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該当件数 : 137



a woman negotiator  - 日本語WordNet


someone who engages in sexual intercourse  - 日本語WordNet


the moment of most intense pleasure in sexual intercourse  - 日本語WordNet


It's been a long time since I had my last sexual intercourse. - 旅行・ビジネス英会話翻訳例文



Since the system has a continuation/repetition property differently from a temporary auction, a negotiation server automatically manages the negotiations of both parties. - 特許庁



Japan carries forward individual EPA/FTA negotiations, according to the status of trade and investment relationships with respective partner countries, considering consistency with the WTO agreements at the same time. - 経済産業省

このまま交渉を継続しても、弊社が契約を取れる可能は低いように思えます。メールで書く場合 例文帳に追加

I think there is little chance of us winning the contract even if we continue the negotiation.  - Weblio Email例文集


They actively got engaged in society from the active nature of Zen.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Japan's participation in TPP talks may be approved by the member nations as early as July. - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


交渉される可能があるプロトコルは、例えば、Web Services Coordinationの拡張である。例文帳に追加

The potential protocols subject to negotiation may be, for example, extension to Web Service Coordination. - 特許庁



To provide a framework which can secure transparency among M and A participants regarding negotiation procedures while maintaining annonymousness in individual negotiations in a case of M and A wherein plural buyers individually negotiates with one seller. - 特許庁

EU をはじめ文化保護の重要を強調する国々の態度は依然として強固ではあるものの、「いかなるセクターも交渉からアプリオリには排除されない」という原則は、2001年策定の交渉ガイドラインにおいて確立されており、音響・映像分野についても今次サービス交渉の対象である。例文帳に追加

The EU and other Members still strongly believe that protecting culture is important. On the other hand, the guidelines for negotiations, adopted in 2001, have established that no sector shall be excluded a priori from the scope of negotiations. Accordingly, audio-visual services have been included in the present services negotiations. - 経済産業省


To provide an intelligent agent and a method of negotiating herewith, which enhance the productivity, security, efficiency and responsiveness of the agent in negotiations with other parties. - 特許庁


The agent and the method incorporate a number of features. - 特許庁


We have expressed our views on all aspects of the Doha negotiations at past Ministerial meetings, including the importance of the development dimension of the negotiations. - 経済産業省


To achieve an anonymous negotiation between users so as to satisfy the requirements of security of identification under anonymity, traceability, non-association, and partial non-association. - 特許庁

政治レベルでは、2011 年 11 月のカンヌ G20 サミットで、交渉を進めるため、斬新で信頼のあるアプローチを追求する必要が共有された。例文帳に追加

At the political level, the necessity for pursuit of an innovative and reliable negotiation approach was commonly affirmed at the Cannes G20 Summit in November 2011. - 経済産業省


There are various theories on facts of Kenshin's relationship with women, which cannot be confirmed, they are not based on reliable evidence.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He stressed the need to improve the structure of the negotiations and to ensure support for domestic agriculture. - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


We will refrain from introducing, and oppose protectionist trade actions in all forms and recognize the importance of a prompt conclusion of the Doha negotiations.  - 財務省


The client negotiates with a reliable undertaker being the nearest to the desire of the client among them by visiting the company directly or through the Internet. - 特許庁


The server 6 mediates negotiation about the price and amount of a commodity between clients of an optional combination while maintaining the anonymity of the clients. - 特許庁


This provision is designed to remove any barrier resulting from non-transparent procedures and to facilitate future negotiations on such procedures. - 経済産業省


Further, expediting negotiations will be vital in forming agreements which meet dramatically changing technology and consumer needs. - 経済産業省


We noted the urgency of advancing the DDA negotiations and issued a separate Statement on the DDA. - 経済産業省


We also welcomed the continued work to achieve progress of the Russian Federation in the WTO accession negotiations and underlined the importance of efforts to expedite conclusion of these negotiations. - 経済産業省


This does not mean that a refusal to negotiate the license always renders the claim of rights illegitimate.  - 経済産業省

日本及び ASEAN は、実施に十分な期間を残す必要を考慮して、可能な限り早期に交渉を終えるよう努力する。例文帳に追加

Japan and ASEAN will endeavour to conclude the negotiation as soon as possible, taking into account the need to leave sufficient time for implementation. - 経済産業省


2. The proposal, as set out below, consists of two parts:"II. Importance of Energy Services and Issues to be Considered" and "III. Expectations from the Negotiations".  - 経済産業省


The “plurilateralnegotiation method is one possible new approach; under this method, certain interested nations, not all the member states, engage in negotiations. - 経済産業省


In order to guarantee the transparency of the Initiative, the outline of the negotiations were released on April 7, 2009 after consultations among the participating countries. - 経済産業省


