
「日直」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索










該当件数 : 122



the officer of the day [week]  - 研究社 新英和中辞典


to be on day or night duty  - EDR日英対訳辞書


Night or Day Duty  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


a person whose turn at day or night duty has come  - EDR日英対訳辞書



3. Examples of economic revitalization through inward FDI into Japan - 経済産業省



4. Approach toward promoting FDI into Japan - 経済産業省


Active efforts are needed towards further increases in direct investment in Japan, such as solid implementation of theProgram for Promotion of Foreign Direct Investment in Japan”. - 経済産業省


I am grateful that you came to pay directly yesterday.  - Weblio Email例文集


2. Inward FDI into Japan: a turning point in promoting structural reform - 経済産業省



He's the pest that, on last month's class-help day, escaped leaving me with all the work. - Tatoeba例文



He's the pest that, on last month's class-help day, escaped leaving me with all the work.  - Tanaka Corpus


On September 28, 686, Jikikosan OTOMO no Sukune Yasumaro killed Okura at Emperor Tenmu's funeral.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On March 21, 701, Jikidaiichi OTOMO no Sukune Yasumaro was promoted to Shojusanmi.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On the 13th, Tadayoshi escaped into Takauji's quarters, but Moronao brought a large force and surrounded Takauji.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


One day, Nao receives a parcel containing 100 million yen in cash and an invitation card to the Liar Game.  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


This program ascribes importance to the promotion of direct investment in Japan based in local communities. - 経済産業省


Many issues remain unresolved concerning the environment for inward FDI into Japan. However, a micro-level look at individual cases reveals that there is an increasing number of specific cases worth mentioning as successful cases of FDI into Japan. - 経済産業省


After intensive discussions, the Committee compiled the "Five Recommendations Toward the Drastic Expansion of Foreign Direct Investment in Japan." It serves as a specific "prescription" to increase the amount of investment and was presented to the Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy on May 20 (see Table 4-4-10). - 経済産業省


the most popular I/O devices used today in direct-access processing applications are visual display terminals  - コンピューター用語辞典


One of the brothers, Soteki ASAKURA immediately informed Sadakage ASAKURA, the head of the clan (the ninth head), of the plot on May 5, 1503.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

就任直後の6月19日、直弼は孝明天皇の勅許を得られぬまま アメリカと日米修好通商条約に調印した。例文帳に追加

On June 19, right after the appointment and without Imperial sanction from Emperor Komei, Naosuke signed the Treaty of Amity and Commerce between the United States and Japan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Being apart from whether the usage of the term is appropriate or not, this change was informed unilaterally to the Korean side immediately before Chosen Tsushinshi departed for Japan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Although Hideyoshi hastened back to Mino with his army the following day, June 7, flooding of the Ibi-gawa River forced him to enter Ogaki-jo Castle.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


An authorization that is renewed is valid for a period of two years beginning on the day immediately following the day of the expiry of the period referred to in section 21.09 in respect of the authorization.  - 特許庁


This section applies if an application for the registration of a trade mark in Part A or B of the old register was pending immediately before 1 January 1996.  - 特許庁


If the Registrar declares that the application is revived, the application is to be dealt with as if it were an application that was pending immediately before 1 January 1996.  - 特許庁


Sections 240 to 247 make provision relating to applications for registration of trade marks that were pending immediately before 1 January 1996.  - 特許庁


The Registrar is to continue to keep in accordance with this Act all documents that, immediately before 1 January 1996, were kept by the Registrar under the repealed Act.  - 特許庁


“the old lawmeans the repealed Act and any other enactment or rule of law applying to existing registered marks immediately before 15th January 1999. - 特許庁


(3) Notice duly given is irrevocable and has the effect that the application shall be treated as if made immediately after 15th January 1999. - 特許庁

「旧法」とは, (a) 廃止条例及び廃止規則,並びに (b) 施行日直前に現存登録標章に適用されるその他の条例又は規則をいう。例文帳に追加

old lawmeans-- (a) the repealed Ordinance and the repealed Rules; and (b) any other enactment or rule of law applying to existing registered marks immediately before the commencement date;  - 特許庁

(2) (1)に記載した特許は,本法施行日直前に効力を有していなかった場所では効力を有さない。例文帳に追加

(2) A patent mentioned in subsection (1) does not have effect in any place in which it did not have effect immediately before the commencing day.  - 特許庁


