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該当件数 : 37



social ideal of the abolition of capital punishment  - EDR日英対訳辞書


United States abolitionist (1786-1865)  - 日本語WordNet


United States abolitionist (1803-1895)  - 日本語WordNet


In Japan too, many people oppose [are against] the death penalty.  - 研究社 新和英中辞典



a political theory favoring the abolition of governments  - 日本語WordNet



Also, Roka TOKUTOMI clarified his stance against the capital punishment in the lecture of 'Muhonron' (On Rebellion).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In A.D.1655, Gakuryo was ordered to dissolve by the Tokugawa shogunate because of the dispute in Syo'o over the Jodo Shinshu teachings.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


My second question is about the ongoing debate in the Government Tax Commission for the abolishment of the securities tax break.  - 金融庁


As a kanji abolitionist, he also published "Kaika no tabini motte kaimoji wo hassubeki no ron" (An Essay on the Necessity of Creating New Words with Every Opportunity of Attaining Enlightenment) in 1874.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



From such perspective, some male-line advocates claim the female-line acceptance theory is a stepping stone for emperor system abolition and criticize them.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



abolitionist who was hanged after leading an unsuccessful raid at Harper's Ferry, Virginia (1800-1859)  - 日本語WordNet


During this discussion, the abolishment of the medal system, which had been criticized for overlapping with the decoration system, was considered but postponed.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This system, however, is used as an excuse for the abolitionism of an era name because it can be regarded as what advocates the monarch's authority.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It was in this Cabinet that that Korekiyo TAKAHASHI, the Minister of Finance proposed the theory of the abolition of the staff headquarters.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the Taisho Democracy period, there was a debate about reforming or abolishing the Kizokuin, so Takaaki KATO's Cabinet made some amendments.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It dealt with articles and translations in wide areas, ranging from the style of scholar, right and wrong of concubine (feminism etc.), Philosophy, religious arguments including freedom of faith, educational arguments such as an opinion to improve letters, social problems such as the abolition of death penalty, economic problems such as currency and trades, to specters.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the Edo period, amidst discussion and criticism, Aizu, Okayama, Mito, Choshu and Tsuwano domains abolished or integrated shoshi (small shrines) and shrines to evil deities.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


At the discussion on the Constitution of Japan, which eventually meant the loss of their existence, Kizokuin were worried that the Allies might promote abolishing the Emperor system and to counter this, most of the councilors reluctantly agreed with the Constitution.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


a small town in northeastern West Virginia that was the site of a raid in 1859 by the abolitionist John Brown and his followers who captured an arsenal that was located there  - 日本語WordNet


After that, Zogusho revived with FUJIWARA no Oguromaro appointed the head when the removal of capital to Heiankyo took place; however, it was abolished when 'Tokusei dispute' broke out between FUJIWARA no Otsugu and SUGANO no Mamichi in 805 and the construction of Heiankyo was canceled.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, when the Boshin War was almost over, the government became negative about regarding public opinion in a deliberative assembly, and in October, 1868, they abolished Giseikan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Generally speaking, whether to maintain the listing of a specific listed company or delist it is a matter to be judged by each exchange in accordance with its own rules.  - 金融庁


With the end of the preferential tax treatment for securities approaching, I would like to have your comments on taxation systems related with this area.  - 金融庁


We have to work out specifics from now on, and the members of the experts' panel on this issue, as well as I, have not considered this matter with the abolition or breakup of the organization as a prerequisite.  - 金融庁


If so, we must consider which organization would be best suited to take over the re-training function - although the function of fostering new instructors should be abolished - after Polytechnic University is abolished. So we will probably need to debate which organization should take over that function.  - 金融庁


Following Taikyo-senpu (propagation of the Great Teaching of Shinto) in 1867, the newly established Meiji Government was enthusiastic about the training of Shinto priests, establishing a dormitory for the trainees under the Shinto Jimukyoku (the Secretariat of Shinto), but the Kyodoshoku-sei (a system of national enlightenment on Shinto through government-assigned preceptors) had to be discontinued as the voices calling for the separation of religion and politics and the freedom of religion prevailed.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In 1921 the Washington Conference was convened against the background of the infringement on the Covenant of the League of Nations, opposition to the renewal of the Anglo-Japanese Alliance both in Japan and Britain, the US's desire for abrogation of the Anglo-Japanese Alliance due to its clash of interests with Japan, and the cooperative policy of the Japanese Government toward the US.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The steep price rise of salt caused by the enactment of the Salt Monopoly Law evoked public opinions, inviting many criticisms, and after 1906, the possibility of abolition of the law was debated at each meeting of the Diet, but the government never accepted it but worked hard to improve the law and virtually abolished private profitalism in 1918, and, by adopting public profitalism, tried to adjust the balance of demand and supply and to protect the salt industry, and then the criticisms subsided.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


