該当件数 : 41件
a cooperative relationship - EDR日英対訳辞書
a certificate showing the interests of all parties in a business partnership - 日本語WordNet
To enable prompt development of products while maintaining a certain competitive relationship with supply-side enterprises in a certain cooperative relationship. - 特許庁
(a) Expansion of complementary and cooperative relations in the field of marketing between Japanese manufacturing companies and Chinese companies - 経済産業省
The financial institution has the account of the user and is in cooperation with a company concerning the payment of the used amount of the fixed amount electronic credit card. - 特許庁
The service providing servers 102 comprises server relationship retaining means 103, service definition sharing means 104, service definition retaining means 105, service relationship deriving means 106, and the like. - 特許庁
1211~1301 日本企業との業務提携業務提携とは、貴社と日本企業において業務上の協力関係を契約によって築くことを意味し、単なる商取引、代理店契約は含めずに回答してください。また、資本のみの提携も本調査の対象としていません。例文帳に追加
1211 through 1301 Business partnerships with Japanese companies "Business partnership" refers to building a cooperative relationship for business under a contract between your company and a Japanese company. Please do not include mere business transactions and agency contracts in your answers. Moreover, this survey does not cover partnerships only for capital. - 経済産業省
Even FUJIWARA no Tadamichi and his son Motozane, both of the elite Fujiwara branch that produced regents and advisors and with whom Nobuyori had been close, joined the counter-rebellion at Rokuhara, meaning that Kiyomori had achieved, in a stroke, total legitimacy for his army, and soon his forces received an imperial order to hunt down and destroy Nobuyori and Yoshitomo. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The shopping database 2 stores presence of introduction by businesses in partnership with the user and discount information corresponding to a discount rate of selling prices of commodities. - 特許庁
A financial institution server sets cooperating relation with plural electronic commerce servers and constructs data provided from the plural electronic commerce servers in a database. - 特許庁
The shopping server 1 displays a list of commodities in the manner reflecting the discount rate corresponding to the discount information when the user is introduced by a business with partnership relations. - 特許庁
The Web site 11B sells a software through the Internet and is in cooperation with a company 11 operating the Web site 11A to sell the software to the user based on the balance of the fixed amount electronic credit card. - 特許庁
The retrieving means 62 is set so as to retrieve the equipment in associated relation with the parking lot, where the car 3 related to the user is now parked. - 特許庁
To register a member to a cooperation system 7, an authentication request and a data request are sent to an authentication system 5 in cooperative relation with the cooperation system 7. - 特許庁
To enable increase in the number of customers and retention of customers by reinforcing the alliance between an automobile insurance company and an automobile repair company through a point card system. - 特許庁
The employee of the enterprise Y having tie-up relationship to the financial agency X is connected to the customer access system 10 of the financial agency X through an enterprise intranet 30, and obtains URL for home connection and an enterprise password from a home connection describing screen W30. - 特許庁
To offer benefits to an information sender and a user by providing only a right user with information in accordance with the contents of the information while reducing time and effort required for building link information and cooperative relationship. - 特許庁
These trends indicate a continuing expansion of complementary and cooperative relations that utilize the strengths of Japanese manufacturing companies and Chinese companies, such as the technology and high value-added components of Japanese companies, and the sales and after-sales service networks of their Chinese counterparts. - 経済産業省
“Business partnership” refers to building a cooperative relationship for business under a contract between your company and a Japanese company.Please do not include mere business transactions and agency contracts in your answers. - 経済産業省
It also describes legal structures and organizational setups relevant to intellectual property, such as "R&D and intellectual property organizational chart, R&D alliances (item (5))." - 経済産業省
一例をあげるなら、スリランカとインドネシアは国連、世界銀行、ILO、若年層を含む利害関係者の提携に基づく ILO 主導の若年雇用ネットワークの主導国となる政治的決断をしました。例文帳に追加
Sri Lanka and Indonesia for example, made the political decision to become lead countries in the ILO-led Youth Employment Network, partnership of the UN, the World Bank and the ILO and numerous stakeholders including young people. - 厚生労働省
The relations with the various power such as the Genji clan MINAMOTO no Yoshikata, the Chichibu clan of Musashi Province and the Ashikaga clan (the Fujiwara clan) got into the tensions during the process, while he partnered with MINAMOTO no Yoshitomo, the ruler of Southern Kanto region and his brother Yoshiyasu's brother-in-law, and MINAMOTO no Yoshihira (Yoshitomo's son) to marry his daughter to Yoshihira. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Although I would not comment on an individual case like this one, generally speaking, alliances and realignment involving exchanges, including the integration of systems, are in principle matters to be left to individual exchanges to decide. Therefore, my view is that this is an issue that should be decided in an appropriate manner by the parties concerned. - 金融庁
