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該当件数 : 325



It was at this juncture that I was transferred to another post.  - 斎藤和英大辞典


I shall take it upon myself to negotiate with the other party.  - 斎藤和英大辞典


The sheet base material 1 is bendable into an optional shape. - 特許庁


Winning the confidence of bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun), he was appointed to the important post of vice-shogun.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



The binding member may be made of an optional material of a high flexibility including silicone or metal, as long as the signature can be opened flat on both the signature interface or the optional signature body. - 特許庁



Further, the method includes a step for selecting an arbitrary point light source and an arbitrary observation point and for determining complex amplitude in the arbitrary observation point of light from the arbitrary point light source. - 特許庁


The wavelength of reflected light (DP) from the diffraction grating (4G) is arbitrarily selected by varying the temperature of the diffraction grating (4G) with a Peltier element (13). - 特許庁


To form a diffraction grating which can be made fine and can secure precision of a grating shape on a glass substrate with an arbitrary refractive index. - 特許庁


One side of the strap 12 has a fold 10 and the length of the fold 10 can be arbitrary regulated. - 特許庁



To provide an absolute refractive index measuring device capable of measuring an absolute refractive index of the liquid to an arbitrary wavelength with high accuracy. - 特許庁



Accordingly the end face folding can be conducted upon changing the end face folding start position to any arbitrary simply and easily. - 特許庁


A crossing angle between the folds 20 is adjusted so that the utensil body 12 can be easily folded in the ring shape of the arbitrary size. - 特許庁


Perforating and folding are performed at arbitrary positions by a perforating cutting edge unit and a folding cutting edge unit. - 特許庁


The clips (4) are continuously inserted into a folded part (2) of a bulge (3), with an auxiliary shape, of a twice-folded flexible sheet (1). - 特許庁


The perforating cutting edge unit and the folding cutting edge unit can be moved to arbitrary positions by a perforating cutting edge unit traveling means and a folding cutting edge unit traveling means. - 特許庁


One section of the newspaper includes the connected folded page having a folded page 3 connected to an arbitrary one page of the section. - 特許庁


At that time Takeo became the first-grade official doctor of Taiwan and took his post as director of Taiwan Plague Hospital.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A light path can be refracted in any direction by rotating the combined wedge prisms 13a, 13b. - 特許庁


To arbitrarily control a refractive index of a cellulose ester film even when the degree of stretching is low. - 特許庁


That is, the tilt angle of index ellipsoid in an optionally anisotropic layer can be arbitrarily controlled. - 特許庁


A frame portion is formed by a method of folding back at an optional width and cutting out unnecessary portions. - 特許庁


The method can be used for identifying bone fractures, disease, disorder or any other medical condition. - 特許庁


To provide a multi-band antenna of folding structure capable of being resonated in any two frequency bands. - 特許庁


This method can identify fracture, disease, occlusion, or other arbitrary medical states. - 特許庁


Accordingly, since the feed pipe can be broken at the place of the arbitrary notched pore, the feed pipe can be broken by selecting the direction of the most excellent workability as the bending direction in the case of the breaking. - 特許庁


In this state, the flat cable 24 is bent at the position of the cable retainer 41 by folding back a bending part 16 around a hinge 15, so that the flat cable 24 can be bent at an arbitrary angle. - 特許庁


The refractive index of the second electrode 14 is n1, the refractive index of the color conversion layer 22 is n2, the refractive index of the protective layer 20 at any optional position x is nx, and its refractive index at any optional position y which is closer to the color conversion layer 22 than the position x is ny. - 特許庁


To provide a refractive index control method for an optical medium that is capable of optionally controlling the refractive index, an optical medium which can optionally be controlled in aperiodicity of the refractive index, and an optical apparatus which uses the optical medium and not only can optionally control the refractive index, but also can maintain and further reversibly eliminate variation in refractive index. - 特許庁


To provide a transfer foil having an optical diffraction layer in which a partial high luminance ink reflection layer which can be easily manufactured by an existing printing facility and in which a metal reflection optical diffraction image, a transparent optical diffraction image and a printed image are arbitrary and arbitrarily combined. - 特許庁


