
「家事審判所」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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in Japan, a judicial institution called the {Domestic Relations Court}  - EDR日英対訳辞書

第十五条 この法律施行前に確定した家事審判所審判又は同日以前に家事審判所において成立した調停は、その家事審判所在地を管轄する家庭裁判審判又は同裁判において成立した調停とみなす。例文帳に追加

Article 15 A decision rendered by the Court of Domestic Relations that has become final and binding before effectuation of this Act, or an agreement reached in conciliation conducted by the said Court before the said effectuation date shall be deemed to be a decision given by the Family Court having jurisdiction over the district within which the said Court of Domestic Relations is located or an agreement reached in conciliation conducted by said Family Court.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第十七条 家事審判法施行法(昭和二十二年法律第百五十三号)によつて家事審判所審判とみなされる裁判は、この法律施行後は、家庭裁判審判とみなす。例文帳に追加

Article 17 Judicial decisions that are deemed to be decisions rendered by the Court of Domestic Relations in accordance with the provisions of the Act for Enforcement of the Domestic Relations Trial Act (Act No. 153, 1947) shall be deemed to be the decisions rendered by the Family Court after effectuation of this Act.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

3 前二項の事件において、この法律施行前に旧家事審判法によつてした家事審判所その他の者の行為は、別段の定のある場合を除いては、改正後の家事審判法(以下新家事審判法という。)の適用については、同法によつてした行為とみなす。例文帳に追加

(3) Except as otherwise provided for, acts done before effectuation of this Act by the Court of Domestic Relations or other persons in accordance with the provisions of the old Domestic Relations Trial Act, in cases referred to in the preceding two paragraphs, shall be deemed to have been done in accordance with the provisions of the said Act, in the application of the amended Domestic Relations Trial Act (hereinafter referred to as the "new Domestic Relations Trial Act"),.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


2 家事審判所審判に関する抗告事件及び旧家事審判法第四条の規定による抗告事件でこの法律施行の際現に抗告裁判に係属しているものは、家庭裁判審判に関する抗告事件とみなす。例文帳に追加

(2) Cases of appeal from decisions of the Court of Domestic Relations and cases of appeal made in accordance with the provisions of Article 4 of the old of Domestic Relations Trial Act that are pending in the court of the appeal at the time of effectuation of this Act shall be deemed to be appeal cases against decisions of the Family Court.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


第十四条 この法律施行の際現に家事審判所に係属している事件及びこの法律による改正前の家事審判法(以下旧家事審判法という。)第四条の規定によつて地方裁判に係属している事件は、この法律施行の日に、その家事審判所又は地方裁判在地を管轄する家庭裁判に係属したものとみなす。例文帳に追加

Article 14 (1) The cases that are pending in the Court of Domestic Relations and cases that are pending in the District Court in accordance with the provisions of Article 4 of the Act for Domestic Relations Trial Act before amended by this Act (hereinafter referred to as the "old Domestic Relations Trial Act"), at the time of effectuation of this Act shall be deemed to have been pending in the Family Court having jurisdiction over the district within which the said Court of Domestic Relations or District Court is located, as of the day of the effectuation of this Act.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第十八条 家事審判法施行法第二十四条第二項の規定によつて管轄家事審判所に差し戻すべき事件は、この法律施行後は、管轄家庭裁判に差し戻さなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 18 (1) A matter that shall be remanded to the Court of Domestic Relations having jurisdiction, in accordance with the provisions of Article 24, paragraph 2 of the Act for Enforcement of the Domestic Relations Trial Act, shall be remanded to the Family Court with jurisdiction thereon, after effectuation of the present Act.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第十六条 この法律施行前にした行為に対する過料に関する規定の適用については、旧家事審判法は、この法律施行後も、なおその効力を有する。この場合において、過料の審判は、旧家事審判法によれば権限を有すべき家事審判所在地を管轄する家庭裁判が行う。例文帳に追加

Article 16 (1) The old Domestic Relations Trial Act shall remain in effect even after effectuation of this Act for the purpose of the application of provisions concerning non-penal fine against acts done before effectuation of this Act. In this case, decision of a non-penal fine shall be rendered by the Family Court having jurisdiction over the district where the Court of Domestic Relations which should have jurisdiction under the old Domestic Relations Trial Act is located.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

2 前項の規定によつて差し戻した場合には、その事件において家事審判法施行法による改正前の非訟事件手続法によつてした裁判その他の者の行為は、新家事審判法の適用については、同法によつてした行為とみなす。例文帳に追加

(2) In cases where a case has been remanded in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, acts done by the Court or other persons in said case in accordance with the provisions of the Act of Procedures for Non-contentious Matters prior to the amendment by the Act for Enforcement of the Domestic Relations Trial Act shall be deemed to be acts done in accordance with the provisions of the new Domestic Relations Trial Act the said Act, for the purpose of the application of said new Act.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


一 国内の裁判における訴訟事件(刑事に関するものを除く。)、非訟事件、家事審判事件、民事執行事件、民事保全事件その他民事に関する事件の手続についての代理例文帳に追加