To provide a refinance processing server and a refinance processing system capable of preventing a customer favorable in transaction status from refinancing to the other firm of the same business by refinancing to an allied financial institution to secure a continuous profit as a guarantee credit. - 特許庁
A CRM promoting means 110 realizes CRM service for improving the relationship between the cooperating enterprise and each customer, provides information to the customer group 101, analyzes/evaluates information provided from the customer group 101, and provides the analyzed/ evaluated information to the CRM promoting group 102. - 特許庁
Not only have incubators since expanded numerically, but they have also developed in terms of quality, including the upgrading of expert functions within incubators, the development of stronger ties with external human resources and support institutions, and the comprehensive provision of the diverse and specialist support services needed for start-ups. - 経済産業省
An event to promote Firenze's foodstuffs was held from April 24 through 26 in 2007, the following year when the friendship ties was established, and with the support of neighboring Italian restaurants, four related booths were set up to introduce the food culture of Firenze, serving free sample wine and Tuscan traditional food. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
According to a media report this morning, Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group is considering a plan to invest in Barclays and form a business alliance with the British bank. Do you know any details about this plan, and how do you view investments by Japanese banks in foreign financial institutions? Also, do you expect that more deals like this will be done in the future? - 金融庁
The report on the results of deliberation, which was announced on February 24, “requests financial instruments exchanges, commodity exchanges and traders and other relevant parties to cooperate toward the establishment of an exchange on which securities, and financial and commodity products can be traded” and “also requests them to promote broad business partnerships as part of the process of implementing the plan.” - 金融庁
Details of specific cooperative measures and business partnerships should be decided based on the business judgment of each exchange. All the same, we will request exchanges and other relevant parties to provide necessary cooperation so that the comprehensive exchange can be established based on institutional improvements due to this legal amendment. - 金融庁
The order in which a plurality of processes are executed is set according to the degree to which the range of selection for a customer in each process of inquiring order requirements is limited as it depends on environmental factors unrelated to the customer's liking, such as the location of a store where merchandise is received and the kind of a credit card company affiliated with a vendor. - 特許庁
If personal information of the user desiring to buy a commodity is registered in a shopping site having cooperation in the past, loads of the user re-inputting personal information are reduced by inquiring the server in which personal information of the user is registered and acquiring the information on top of obtaining permission of using from the user. - 特許庁
九 割賦販売法(昭和三十六年法律第百五十九号)第二条第二項に規定するローン提携販売の方法又は同条第三項に規定する割賦購入あつせんに係る提供の方法により商品の販売又は役務の提供を行う場合には、同法第二十九条の四第二項(同条第三項において準用する場合を含む。)又は同法第三十条の四(同法第三十条の五第一項において準用する場合を含む。)の規定に基づきローン提携販売業者、割賦購入あつせん関係販売業者又は割賦購入あつせん関係役務提供事業者に対して生じている事由をもつて、商品の購入者又は役務の提供を受ける者はローン提供業者又は割賦購入あつせん業者に対抗することができること。例文帳に追加
(ix) When the Goods are sold or the services are offered through sales on the affiliated loan prescribed in Article 2(2) of the Installment Sales Act (Act No. 159 of 1961) or third party sales credit prescribed in Paragraph 3 of the same article, a statement that the purchaser of the Goods or the service recipient may set up against the loan provider or the third party credit provider any defense which has arisen against the seller affiliated with the loan provider, the seller related to the third party sales credit, or the service provider related to the third party sales credit pursuant to the provision of Article 29-4(2) of the same Act (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Paragraph 3 of the same article) or Article 30-4 of the same Act (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 30-5(1) of the same Act); and - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
七 割賦販売法第二条第二項に規定するローン提携販売の方法又は同条第三項に規定する割賦購入あつせんに係る提供の方法により商品の販売又は役務の提供を行う場合には、同法第二十九条の四第二項(同条第三項において準用する場合を含む。)又は同法第三十条の四(同法第三十条の五第一項において準用する場合を含む。)の規定に基づきローン提携販売業者、割賦購入あつせん関係販売業者又は割賦購入あつせん関係役務提供事業者に対して生じている事由をもつて、商品の購入者又は役務の提供を受ける者はローン提供業者又は割賦購入あつせん業者に対抗することができること。例文帳に追加
(vii) When the Goods are sold or the services are offered through sales on the affiliated loan prescribed in Article 2(2) of the Installment Sales Act or third party sales credit prescribed in Paragraph 3 of the same article, a statement that the purchaser of the Goods or the recipient of the offer of the services may set up against the loan provider or the third party credit provider any defense which has arisen against the seller affiliated with the loan provider, the seller related to the third party sales credit, or the service provider related to the third party sales credit pursuant to the provision of Article 29-4(2) of the same Act (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Paragraph 3 of the same article) or Article 30-4 of the same Act (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 30-5(1) of the same Act); and - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
