
「商業文書」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 19



a written record of a commercial transaction  - 日本語WordNet


Documents related to industry, transportation, commerce and trade  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


a commercial document showing that the holder is entitled to something (as to ride on public transportation or to enter a public entertainment)  - 日本語WordNet


An ordinary user can easily create XML documents in a given form, e.g., resumes, commercial agreement sheets, official documents, etc., using only current web browsers widely used, without a specified XML editor. - 特許庁



The words Industrial and Commercial Property Service shall be replaced by the words Industrial Property Office in Article 2.1 of the Law of July 8, 1977, adopting various international instruments.  - 特許庁



Whoever places on products or on their wrapping, or on any kind of commercial documents destined for the public or on other relevant means of publicising and advertising a false statement that the objects in question are protected by patent, shall be punished by up to one year imprisonment or by fine amounting to at least fifty thousand drachmas or by both penalties.  - 特許庁


For the purpose of this section, a person uses a sign if he ? affixes it to goods or the packaging thereof; offers or exposes goods for sale, puts them on the market or stocks them for those purposes under the sign, or offers or supplies services under the sign; imports or exports goods under the sign; or uses the sign on business papers or in advertising.  - 特許庁


(4) For the purposes of this section, a person uses "a registered trademark" means- (a) affixes it to goods or the packaging thereof; (b) offers or exposes goods for sale, puts them on the market or stocks them for those purposes under the mark, or offers or supplies services under the mark; (c) imports or exports goods under the mark; (d) uses the mark on business papers or in advertising.  - 特許庁


A person who applies a registered trade mark to material intended to be used for labelling or packaging goods, as a business paper, or for advertising goods or services, shall be treated as a party to any use of the material which infringes the registered trade mark if when he applied the mark he knew or had reason to believe that the application of the mark was not duly authorised by the proprietor or a licensee.  - 特許庁


(3)(2)及び第49条の適用上,次のものにおいて使用され,かく使用された商標に言及してなされる請求又は命令に従って,ある者に商品が引き渡される又は場合によりサービスが提供される場合は,商標は商品又はサービスに適用されているとみなされる。(a)看板若しくは広告,又は (b)送り状,ワインリスト,カタログ,営業書簡,営業文書,価格表若しくはその他の商業書類(これらには,あらゆる媒体での書類を含む)。例文帳に追加

(3) For the purposes of section (2) and section 49, a trade mark shall be deemed to be applied to goods or services if it is used in- (a) any sign or an advertisement; or (b) any invoice, wine list, catalogue, business letter, business paper, price list or other commercial document,including any such document in any medium, and the goods are delivered, or services provided, as the case may be, to a person in pursuance of a request or order made by reference to the trade mark as so used. - 特許庁


材料は,それが登録商標と同一又は類似の標識を帯び,かつ,次の何れかである場合は,当該登録商標に関して,侵害する材料である。 (a) 材料が, (i) 商品のラベル表示のため, (ii) 商品の包装のため, (iii) 商業文書として,又は (iv) 商品又はサービスを広告するため, 登録商標を侵害するような方法で使用されている場合,又は (b) 材料がそのように使用されるよう意図されており,当該使用が登録商標の侵害を構成する虞がある場合例文帳に追加

Material is infringing material, in relation to a registered trade mark, if the material bears a sign identical or similar to the registered trade mark and either-- (a) the material is used-- (i) for labelling goods; (ii) for packaging goods; (iii) as a business paper; or (iv) for advertising goods or services, in such a way as to infringe the registered trade mark; or (b) the material is intended to be so used and such use would constitute an infringement of the registered trade mark.  - 特許庁

本条の適用上,何人も,特に次の場合は,標識を使用することになる。 (a) 標識を商品又は包装に適用する場合 (b) 標識の下で販売のために商品を提供又は展示する場合 (c) 標識の下で商品を市場に出す場合 (d) 販売のために商品を提供又は展示する目的,又は商品を市場に出す目的で,標識の下で商品を在庫する場合 (e) 標識の下でサービスを提供又は供与する場合 (f) 標識の下で商品を輸入又は輸出する場合,又は(g) 標識を商業文書又は広告に使用する場合例文帳に追加

For the purposes of this section a person uses a sign if, in particular, he-- (a) applies it to goods or their packaging; (b) offers or exposes goods for sale under the sign; (c) puts goods on the market under the sign; (d) stocks goods under the sign for the purpose of offering or exposing them for sale or of putting them on the market; (e) offers or supplies services under the sign; (f) imports or exports goods under the sign; or (g) uses the sign on business papers or in advertising.  - 特許庁

