As a result, the liquid on the surface of the substrate 1 is dried, while being forced to flow away. - 特許庁
The system and the method can push out exhaust gas from the EGR system 100. - 特許庁
A fan 67 washes out air from the air duct 84 through the radiator 66. - 特許庁
To easily secure capacity for flowing air bubbles off from a filter according to an environmental change. - 特許庁
In a Shinto prayer, sin and impurity were washed away to the Nenokuni, and it was considered the root of evil spirits and noxious vapor. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The opinion is that the Mizuki was used to keep water back from the Mikasa-gawa River, and washed out enemy who entered the outside dry moat. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The cleaning tank 22 is provided with an air nozzle 26 and a running water nozzle 27 to push away foams at a liquid level to a discharging fluid tank 28. - 特許庁
Thus, dirt can be forced to float and to flow downstream, and hence the cleaning efficiency is improved. - 特許庁
A water discharging pipe 5a is disposed in upright from the distributor in order to wash away the scum floated up near the center of the tank 1 outside. - 特許庁
In parts of the watershed section in Shimogyo Ward, while rain water dissolves accumulated harmful substances, it is not sufficient enough to move those substances downstream, causing foul odors and water pollution in some areas. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Since the dye ink touches the pigment black ink while flowing downward to wash away the pigment ink, the highly viscous pigment ink can be prevented from standing in the waste ink collecting section 110. - 特許庁
The flushing water supply means 27 supplies a water flow to sweep away the ion exchanger in the circumferential direction along the upper surface of the ion exchanger retaining plate 28. - 特許庁
To facilitate production of a circuit board while preventing the material of an adhesive sheet from being fluidized by layering pressure to wash away a conductive material. - 特許庁
In the case of inserting the cylindrical rubber magnet 17 into the yoke 3, the bonding agent is drawn into the inside of the groove 25 without pushing the bonding agent 15 to flow by a lower side end surface 21 of the cylindrical rubber magnet 17. - 特許庁
The equipment 1 generates a high-flow-velocity area on a downstream side by changing the turning angle of the plate material 15, so that the accumulated sediment 30 can be washed away. - 特許庁
Subsequently, nitrogen gas is sprayed in the vicinity of the core of the principal surface of a substrate where the liquid peaking of the pure water is carried out, so that the pure water which exists near the core may be washed away to the periphery of the substrate. - 特許庁
The surrounding of the wire 3 can be sealed with the thermoplastic resin composition with a high content of PPS resin, a low melting viscosity, and satisfactory flow behavior, thus preventing a sweeping phenomenon for pushing the wire 3 to flow from occurring easily. - 特許庁
A pressure reservoir 24 for hitting a positive pressure for pushing out remaining gas of the cylinder 16 into a pressure reservoir passage 22 through a connection pipe 23 is provided when an intake valve 18 is opened and an impulse valve 21 is closed. - 特許庁
Sea water is held back to one side during high tide, and the splash dam is opened at once during low tide to form a rapid flow and wash away sludge by surging waves in this technique. - 特許庁
The washing water flows in the entire region of the excretion receiving part 1a by the washing means 7 and the means 8 so that the excretion is washed away toward the outlet 6. - 特許庁
The ink flowing from the ink flow-in passage sections 24A-24D is guided to the guide passage sections 25A-25D to be allowed to flow along the upper faces of the filter sections 14A-14D so that the ink washes away the foreign matter to the downstream side end sections of the guide passage sections 25A-25D. - 特許庁
After back washing of the membrane filtration module 14 by driving a back washing pump 40, the filtered water in the washing water storage tank 34 is made to spontaneously flow down to the raw water side of the membrane filtration module to wash out the pollutants adhering to the surfaces of the membrane filters. - 特許庁
In this case, since the water flows in the air route of the hollow fiber 102 and contaminants adhered to the surface of the air route is separated from the surface of the membrane and made flush to the tank 5 on the water flow, the water permeability of the hollow fiber 102 can be recovered to prevent the humidifying performance from being lowered. - 特許庁
The impeller 61 is composed of four blades 61E each comprising a slant face A inclining at an angle α for carrying a drink away downward, and a vertical face B connected to the slant face A inclining at the angle α, at a contact D to extend downward and changing the drink carried away downward by the slant face A, into sector flow. - 特許庁
A portable telephone set 1 is provided with: a discharge mechanism 2 which discharges the droplets; a flow route 3 in which fluid pushing away the droplets ejected from the discharge mechanism 2, flows; and a nozzle 4 which sprays fluid containing the droplets in the flow route 3 to an exterior. - 特許庁
The liquid injection device 60 injects the cutting liquid toward the cut object to sweep away the chip powder toward the chip powder discharge passage 22, and to convey the chip powder to the chip powder storage 30 with the cutting liquid through the chip powder discharge passage 22. - 特許庁
2) For the dust removal screen, dust removal piping is connected to its one end, means for generating forced stream is attached to the dost removal piping, and the impurities are washed away to the downstream side. - 特許庁
As a part of the sewage from which the solid matter is separated and removed in the storage tank 11 is returned through piping 16 to join the sewage from the sewage source, the solid matter in the sewage can be efficiently carried away toward the storage tank 11. - 特許庁
In this running water method in the scale sluice for collecting and washing away cooling water discharged in a rolling process and scale separated from a metallic strip, a large quantity of water is intermittently run from a tank in which the water is stored so as to remove the deposit in the flow passage of the scale sluice. - 特許庁
In addition, in the scale sluice for collecting and washing away the cooling water discharged in a rolling process and the scale separated from the metallic strip, the water is run by narrowing the flow passage of the scale sluice so as to remove the deposit in the flow passage of the scale sluice. - 特許庁
A jellyfish collecting device is equipped with a jellyfish prevention net l slantly stretched to an intake 6, a current generator for washing jellyfish collected by the jellyfish preventing net 1 away to a jellyfish gathering pocket 12, a pump for landing the jellyfish washed away to the pocket 12, a rising and falling davit for raising and lowering the pump and a pump rising and falling rail for guiding the pump. - 特許庁
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