六 割賦販売法第二条第二項に規定するローン提携販売の方法又は同条第三項に規定する割賦購入あつせんに係る提供の方法により商品の販売又は役務の提供を行う場合には、同法第二十九条の四第二項(同条第三項において準用する場合を含む。)又は同法第三十条の四(同法第三十条の五第一項において準用する場合を含む。)の規定に基づきローン提携販売業者、割賦購入あつせん関係販売業者又は割賦購入あつせん関係役務提供事業者に対して生じている事由をもつて、商品の購入者又は役務の提供を受ける者はローン提供業者又は割賦購入あつせん業者に対抗することができること。例文帳に追加
(vi) when the Goods are sold or the services are offered through sales on the affiliated loan prescribed in Article 2(2) of the Installment Sales Act or third party sales credit prescribed in Paragraph 3 of the same article, a statement that the purchaser of the Goods or the service recipient may set up against the loan provider or the third party credit provider any defense which has arisen against the seller affiliated with the loan provider, the seller related to the third party sales credit, or the service provider related to the third party sales credit pursuant to the provision of Article 29-4(2) of the same Act (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Paragraph 3 of the same article) or Article 30-4 of the same Act (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 30-5(1) of the same Act). - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
リ 割賦販売法第二条第二項に規定するローン提携販売の方法又は同条第三項に規定する割賦購入あつせんに係る提供の方法により役務の提供を行う場合には、同法第二十九条の四第二項(同条第三項において準用する場合を含む。)又は同法第三十条の四(同法第三十条の五第一項において準用する場合を含む。)の規定に基づきローン提携販売業者又は割賦購入あつせん関係役務提供事業者に対して生じている事由をもつて、役務の提供を受ける者はローン提供業者又は割賦購入あつせん業者に対抗することができること。例文帳に追加
(i) when the services are offered through sales on the affiliated loan prescribed in Article 2(2) of the Installment Sales Act or third party sales credit prescribed in Paragraph 3 of the same article, a statement that the service recipient may set up against the loan provider or the third party credit provider any defense which has arisen against the seller affiliated with the loan provider or the service provider related to the third party sales credit pursuant to the provision of Article 29-4(2) of the same Act (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Paragraph 3 of the same article) or Article 30-4 of the same Act (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 30-5(1) of the same Act); - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
リ 割賦販売法第二条第二項に規定するローン提携販売の方法又は同条第三項に規定する割賦購入あつせんに係る販売の方法により権利の販売を行う場合には、同法第二十九条の四第二項(同条第三項において準用する場合を含む。)又は同法第三十条の四(同法第三十条の五第一項において準用する場合を含む。)の規定に基づきローン提携販売業者又は割賦購入あつせん関係販売業者に対して生じている事由をもつて、特定継続的役務の提供を受ける権利の購入者はローン提供業者又は割賦購入あつせん業者に対抗することができること。例文帳に追加
(i) when the rights are sold through sales on the affiliated loan prescribed in Article 2(2) of the Installment Sales Act or third party sales credit prescribed in Paragraph 3 of the same article, a statement that the purchaser of the right to receive offer of Specified Continuous Services may set up against the loan provider or the third party credit provider any defense which has arisen against the seller affiliated with the loan provider or the seller related to the third party sales credit pursuant to the provision of Article 29-4(2) of the same Act (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Paragraph 3 of the same article) or Article 30-4 of the same Act (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 30-5(1) of the same Act); - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
五 割賦販売法第二条第二項に規定するローン提携販売の方法又は同条第三項に規定する割賦購入あつせんに係る提供の方法により役務の提供を行う場合には、同法第二十九条の四第二項(同条第三項において準用する場合を含む。)又は同法第三十条の四(同法第三十条の五第一項において準用する場合を含む。)の規定に基づきローン提携販売業者又は割賦購入あつせん関係役務提供事業者に対して生じている事由をもつて、役務の提供を受ける者はローン提供業者又は割賦購入あつせん業者に対抗することができること。例文帳に追加
(v) when the services are offered through sales on the affiliated loan prescribed in Article 2(2) of the Installment Sales Act or third party sales credit prescribed in Paragraph 3 of the same article, a statement that the service recipient may set up against the loan provider or the third party credit provider any defense which has arisen against the seller affiliated with the loan provider or the service provider related to the third party sales credit pursuant to the provision of Article 29-4(2) of the same Act (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Paragraph 3 of the same article) or Article 30-4 of the same Act (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 30-5(1) of the same Act); - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
五 割賦販売法第二条第二項に規定するローン提携販売の方法又は同条第三項に規定する割賦購入あつせんに係る販売の方法により権利の販売を行う場合には、同法第二十九条の四第二項(同条第三項において準用する場合を含む。)又は同法第三十条の四(同法第三十条の五第一項において準用する場合を含む。)の規定に基づきローン提携販売業者又は割賦購入あつせん関係販売業者に対して生じている事由をもつて、特定継続的役務の提供を受ける権利の購入者はローン提供業者又は割賦購入あつせん業者に対抗することができること。例文帳に追加
(v) when the rights are sold through sales on the affiliated loan prescribed in Article 2(2) of the Installment Sales Act or third party sales credit prescribed in Paragraph 3 of the same article, a statement that the purchaser of the rights to receive offer of the Specified Continuous Services may set up against the loan provider or the third party credit provider any defense which has arisen against the seller affiliated with the loan provider or the seller related to the third party sales credit pursuant to the provision of Article 29-4(2) of the same Act (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Paragraph 3 of the same article) or Article 30-4 of the same Act (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 30-5(1) of the same Act); - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
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