該当件数 : 62件
It seemed as if she was going to faint. - Tanaka Corpus
the reaction may include itchy skin, edema, collapsed blood vessels, fainting, difficulty in breathing, and death. - PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版
To take a measure for securing safety of a patient before he/she faints even in the case that the patient is to faint as ventricular fibrillation occurs. - 特許庁
To provide a method for treating or preventing neuron loss, neurodegenerative diseases, and the injurious effects of excitatory amino acid overstimulation. - 特許庁
To perform notification even when a patient comes into a higher-danger state such as a faint, a consciousness muddle or the like after the patient clutters. - 特許庁
To provide a bathing aid preventing a face surface from touching a water surface when a person from an infant to an adult tumbles down in bathing or falls unconscious such as a doze or faint. - 特許庁
To provide an insecticide composition which solves a problem that the more largely a conventional insecticide composition affects human bodies, the higher the insecticidal effect is, is safe and non-harmful for human bodies, and can instantaneously faint and kill insect pests. - 特許庁
To automatically check an abnormality in the number of heart meats, breathing rate and respiratory pulses, etc., when an aged person under care or bathing person faints or drowns in a bathroom. - 特許庁
To provide a technology system capable of preventing an accident by predicting an abnormal state from the outside even in the case of a sudden swoon accident such as cerebral hemorrhage, with which a person can not request a support to the outside, or even when that person tries to suicide without getting contact on his own will. - 特許庁
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