(b) Whether the legal compliance division or the internal audit division strives to keep track of the progress of negotiations with rating stakeholders, and whether it examines if negotiations are being conducted appropriately; and whether it strives to establish systems for ensuring the effectiveness thereof, such as by revising the internal rules, etc. when necessary.  - 金融庁


Unregulated spread of PTAs may impede global trade liberalization, due to the possible generation of vested interests and a shortage of human resources for multilateral negotiations particularly in developing countries, with a greater number of human resources put into negotiators for PTAs than for multilateral trade liberalization. - 経済産業省


We present the approaches of Japan and other countries as well as the circumstances of international negotiations to deepen the understanding of the people about global warming issues, and the importance of Japan’s initiative (sectoral approach) in international negotiations and international cooperation. - 経済産業省


Further, the EU considers the level of market potential (size of the market, economic growth rate) and protectionist measures (tariff and non-tariff barriers) in selecting countries and regions with which it negotiates FTAs. It emphasizes FTA negotiations, particularly with ASEAN, Republic of Korea, and MERCOSUR. - 経済産業省


1. Japan presents this proposal with the intention that energy services should be included in the discussion for the negotiations on trade in services, given the importance of energy services for economic activities. The proposal is submitted in accordance with paragraph 2(b) of the "Roadmap" adopted at the Special Session of the Council for Trade in Services on 25 May 2000, which allows Member Countries to make further or more detailed proposals in the future.  - 経済産業省


In addition, an FTA negotiation between MERCOSUR/MERCOSUL and Israel has been underway since 2006, and efforts for possible future FTA negotiations are being made through Preferential Trade Agreements (PTAs) negotiations and cooperative research with China, the Republic of Korea, India, Pakistan, the Gulf Cooperation Council ("GCC," the members of which are Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates), Egypt, Morocco, Canada, Mexico, Panama, Cuba, the Commonwealth of Dominica, the Central American Integration System ("SICA" - Sistema de la Integracion Centroamericana; comprised of Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Panama, and Belize), and the Caribbean Community ("CARICOM"; comprised of 14 Caribbean countries and one region). - 経済産業省


Following this, in February 2002, although the Government Procurement Committee agreed on an action plan to conclude negotiations by January 1, 2005, an agreement was not reached by the deadline. The continued discussions in 2006 have increased the possibility of concluding negotiations for revisions during 2007. - 経済産業省


We agreed to endorse the progress made by negotiating groups in Geneva and to take steps to direct and empower representatives in Geneva and Senior Officials with the necessary flexibilities to further engage in active and substantive negotiations in all the appropriate fora and configurations. - 経済産業省


While efforts for enhancing bilateral and regional economic ties such as EPAs and FTAs, which are proceeding in parallel with the WTO talks, are important, developing countries with smaller markets are not powerful enough to sign FTAs with major countries and are at risk of being kept out of the EPA/FTA network. It is important to conclude the multilateral talks for the benefit of such vulnerable countries. - 経済産業省


The Doha Work Programme established during the July 2004 WTO General Council was designed to provide a framework for negotiations on trade facilitation under one of the four Singapore Issues. However, investment, competition and transparency in government procurement were excluded from the Doha framework. - 経済産業省


Thus, increased transparency and efficiency of the Bank Group's operations will be indispensable to reaching successful agreement on the Ninth General Replenishment of the African Development Fund.  - 財務省


In the case of a file-based system, the resource data include a file content and an attribute; and the resource metadata include an additional attribute related for negotiating synchronization during duplication. - 特許庁


In the case of a file-based system, the resource data include file content and an attribute, and the resource metadata include an additional attribute related for negotiating synchronization during duplication. - 特許庁


To provide sales information of a real estate and automatically determine application competence of a purchaser by using a public communication network and to speed up work until negotiation rights ascertainment of a pre-contract stage. - 特許庁


Further, FTA and EPA negotiation and conclusion since 1999 in particular differ from traditional regional integration in (1) the changing geographical proximity between parties to these agreements and (2) the deepening agreement content. - 経済産業省


The former chapter states the importance of energy services and the issues to be taken into consideration in the current negotiations.  - 経済産業省


The negotiations shall also address the appropriateness of countervailing procedures. - 経済産業省


Masakado surrounded the local government of Shimotsuke Province, but opened one section of the siege line, purposely letting Yoshikane flee, after which he negotiated with the kokuga, making them consent to his legitimacy before returning to his home province.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



However, it was also explained that the envoys were not dispatched, because gishi actions (the actions in which shugo daimyo or kokujin negotiated with the Korean side using the name of shogun without getting permission) were rampant and because such a mission became unnecessary since trade between the two nations had became sluggish.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


浜島書店 Catch a Wave
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