller than that of the workpiece and the electrostatic eliminator 4 gives the electrostatic eliminating ion blow from these holes 12 upward to the workpieces. - 特許庁


Thereby, since the blown air pushes up the sheet, the deformation that the sheet is hung down between the vacuum suction wheels can be prevented and generation of wrinkles and flaw can be prevented. - 特許庁


To provide a movable hood device of fine appearance when a hood is extended or contracted and withstanding a strong wind and a gust of wind blowing up from under a hood sheet. - 特許庁


As a result, a temperature can be raised by reducing blowoff airflow quantity when the outside air temperature is low, noise of the blower fan is suppressed and a quiet heating operation can be performed. - 特許庁


According to this constitution, a cracking zone reduced in fluidization of the material is formed by reducing the quantity of a heated gas blown up from the gas dispersion plate near the material take-out portion, in comparison with that of the other portion. - 特許庁


While the substrate 101 is held, a plated layer is formed as a wiring pattern by spouting a plating solution from the downside in a state where an electric current is supplied to the film 102 by using the electrode 203. - 特許庁


When opening the plate, the air is blown into the pressure chamber of the bellows and the air is fed in the vacuum chamber by pushing the gripping magnet upward. - 特許庁


It is possible to finish the surface 5a clean by blowing gas 35 from the gas spraying device 30 and forcibly dropping the washing 16 attached on the surface 5a by blowing force of the gas 35. - 特許庁


To make the temperature in an inner kettle uniform without the occurrence of crumbling by boiling and boiling over, to give rise to small pits and to beautifully finish cooked rice by temporarily vigorously giving rise to the convection in the inner kettle in the boiling start time. - 特許庁


A leaf container is directly connected to a picking machine and the picked leaves are loaded in the container by blowing up strong wind from an air blowing port opened under the connection part into the leaf container. - 特許庁


To provide a cooker for cooking tasty boiled rice without scorching and uneven cooking and to prevent the periphery from being soiled by scattered bubbles when boiling over. - 特許庁


The flow rate of the gas blown up in a casing of the vertical crusher is adjusted to 3 (m/s) or more, thereby preventing the problem of the conventional technology that the raw material stays in a gas passage to form a mass like a bird nest. - 特許庁


Meanwhile, the reactor 2 is supplied with iron powder of the by-product of an iron and steel making process, and reduces the CO_2 in the exhaust gas by contacting the iron powder with the exhaust gas blown up from the lower side of the bed 2a. - 特許庁


On the lithographic printing plate 46 fed from a belt conveyor 42, its one side end part 47 runs on the inclination part 63 of a guide member 54 and high pressure air is blown thereon from air nozzles 59A-59E. - 特許庁


The holding device includes holding members 3, 5 that hold a peripheral edge portion of the substrate 4, and an air discharge portion 8 which discharges air to a lower face of the substrate 4 and lifts a central portion of the substrate 4, at a lower side of the central portion of the substrate 4. - 特許庁


Furthermore, the powder is blown up from the bottom portion 21c in the concavity 21 by the air blown out from the blowout hole formed in the side face of the nozzle 37 in the case where the residual amount of the powder in the concavity 21 is reduced. - 特許庁


Further, the powder near the surface of the accumulated powder of the concavity 21 is blown up by the air blown out from the blowout hole formed in the side face of the nozzle 37 in the case where the amount of the powder contained in the concavity 21 is large. - 特許庁


Further, reducing gas, such as H_2 gas, CO gas, for raising the surface tension of the molten steel is jetted on the molten metal surface at a position apart from the drums. - 特許庁


The bucket elevator adopts an air sweep structure for blowing up remaining grains 4 on a bottom plate 3 in a grain sucking up direction A, by sending air from a blowing port 39 disposed in a bottom plate 3 of a lower unit 9. - 特許庁


An article to be dried thrown into the drying chamber 12 through raw material throwing means 25 is carried and dried, entrained with the hot air passing through the drying chamber 12 while being floated with the hot air blown up through the vent hole 13 from the hot air chamber 11. - 特許庁


According to the prefabricated pile construction method, after settling of a prefabricated pile in a hole, an injection pipe 2 which has been sunk down to a lower end of the prefabricated pile, is lifted upward while spraying the hardener from an injection port 2a formed therein. - 特許庁



To raise the accuracy of observation and the process of a profile line by preventing the charging of a test piece at the observation and process of the test piece by a charged particle beam device and effectively utilize a processing gas to be blown on the test piece at processing. - 特許庁

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