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該当件数 : 26


関係当局[官庁], その筋.例文帳に追加

the proper authoritiesthe authorities concerned  - 研究社 新英和中辞典


receiving office shall mean the Patent Office acting as an authority with which international applications may be filed under the Treaty; authority with which international applications may be filed under the Treaty; - 特許庁

「指定官庁」とは,条約第 I章に従って出願人によって指定された国の当局としての機能を果たす特許庁をいう。例文帳に追加

designated office shall mean the Patent Office acting as the State authority designated by an applicant in accordance with Chapter I of the Treaty; - 特許庁

「選択官庁」とは,条約第 II章に従って出願人によって選択された国の当局としての機能を果たす特許庁をいう。例文帳に追加

elected office shall mean the Patent Office acting as the State authority elected by an applicant in accordance with Chapter II of the Treaty; - 特許庁



If the Patent Authority finds that the decision of the receiving Office or the International Bureau was not justified, the Patent Authority shall examine and process the application under Parts 1 and 2.  - 特許庁



If the Patent Authority finds that the decision of the receiving Office or the International Bureau was not justified, the Patent Authority shall examine and process the application under Part 2.  - 特許庁


If a receiving Office has refused to accord an international filing date to an international utility model application, the Patent Authority shall, at the request of the applicant, review the decision to decide whether it was justified.  - 特許庁


If no international filing date has been accorded by the receiving Office, the application shall be deemed to have been filed on the date which in the opinion of the Patent Authority should have been accorded as the international filing date.  - 特許庁


International applications designating Denmark shall be filed with an authority or an international organization being the prescribed receiving Office under the Patent Cooperation Treaty.  - 特許庁



International applications shall be filed with a patent authority or an international organization (receiving Office) authorized under the Patent Cooperation Treaty and its Regulations to receive such applications.  - 特許庁



International patent applications shall be filed with the national patent authorities or international organizations which, according to the PCT, are authorized to receive such applications (receiving Offices). - 特許庁


An international patent application shall be filed with a patent office or an international organisation which is competent under the Treaty and the Regulations to receive such an application (receiving Office).  - 特許庁


If no international filing date has been accorded by the receiving Office, the application shall be deemed to have been filed on the date which in the opinion of the Patent Authority should have been accorded as the international filing date.  - 特許庁


International applications shall be filed with a registering authority or an international organization (receiving office) authorized under the Patent Cooperation Treaty and its Regulations to receive such applications.  - 特許庁


International applications designating Denmark shall be filed with an office or an international organisation being the prescribed receiving Office under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT).  - 特許庁


European patent applications designating Denmark shall be filed with an office or a European organisation being the prescribed receiving Office under the European Patent Convention.  - 特許庁


International applications designating Finland shall be filed with an authority or international organization that is a receiving Office authorized under the Patent Cooperation Treaty done at Washington on June 19, 1970, and its Regulations.  - 特許庁


If a receiving Office has refused to accord an international filing date to an international patent application, or if it has decided that the application or the designation of Denmark shall be considered withdrawn, the Patent Authority shall, at the request of the applicant, review the decision to decide whether it was justified. The same shall apply to any decision from the International Bureau according to which an application shall be considered withdrawn.  - 特許庁


If I am to answer your question in the most general way, I would say that the foreign authorities have naturally taken similar actions based on a common recognition of problems.  - 金融庁


(c) "Competent authority" for purposes of determining whether a mark is well-known, means the Court, the Director General, the Director of the Bureau of Legal Affairs, or any administrative agency or office vested with quasi-judicial or judicial jurisdiction to hear and adjudicate any action to enforce the rights to a mark; - 特許庁


"competent Authority" is the International Searching Authority that is to carry out the international search on the international application, or the International Preliminary Examining Authority that is to carry out the international preliminary examination on the international application, or the designated/elected Office before which the processing of the international application has started.  - 特許庁

(1) 法第27条(1)に掲げた優先権宣言については,特許願書又は別個の書類で行うことができ,次の表示を含まなければならない。 (a) 先の出願が行われたときの出願番号及び日付 (b) 先の出願が行われた場所又は対象の国名 (c) 広域出願又は国際出願に関する場合は,先の出願時の受理官庁として行動した国内当局,広域当局又は国際当局名 (d) 先の出願の原出願人の名称例文帳に追加

1. The declaration of priority referred to in Article 27, paragraph 1 of the Law may be made in the request for grant of patent or in a separate document, and must contain the following information: (a) the number and the date when the prior application was filed; (b) the country in which or for which the prior filing is made; (c) the national, regional, or international administration acting in the capacity of receiving office at the time of the filing of the prior application, when it is a matter of regional or international application; (d) the name of the original applicant of the prior application. - 特許庁

