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Unreasonable hatred and penetrating sadness... - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
It is called '側 (soku)' as it is written using the 側面 (soku-men, side surface) of the ink brush and its point. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The laser with a wavelength of ≥400 nm can be obtained at a low cost and the laser with a wavelength of ≥9 μm has high possibility of hollowing the insulating layer greatly. - 特許庁
The small blades 21 being the components of the cutter 12 are constituted of shearing surfaces 31, non-shearing surfaces 32, and right and left curved surfaces 33, 34 obtained by boring inner walls between the right and left side edges of both surfaces 31, 32. - 特許庁
In the thigh bone insertion nail which is inserted into the thigh bone from the proximal side in which the insertion hole of the lag-screw in the inclination facing bone head is formed, at least the entrance part of the insertion hole is bored into the concave face including the periphery of the same and the concave face range is extended to the proximal side. - 特許庁
The rivets 12 and the base 15 are disengaged with each other due to a deformation to be allowed to occur in the base 15 part by the slits 21 by inserting the tip of a screw driver 30 or the like into the break-down holes 23 and gouging the holes 23 by means of an imparted outer force. - 特許庁
Indentations 20e, 20f to be meshed with a striker member 16 for blocking movement of the striker member 16 when a collision load in a vehicle forward and backward direction is applied to a seat back 12 are formed at an opening 20d of a hook member 17 along the edge of the opening 20d. - 特許庁
In joint adjustment of a PC plate, the angle member 14 is put in close contact with the angle of the PC plate while inserting the end member 12 of the crowbar 11 between joints, thus preventing scoop-out at the angle of the PC plate and damage to the angle when the crowbar 11 is moved in the joints. - 特許庁
This recess groove 12b has a cutting edge on the outer periphery, and can be formed by gouging a root part of the circular arc surface 12a by the cutting edge of drawing a circular arc, by eccentrically rotating an end mill attached with an eccentric weight by being inserted into a pocket 13 so that its rotary shaft becomes parallel to the axis of the circular arc surface 12a. - 特許庁
The paper discharge driven roller 29b can be made self-standing to the printing surface by providing the serrated toothed rollers 36a, 36b at a space in the axial direction of rotation, whereby the teeth 37a and 37b will not obliquely enter the printing surface and lowering of print quality due to scooping of the print surface can be prevented. - 特許庁
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