After the organization is dissolved, some of its functions will be abolished and others will be transferred to other organizations, and we would like to hold discussions on this point.  - 金融庁


I believe that the direction of the reform, namely, abolishing the organization, breaking up its operations and consolidating its functions, has been set after very careful debate. Now, we must start working on a specific institutional design. Regarding the Polytechnic University, for example, Minister Masuzoe will have no objection to its abolition, although I have not yet discussed this with him.  - 金融庁


In 806, he had so-called 'Tokusei ronso (argument over virtuous government)' with FUJIWARA no Otsugu in front of Emperor Kanmu, and although he strongly opposed Otsugu's insistence to cease the military affairs and construction in order to reduce farmers' burdens, the Emperor adopted Otsugu's insistence and canceled the punitive expedition to Ezo and construction of Heian-kyo Palace  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Ronso meant for Daijokan (the Grand Council of State) to submit its report to the Emperor on state rituals, establishment or abolition of provinces, districts or government offices, execution of deportation or expulsion, allotment of more than 100 war horses, and other important matters proposed or discussed by ministers and other members of Daijokan, except for such matters as particular to Daijokan itself that were excluded from the subjects of Ronso.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

登録商標を侵害する商品の輸入に異を申し立てる旨の廃止法第103条 (3) (b)に基づく通知が1996年1月1日前に取り消されていなかった場合は,その通知は,(2)に従うことを条件として,本法第13部の適用上第132条に基づいて行われた通知として,引き続き効力を有する。例文帳に追加

If a notice under paragraph 103 (3) (b) of the repealed Act objecting to the importation of goods infringing a registered trade mark had not been revoked before 1 January 1996, then, subject to subsection (2), the notice continues to have effect for the purposes of Part 13 of this Act as if it were a notice given under section 132 of this Act.  - 特許庁

次の場合は,裁判所は,決定を取り消し,ハンガリー特許庁に新たな手続を開始するよう命じるものとする。 (a) 除斥の理由で異を唱えられる可能性がある者が参加して当該決定が下された場合 (b) ハンガリー特許庁における手続の間に,裁判所が是正することができない実体的手続規則違反がなされた場合 (c) (廃止)例文帳に追加

The court shall repeal the decision and order the Hungarian Patent Office to start a new procedure if: (a) the decision was taken with the participation of a person who could be objected to on the grounds of exclusion; (b) substantive rules of procedure which cannot be remedied by the court were infringed during the procedure before the Hungarian Patent Office. (c) [repealed] - 特許庁


Since it is not necessary to provide a notch on a bracket and the bracket as separate parts can be eliminated, the increase of the number of parts of the front end structure, the assembly man-hours and the repair expense for the front end panel, and the front end panel 10 is prevented from being greatly damaged caused by the shock force such as collision. - 特許庁

上述のとおり、我が国が締結したEPA において認められる二国間セーフガード措置は、FTA/EPA に基づく関税削減の停止、又は関税率を実行MFN 税率まで引き上げることのみを目的としており、原則として、WTO協定との整合性の問題は発生しないと考えられる(GATT 第24条第8項の実質上廃止しなければならない制限的通商規則該当性は議の余地がある)。例文帳に追加

As previously mentioned, the bilateral safeguard measures permitted under the EPAs executed by Japan are aimed at suspension of tariff reduction thereunder or at an increase of the tariff rate up to the present most-favored-nation rate of tariff . These measures are considered, in principle, not to give rise to any issue of consistency with the WTO Agreement (although it is potentially arguable that these measures fall under more restrictive regulations of commerce under paragraph 8 of GATT Article XXIV, which measures must be substantially eliminated). - 経済産業省


その関連で、1982年のGATT 閣僚会議の宣言において「より改善されかつ効果的なセーフガード制度の必要性」が唱えられたが、灰色措置の規制強化ないし廃止を目指す開発途上国、米国、豪州、NZ 等と、灰色措置の規制は現実を無視した議であるとするEU が対立するなど、セーフガード措置についての規律の強化、明確化に関し、具体的な進展は得られなかった。例文帳に追加

In this regard, the GATT Ministerial Meeting in 1982 issued a declaration that stated, in part, that "there is need for an improved and more efficient safeguard system." United States, Australia, New Zealand and other many developing countries argued that grey-area measures either should be scrapped or the rules on them strengthened. The EU believed that this position simply ignored reality. As a result, no concrete progress was made on the issue. - 経済産業省


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