(5)に拘らず, 登録商標又は登録商標と類似の標識を, (a) 商品のラベル表示又は包装のために, (b) 商業文書として,又は (c) 商品又はサービスの広告のために, 使用される予定の材料に適用し又は適用させる者は,商標又は標識が材料に適用される時に,材料への適用が登録商標所有者又は使用権者により認容されていないことを知っており又はそう信じる理由を有する場合は,登録商標を侵害する材料の使用当事者とみなされる。例文帳に追加

Notwithstanding subsection (5), a person who applies or causes to be applied a registered trade mark, or a sign similar to a registered trade mark, to material which is intended to be used-- (a) for labelling or packaging goods; (b) as a business paper; or (c) for advertising goods or services, shall be treated as a party to any use of the material which infringes the registered trade mark if, at the time the trade mark or sign was applied to the material, he knew or had reason to believe that its application to the material was not authorized by the owner of the registered trade mark or by a licensee.  - 特許庁


If the use of a trade symbol is prohibited under Section 36, the court may, where practicable, order that a trade symbol placed on goods, their packaging, brochures, leaflets, commercial documents or the like contrary to a prohibition under Section 36 be erased or altered so as to be no longer misleading. If this cannot be done in any other way, the court shall order that the material so marked be destroyed or changed in a specified manner.  - 特許庁


At the request of a person whose right to a trade symbol has been infringed, the court may order that, if practicable, a symbol placed on goods, their packaging, leaflets, commercial documents or the like without authorization shall be erased or altered in such a way as to ensure that it will no longer be misused. If this cannot be done in any other way, the court shall order that the material so marked be destroyed or changed in a specified manner. The court may also, on request, order that the material be surrendered to the plaintiff against payment.  - 特許庁


(5) A person who applies a registered trademark to material intended to be used for labelling or packaging goods, as a business paper, or for advertising goods or services, shall be treated as infringer of the trademark if when he applied the mark he knew or had reason to believe that the application of the mark was not duly authorized by the proprietor or a registered user or any other person having the right to use it under this Act.  - 特許庁


The effect of the rights in a trade symbol provided for in Section 1 to 3 of this Act is that no one other than the proprietor of the trade symbol may use in his business any symbol liable to be confused with it for his goods, whether on the goods themselves or on their packaging, in advertising or commercial documents, or in any other way, including oral use. This provision shall apply regardless of whether the goods are offered or intended to be offered for sale in Finland or abroad, or are imported into the Finnish territory to be used, kept or stored for business purposes or to be forwarded to a third country.  - 特許庁

(4)本条,第28条,第29条及び第31条の適用上,特に次の場合は,標識を使用するものとされる。 (a)商品若しくはその包装に標章を適用する場合 (b)販売用に商品を提示する若しくは陳列する,標章を付してその目的のために商品を市場に出す若しくは在庫とする,又は標章の下にサービスを提示する若しくは提供する場合 (c)標章を付して商品を輸入若しくは輸出する場合 (d)あらゆる媒体におけるものを含む,送り状,ワインリスト,カタログ,営業書簡,営業文書,価格表若しくはその他の商業書類に標章を用いる場合,又は (e)広告において標章を用いる場合例文帳に追加

(4) For the purposes of this section, sections 28 and 29 and 31, a person uses a sign if, in particular, he- (a) applies it to goods or the packaging thereof; (b) offers or exposes goods for sale, puts them on the market or stocks them for those purposes under the sign, or offers or supplies services under the sign; (c) imports or exports goods under the sign; (d) uses the sign on an invoice, wine list, catalogue, business letter, business paper, price list or other commercial document, indluding any such document in any medium; or (e) uses the sign in advertising. - 特許庁



(1) A person shall be deemed to apply a trademark, mark or trade description to goods or service, as the case may be, who- (a) applies it to the goods themselves or services themselves, as the case may be; or (b) applies it to any package in or with which the goods or services, as the case may be, are sold, or exposed for sale, or had possession for sale or for any purpose of trade or manufacture; or (c) places, encloses or annexes any goods or services, as the case may be, which are sold, or are exposed for sale, or had in possession for sale or for any purpose of trademark on manufacture, in or with any package or other things to which a trademarks or mark or trade description has been applied; or (d) applies a trademark or mark trade description any manner reasonable likely to lead to the belief that the goods or services, as the case may be, in connection with which it is used are designated or described by that trademark or mark or trade description; or (e) in relation to the goods or services, as the case may be, uses a trademark or trade description in any sign, advertisement, invoice, catalogue, business letter, business paper, price list, or other commercial document, and goods or services, as the case may be, are delivered to a person in pursuance of a request or order made by reference of the trademark or trade description as so used.  - 特許庁


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