(6) 本規則の適用上,「所定の工業所有権所轄当局」とは,場合に応じて,国内官庁としての,又は該当する場合は国際調査機関としての又は特許協力条約に基づく国際予備審査機関としての地位を有する,オーストラリア特許庁,日本国特許庁,大韓民国特許庁,英国特許庁,アメリカ合衆国特許庁又は欧州特許庁を意味する。例文帳に追加

(6) For the purposes of these Regulations, "prescribed industrial property office" means the Patent Office of Australia, the Patent Office of Japan, the Patent Office of the Republic of Korea, the Patent Office of the United Kingdom, the Patent Office of the United States of America or the European Patent Office, as the case may require, in its capacity as a national office or, where appropriate, as an International Searching Authority or as an International Preliminary Examination Authority under the Patent Cooperation Treaty. - 特許庁

(17) 国際出願が,出願時に,国家防衛及び国家安全についての権限を有する当局により,本法第 41条第 2段落の規定に従って,「国家機密」として区分される情報を含んでいる場合,又はその発明に関する若しくは関連する情報がその後に「国家機密」として区分された場合は,受理官庁としてのOSIMは,その出願を国際出願として取り扱わないものとし,それに伴い,OSIMはその出願を国際事務局及び国際調査機関に送付せず,徴集済の(10)に基づく手数料を返還する。例文帳に追加

(17) Where, on the date of filing, the international application contains information classified as "state secret", or information relating to or in connection with the invention is subsequently classified as "state secret", according to the provisions of Art. 41 paragraph (2) of the Law, by the institutions habilitated for the national defense and safeguarding the national security, OSIM, as a receiving office shall not deal with the application as an international application, and consequently, it shall not transmit the application to the International Bureau and to the international search authority and shall refund the fees provided under paragraph (10) that were collected. - 特許庁


A forwarding fee of 800 francs shall be paid for each international application of patent of invention, received by the Service in its capacity as receiving office, to be forwarded to the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization and to the administration in charge of the international search in compliance of Article 12 of the Patent Cooperation Treaty. This fee is due on the day of receiving the international patent application. The fee must be paid at the latest by the expiration of the time limit set forth for the payment of the base fee constituting the international fee. - 特許庁


(2) 更に,先の優先日を有する次の特許出願の内容であって,後の出願の優先日以後に初めて公衆も利用に供されたものも,技術水準とみなされる。1. ドイツ特許庁に最初になされた国内出願2. 所轄当局に最初になされた欧州出願であって,その出願においてドイツ連邦共和国における保護が求められ,かつ,その出願に関してドイツ連邦共和国についての指定手数料が欧州特許条約第 79条(2)に従って納付されているもの,及び国際出願に基づく正規の欧州特許出願(欧州特許条約第 153条(2))であって,欧州特許条約第 153条(5)に規定された条件を満たしているもの3. 受理官庁に最初になされた特許協力条約に基づく国際出願であって,その出願についてドイツ特許庁が指定官庁であるもの 出願の優先権に関する先の基準日が先の出願に係る優先権の主張に基づくものである場合は,(2)第 1文は,それに従って考慮される出願の内容が先の出願の内容を超えていない範囲に限り適用する。(2)第 1文 1.に基づく特許出願であって,それに対して第 50条(1)又は(4)に基づく命令が出されたものは,その提出後 18月が経過したときに,公衆の利用に供されたものとみなされる。例文帳に追加

(2) Additionally, state of the art shall also be deemed to be the content of the following patent applications with earlier relevant filing dates which have been made available to the public only on or after the date relevant for the priority of the later application: 1. national applications as originally filed with the Patent Office; 2. European applications as originally filed with the competent authority where protection is sought for the Federal Republic of Germany and if the designation fee for the Federal Republic of Germany has been paid in accordance with Article 79(2) of the European Patent Convention, and if it is an application for a regular European patent based on an international application (Article 153(2) EPC) that fulfills the conditions set out in Article 153(5) of the European Patent Convention; (Article 153(2) EPC) that fulfills the conditions set out in Article 153(5) of the European Patent Convention; international applications under the Patent Cooperation Treaty as originally filed with the receiving office when the Patent Office has been designated for the application. When the earlier date relevant for priority of an application is based on a claim to priority of a prior application, the first sentence of subsection (2) shall be applicable only to the extent that the content of the application to be considered in accordance therewith does not go beyond the content of the prior application. Patent applications under no. 1 of the first sentence of subsection (2), which are the subject of an order under Section 50(1) or (4) of this Act, shall be considered to have been made available to the public upon expiry of the eighteenth month following their filing. (3) The provisions of subsections (1) and (2) shall not exclude from patentability any substance or substance mixture included in the state of the art when such is intended for use in a process cited in Section 2a(1), no. 2, and its use for such a process is not included in the state of the art.  - 特許庁


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