(i) representation in regard to procedures of lawsuit (except a criminal case), a non-litigation case, a family court case, a civil execution case, a case involving civil preservation or other civil cases, in a court in Japan.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


第十九条 民法の一部を改正する法律(昭和二十二年法律第二百二十号)附則第十四条第二項又は第二十七条第三項(同法附則第二十五条第二項但書、第二十六条第二項及び第二十八条において準用する場合を含む。)の規定によつて家事審判所が行うべき審判は、この法律施行後は、家庭裁判が行う。例文帳に追加

Article 19 Decisions which shall be rendered by the Court of Domestic Relations in accordance with the provisions of Article 14, paragraph 2 or Article 27, paragraph 3 of the Supplementary Provisions of the Act for Partial Amendments to the Civil Code (Act No. 222, 1947) (including cases wherein the provisions of Article 27, paragraph 3 are applicable mutatis mutandis under the proviso to Article 25, paragraph 2, and Article 26, paragraph 2 and Article 28 of the Supplementary Provisions of the said Act), shall be rendered by the Family Court after effectuation of the present Act.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第一条 民事訴訟手続、民事執行手続、民事保全手続、行政事件訴訟手続、非訟事件手続、家事審判手続その他の裁判における民事事件、行政事件及び家事事件に関する手続(以下「民事訴訟等」という。)の費用については、他の法令に定めるもののほか、この法律の定めるところによる。例文帳に追加

Article 1 Costs of civil litigation proceedings, civil execution proceedings, civil preservation proceedings, administrative case litigation proceedings, non-contentious case proceedings, domestic-relations adjudication proceedings, and any other proceedings relating to civil cases, administrative cases or domestic-relations cases in court (hereinafter referred to as "civil proceedings, etc.") shall be governed by the provisions of this Act in addition to the provisions of other laws and regulations.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

5 第一項及び第三項の規定の適用については、本案が家事審判法(昭和二十二年法律第百五十二号)第十八条第一項に規定する事件であるときは家庭裁判に対する調停の申立てを、本案が労働審判法(平成十六年法律第四十五号)第一条に規定する事件であるときは地方裁判に対する労働審判手続の申立てを、本案に関し仲裁合意があるときは仲裁手続の開始の手続を、本案が公害紛争処理法(昭和四十五年法律第百八号)第二条に規定する公害に係る被害についての損害賠償の請求に関する事件であるときは同法第四十二条の十二第一項に規定する損害賠償の責任に関する裁定(次項において「責任裁定」という。)の申請を本案の訴えの提起とみなす。例文帳に追加

(5) With regard to the application of the provisions of paragraph (1) and paragraph (3), the filing of an action on the merits shall be deemed to be replaced with: the filing of a petition for conciliation with a family court if the case on the merits is a case prescribed in Article 18, paragraph (1) of the Act on Adjudication of Domestic Relations (Act No. 152 of 1947); the filing of a petition for labor tribunal proceedings with a district court if the case on the merits is a case prescribed in Article 1 of the Labor Tribunal Act (Act No. 45 of 2004); the procedure to commence arbitration proceedings if an arbitration agreement is reached in the case on the merits; and the application for an award on the liability for damages (referred to as an "award on liability" in the following paragraph) prescribed in Article 42-12, paragraph (1) of the Act for the Settlement of Environmental Pollution Disputes (Act No. 108 of 1970) if the case on the merits is a case to seek damages for suffering from environmental pollution prescribed in Article 2 of said Act.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


第二十七条 民事調停法(昭和二十六年法律第二百二十二号)第二十四条の二第一項の事件又は家事審判法(昭和二十二年法律第百五十二号)第十八条第一項の事件(同法第二十三条の事件を除く。)について訴えを提起した当事者が当該訴えの提起前に当該事件について認証紛争解決手続の実施の依頼をし、かつ、当該依頼に基づいて実施された認証紛争解決手続によっては当事者間に和解が成立する見込みがないことを理由に当該認証紛争解決手続が終了した場合においては、民事調停法第二十四条の二又は家事審判法第十八条の規定は、適用しない。この場合において、受訴裁判は、適当であると認めるときは、職権で、事件を調停に付することができる。例文帳に追加

Article 27 Where a party to a dispute has brought a suit in respect of a case prescribed in Article 24-2, Paragraph 1 of the Act on Conciliation of Civil Affairs (Act No. 222 of 1951) or a case prescribed in Article 18, Paragraph 1, of the Act on Adjudication of Domestic Relations (Act No. 152 of 1947) (except for a case prescribed in Article 23 of the said act), if the party, prior to bringing the suit, made a request for certified dispute resolution for the dispute and the certified dispute resolution procedure was terminated on the grounds that it was impossible to arrange settlement between the parties to the dispute through certified dispute resolution, the provisions of Article 24-2 of the Act on Conciliation of Civil Affairs or Article 18 of the Act on Adjudication of Domestic Relations shall not apply. In such case, the court in charge of the case may refer the case to conciliation ex officio if the court considers it appropriate to do so.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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