The persons holding office as Commissioner of Patents and Deputy Commissioner of Patents immediately before the commencing day continue to hold those respective offices on and after that day.  - 特許庁


To provide a just-before reservation system for golf course capable of selling the reservation of a golf course just before a playing day at a discount charge corresponding to the availability condition. - 特許庁


One of the opportunities in which Japan can find its way out of this state is inward FDI into Japan, which elicits corporate activity, along with its novel ideas, into Japan. - 経済産業省


Given these circumstances, promoting inward FDI into Japan is a crucial issue that should be examined from the viewpoint of revitalizing the Japanese economy. - 経済産業省


To be specific, the effects of FDI into Japan on revitalizing the Japanese economy include the following. - 経済産業省


(C) New trends in direct investment in JapanIncrease in inward investment from Asia; increase in inward investment in non-manufacturing sectors; and alliance with foreign-owned companies - 経済産業省


In addition, wide-area collaboration among local governments can be noted as an important domestic commitment in promoting direct investment in Japan. - 経済産業省


Furthermore, the following policy measures have been implemented since April of 2009 as major commitments for facilitating inward direct investment in Japan (Figure 2-2-3-26). - 経済産業省


Consequently, acquiring human resources may become difficult, thereby creating a vicious circle that further impedes direct investment in Japan. - 経済産業省


Japan's direct inward investment balance as a share of GDP is also on the rise4, indicating that direct investment in Japan has become more active as well. - 経済産業省


In December 2008, the government revised the Program for Acceleration of Foreign Direct Investment in Japan to make Japan an attractive country for foreign enterprises' business operations and investment. - 経済産業省


The Japanese government established the Program for Acceleration of Foreign Direct Investment in Japanin June, 2006. In addition, the Economic and Fiscal Reform 2008 prepared in June, 2008 instructed relevant ministries and agencies to revise the Program for Acceleration of Foreign Direct Investment in Japan, with the objective of expansion of investment in Japan, and to make the following commitments. - 経済産業省


The “Japan Investment Council 90held in March 2006 agreed on the goal toachieve the balance of direct investment in Japan of 5%, or double in terms of GDP ratio, by 2010” and established the “Japan Direct Investment Promotion Programin June 2006 in order to initiate various activities53. - 経済産業省


After the Expert Committee on Foreign Direct Investment Promotion was set up in 1994, the Japanese government has worked on promoting the foreign direct investment in Japan by developing plans to double the foreign direct investment in Japan. As described above, the amount of the foreign direct investment in Japan remains small in comparison with major countries. - 経済産業省


In view of such a reality, the Japanese government set up the Expert Committee on Foreign Direct Investment Promotion in January 2008. It is an advisory committee to the state minister in charge of economic and fiscal policy and is authorized to hold detailed discussions on measures to promote the foreign direct investment in Japan including factors and structural problems hampering its growth. - 経済産業省


Furthermore, around the same time as the Expert Committee was resumed, 12 volunteers from the private sector, who were proactive about expanding investment into Japan, formed the Invest Japan Forum. In December 2002, this forum compiled 12 proposals considering the viewpoints of theRemoval of obstacles towards expanding FDIs into Japan” and “Positive promotion measures for FDIs into Japan”. These proposals were handed to the Prime Minister and also given to the Expert Committee, which later reflected their content in its own report. - 経済産業省


To further encourage direct inward investment in the future, on March 9 2006 the Japan Investment Council set a new target: doubling the direct inward investment balance to the equivalent of 5 % of GDP by 2010 The Council is now drawing up the ‘Program for Acceleration of Foreign Direct Investment in Japan (tentative name)’ to put together measures necessary to achieve this objective. (Information correct as of May 29, 2006). - 経済産業省



The Government of Japan set the goal of "doubling the amount of the foreign direct investment in Japan by the end of 2006 over that in 2001" and was almost successful in achieving that goal (from 6.6 trillion yen at the end of 2001 to 12.8 trillion yen at the end of 2006). In March 2006, the government set a new goal of "doubling the amount of the foreign direct investment in Japan to about 5% of GDP by 2010" and decided to welcome foreign direct investment in a broad range of industrial sectors. - 経済産業省


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