
「後発発展途上国」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 後発発展途上国の意味・解説 > 後発発展途上国に関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 17



a United Nations country classification called Least Developed Countries  - EDR日英対訳辞書


an international conference called {United Nations Conference on Least Developed Countries}  - EDR日英対訳辞書


a country that belongs to the classification of least developed countries  - EDR日英対訳辞書


countries that are classified by the United Nations as Least Developed Countries  - EDR日英対訳辞書


発展途上中、特に開発の遅れた後発開発途上(Least Developed Countries: LDC)は2006年時点で50かである。例文帳に追加

Among the developing countries, the Least Developed Countries (LCD)6 , which are particularly behind in development, amounted to 50 countries as of 2006. - 経済産業省



We are committed to working together in this area to substantially improve market access for products from developing countries, especially the least developed ones.  - 財務省


The state or territory is among the least developed states or territories according to the UN's classification at the time in question or has insufficient manufacturing capacity in accordance with the Annex to the WTO's General Council Decision of August 30, 2003 (the WTO Medicines Decision); - 特許庁


Enhanced technical assistance and trade capacity building to remove obstacles to improved export competitiveness, as well as assistance to ease adjustment, is also critical, especially for the least-developed countries.  - 財務省


We acknowledge the paramount role of South-South trade in this respect, and will further explore means to grant the least developed countries duty-free and quota-free market access.  - 財務省



Besides establishing rules and striving to free trade and investment, East Asia, as such, needs a framework of development by all members, in that regional forerunners like Japan and South Korea support the growth of newly emerging members. - 経済産業省



In the case of a country or WTO Member listed in Schedule 2, the country or WTO Member has ceased to be recognized by the United Nations as being a least-developed country or, in the case of a country that is not a WTO Member, the country has permitted any product imported into that country under an authorization to be used for commercial purposes or has failed to adopt the measures referred to in Article 4 of the General Council Decision;  - 特許庁


Purpose of sections 21.02 to 21.2 is to give effect to Canadas and Jean Chretien’s pledge to Africa by facilitating access to pharmaceutical products to address public health problems afflicting many developing and least-developed countries, especially those resulting from HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and other epidemics.  - 特許庁


However, it was noted that there existed a wide disparity in tariff rates among Members after the conclusion of the Uruguay Round. In realizing a fair expansion of trade, it is vital to reduce the tariff rates to a certain targeted level corresponding to the level of development, giving due consideration to each Member's situation including its current trade weighted average tariff rate. As to the certain targeted level in the case of LDCs, full consideration is needed, and in the case of developing countries, the degree of development and competitiveness of each member should be carefully analysed.  - 経済産業省

総督は命令により次のとおりとすることができる。 大臣及び厚生大臣の勧告があったときは,多くの開発途上及び後発発展途上国を悩ます公共の健康問題,特にHIV/エイズ,結核,マラリアその他の疫病から発生する問題に対処するために使用することのできる特許製品の名称を加えることにより,並びに,総督が適切とみなす場合は,特許製品について次の事項,即ち,投薬形態,強度及び投与経路の1又は2以上を加えることにより,並びに (ii) 附則1に列挙した記入を削除することにより, 同附則を修正することができ, (b) 外務大臣,際通商大臣及び際協力大臣の勧告により,際連合により後発発展途上国として認められているであって次のとおりであるものの名称を加えることにより,附則2を修正することができる。例文帳に追加

The Governor in Council may, by order, (a) on the recommendation of the Minister and the Minister of Health, amend Schedule 1 (i) by adding the name of any patented product that may be used to address public health problems afflicting many developing and least-developed countries, especially those resulting from HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and other epidemics and, if the Governor in Council considers it appropriate to do so, by adding one or more of the following in respect of the patented product, namely, a dosage form, a strength and a route of administration, and by removing any entry listed in it; (b) on the recommendation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister for International Trade and the Minister for International Cooperation, amend Schedule 2 by adding the name of any country recognized by the United Nations as being a least-developed country that has,  - 特許庁


Members, Recognizing the growing importance of trade in services for the growth and development of the world economy; Wishing to establish a multilateral framework of principles and rules for trade in services with a view to the expansion of such trade under conditions of transparency and progressive liberalization and as a means of promoting the economic growth of all trading partners and the development of developing countries; Desiring the early achievement of progressively higher levels of liberalization of trade in services through successive rounds of multilateral negotiations aimed at promoting the interests of all participants on a mutually advantageous basis and at securing an overall balance of rights and obligations, while giving due respect to national policy objectives; Recognizing the right of Members to regulate, and to introduce new regulations, on the supply of services within their territories in order to meet national policy objectives and, given asymmetries existing with respect to the degree of development of services regulations in different countries, the particular need of developing countries to exercise this right; Desiring to facilitate the increasing participation of developing countries in trade in services and the expansion of their service exports including, inter alia, through the strengthening of their domestic services capacity and its efficiency and competitiveness; Taking particular account of the serious difficulty of the least-developed countries in view of their special economic situation and their development, trade and financial needs; Hereby agree as follows: - 経済産業省


附則4に列挙されているであって世界貿易機関加盟でない場合に,次のとおりである場合: (i) その名が,政府開発援助を受ける資格のあるとして経済開発協力機構の一覧に最早掲載されていない。 (ii) 当該が,家の非常事態又は他の緊急事態に最早直面していない。 (iii) 当該が,認可により当該に輸入された製品を商業目的に使用することを許可した。又は (iv) 当該が,総会決議第4条にいう方策を取ることを怠った。 (e) 附則3又は附則4に列挙されている又は世界貿易機関加盟の場合に,当該又は世界貿易機関加盟後発発展途上国として際連合により認定された。並びに (f) 附則2から附則4までの何れかに列挙されている又は世界貿易機関加盟の場合に,総会決議1(a)に定義される医薬品を輸入しない旨を,当該がカナダ政府に通知した,又は世界貿易機関加盟が知的所有権の貿易関連側面に関する協定の協議会に通知した。例文帳に追加

In the case of a country listed in Schedule 4 that is not a WTO Member, (i) the name of the country is no longer on the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development’s list of countries that are eligible for official development assistance, (ii) the country no longer faces a national emergency or other circumstances of extreme urgency, (iii) the country has permitted any product imported into that country under an authorization to be used for commercial purposes, or (iv) the country has failed to adopt the measures referred to in Article 4 of the General Council Decision; (e) in the case of any country or WTO Member listed in Schedule 3 or 4, the country or WTO Member has become recognized by the United Nations as a least-developed country; and (f) in the case of any country or WTO Member listed in any of Schedules 2 to 4, the country has notified the Government of Canada, or the WTO Member has notified the TRIPS Council, that it will not import pharmaceutical products, as defined in paragraph 1(a) of the General Council Decision.  - 特許庁


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