To provide a method which enables the manufacture of high regeneration and stably in a large amount a refraction-index distribution type optical resin material having one and the same refraction-index distribution with setting optionally a suitable refraction-index distribution pattern. - 特許庁


This leaf vegetable for the freezing treatment is obtained by preliminarily arbitrarily folding up the leaf portion of the leaf and then further folding up the folded leaf portion on the stem portion in a prescribed shape. - 特許庁


To provide a sewing jig that enables to adjust return volume arbitrarily. - 特許庁


The base 51 is provided with a hinge 51b, a rotation axis 51c around which to rotate the bending-proof movable part 52, and a click recess 51d to fix the movable part 52 at an arbitrary angle. - 特許庁


A printing paper of an arbitrary length is folded in an accordion folding, and a part of a page of an insufficient width in one fold width of a page of the front of this beginning and/or the last page is folded back and stuck together. - 特許庁


To provide a method wherein large quantities of a refractive index distribution type optical resin material can be manufactured with good repeatability and stability, of which the refractive index distribution can be set into an optional form, and which has a same refractive index distribution. - 特許庁


An inside guide 20 guides a web 1 so that a path line taking up any position in the widthwise direction of the web 1 passing from the beginning to the completion of folding in the folding process part 10 of the web 1 becomes roughly constant. - 特許庁


To simplify and miniaturize a paper folding device, to easily adjust pressing force of the paper folding roller to an arbitrary appropriate value, to stably and continuously performing the paper folding of accurate standard size, and to prevent the generation of stain by folding and wrinkle on the paper. - 特許庁


The zoom lens is provided with a 1st lens group having negative refractive power, a 2nd lens group having negative refractive power and moving on an optical axis in zooming, and a succeeding lens group having positive refractive power as a whole in order from an object side, and has a diaphragm and the diffraction optical surface at optional positions in an optical path. - 特許庁


To provide a refractive index variable composition in which the refractive index of the material is varied by an easy method and a refractive index difference can be varied in a desired positive or negative direction, and to provide a method for forming a refractive index pattern from the composition. - 特許庁


To provide a periodic structure control method for a periodic structure for optionally controlling aperiodicity of a refractive index, a periodic structure which has the optionally controllable aperiodicity of the refractive index, and an optical device which uses the periodic structure and can not only optionally introduce the aperiodicity of the refractive index, but also hold the aperiodicity and reversibly eliminate it. - 特許庁


To provide a periodic structure control method for a periodic structure for optionally controlling aperiodicity of a refractive index, a periodic structure which has the optionally controllable aperiodicity of the refractive index, and an optical device which uses the periodic structure and can not only optionally introduce the aperiodicity of the refractive index, but also hold the aperiodicity. - 特許庁


The printed-circuit board has a bending portion and at least one continuous insulating resin layer, including a fiber-based material, wherein a 180° bend is feasible, when the bending portion is bent at a desired position and the radius of curvature of the bending portion sizes at largest 1 mm, when the bending portion is bent. - 特許庁


The intensity of the transmitted and diffracted beams at any point of the exit surface will depend on the excitation error for the lattice planes at that point.  - 科学技術論文動詞集


When the new government forces began penetrating Edo, the seito taishogun was made Tosho Daishotoku (military commander for the Eastern provinces).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Naikikyoku had a shortage of people, and so Emperor Junna appointed Yoshitada to Shonaiki (an official working at Nakatsukasa, or the Ministry of the Central Office) in June, 830, because the Emperor highly valued his literary talent.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He subdued this incident with help of MINAMOTO no Yoshiie who was assigned to Shimotsuke no kuni no kami (the governor of Shimotsuke Province) by an imperial order.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In 1879 at the age of 33, Takami was appointed by the Ministry of Interior as a Guji (chief of those who serves shrine, controls festivals and general affairs) of Gassan-jinja Shrine and a Guji of Haguroyama-jinja Shrine and Yudonosan-jinja Shrine.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Naoteru was suited for coordinating American investors and engineers with his foreign language skills that he acquired while in the Navy.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, for some K-limited express trains or trains whose schedules are set back, this series of operations isn't performed and the seats are instead rotated by each passenger.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Kanemichi promoted his sons to court nobles and attempted to make their positions hereditary, but failed due to his death from an illness soon after appointing them as court nobles.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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