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In Buddhist sects that practice the conception of Buddha, or 'Kanso Nenbutsu,' Buddhist statues are considered important, but in Jodo Shinshu the conception of Buddha isn't practiced.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Those who responded answers that defeat the purpose of questions: 2.1%(186)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This document indicates the doctrine of nenbutsu (Buddhist invocation) ojo (birth in the Pure Land) as 'Namu Amida Butsu (Homage to Amida Buddha), ojo comes only after nenbutsu' at the beginning, and explains that invocation of the Buddha's name is the only practice of senchaku in the following 16 chapters.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Weakness brought on by a number of respiratory ailments had forced him just last week to announce that he was giving up his conducting career. - Tatoeba例文



Weakness brought on by a number of respiratory ailments had forced him just last week to announce that he was giving up his conducting career.  - Tanaka Corpus



Jodo Shu is one of the denominations of Buddhism in Japan, which was founded by Honen Shonin and the teaching and practice of which is Jodo Kyo Senju-nenbutsu (Exclusive Nenbutsu).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When one reads the articles of the Ritsuryo Codes carefully, one may be able to understand the purpose of making the most use of cultivated land that were available.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


. When suggesting delay or abandonment of listing during underwriting examinations, in principle, present clear reasons in writing, etc.  - 金融庁


The regeneration part 92 starts the regeneration of the digital contents based on the results of the determination or renounces the generation and notifies users of that determination. - 特許庁



To provide a card issuing machine for reducing mistakes by displaying guidance information that no memorial card can be purchased by a general ticket machine. - 特許庁



After the concept text is outputted, when replay information showing that the contents of the concept text are not matched with the point of the input text is inputted, the processing of steps S7 and S8 is repeated. - 特許庁


While Shinran's nenbutsu group was censured by the Buddhist establishment and the other sects of Jodo Shu, a distinctive character of his discipline became clear, so his followers established a new sect, Jodo Shinshu, after his death.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It begins with hotsugan (a vow to attain enlightenment and save people) and explains the kudoku (merits) of praying to Amitabha and reciting a sutra and another kudoku (benefits in this world and for entering into the bliss of Heaven) resulting from monetary donations and good deeds.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Matarashin (also known as Matarishin) is the principal image of the Tendai Sect, specially in the Genshi Kimyodan (a secret ceremony of the Tendai sect), and is also regarded as a guardian deity of the Amida-kyo Sutra and nenbutsu (Buddhist invocation).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Article 2 of the law concerning national holidays (National Holiday Law) prescribes that the aim of "National Foundation Day" is to "reflect on the establishment of the nation and to nourish a love for the country.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Just before the battle, on July 6, Ieyasu TOKUGAWA wrote to his vassal, 'Built a stockade with care. (The Takeda side) will make only cavalry charges,' which is the intent of his order.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, if these persons are selected as outside directors or auditors of a listed company, then there is a concern that the objective of supervising from an independent standpoint will not be fully satisfied.  - 金融庁

(2) 疑を払拭するため,当該クレームにおいて2以上の発明が特定されている場合は,各発明が第17条に基づいて異なる優先日を有することができるをここに宣言する。例文帳に追加

(2) It is hereby declared for the avoidance of doubt that where more than one invention is specified in any such claim, each invention may have a different priority date under section 17. - 特許庁


If the customs and taxation authorities become suspicious of infringements comprised by section 36, information to that effect may be passed on to the holder of the right.  - 特許庁


When a V-winning is not established during a small winning during a normal mode and while a main control part 301 waits for a customer, a performance control part 302 executes a regret performance suggesting that there is no passing of a game ball through a V zone. - 特許庁


This notification information includes forgetting preventing information comprising an alarm message of encouraging recognition of contents of the notification information and announcing position information indicating a position to which the alarm message is announced. - 特許庁


The equity of statute of CSCL is the prevention of contamination by the release of specified chemical substances into the environment as products, and CSCL has been enacted bearing in mind that they are intentionally synthesized and sold.  - 経済産業省


The definition of "unjust method" would be determined on a case-by-case basis in light of common practice as well as the purpose of the Personal Information Protection Act. The following methods may fall under the definition of "unjust method."  - 経済産業省

しかし、EU において現在生じている問題は、技術進歩によって多機能化・高度化したが故にITA 対象外とされるというものであり、我が国は、ITA 本来の趣やこれまでの成果に反しかねないと懸している。例文帳に追加

However, Japan is seriously concerned that the recent development taking place in the EU to impose tariffs on certain IT products that have incorporated multiple functions through technological development could go against the basic principle of the ITA, as well as its achievements to date. - 経済産業省

ASEAN10 か 国 に 日・ 中・ 韓 の 3 か 国 を 加 え た「ASEAN+3」による東アジア自由貿易圏(EAFTA)構 想 と、ASEAN+3 に 豪・NZ・インドを加えた「ASEAN+6」による東アジア包括的経済連携(CEPEA)構想については、2009 年から政府間で具体的分野を定めて議論が進められており、これらの構想を踏まえた概としての東アジア地域包括的経済連携(RCEP:アールセップ)について、2012年4月のASEAN 首脳会議において、年末までの交渉開始を目指すの議長声明が発出された。例文帳に追加

ASEAN10 か 日・ 中・ 韓 の 3 か 加 え たASEAN+3」による東アジア自由貿易圏EAFTA構 想 と、ASEAN+3 に NZインド加えたASEAN+6」による東アジア包括的経済連携CEPEA構想については、2009 から政府間で具体的分野定めて議論進められておりこれら構想を踏まえ概念としての東アジア地域包括的経済連携(RCEP:アールセップ)について、20124月ASEAN 首脳会議において年末まで交渉開始を目指す旨の議長声明発出された - 経済産業省

第九条 森林の所有者又は森林を使用収益する権原を有する者(以下「森林所有者等」という。)は、基本理にのっとり、森林の有する多面的機能が確保されることをとして、その森林の整備及び保全が図られるように努めなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 9 Forest owners and those who own the titles of forests for their use and profit-making (hereinafter referred to as "forest owners"), pursuant to the basic principles, shall endeavor to develop and conserve the forests so that their multifunctional role can be fulfilled.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


As the sect played a leading role in the education of Buddhism in Japan, many scholar monks who advocated new religious sect doctrines, such as the Yuzu Nenbutsu Sect, the Jodo Sect, the Jodo-Shin Sect, the Rinzai Sect, the Soto Sect and the Nichiren Sect, were turned out from the sect from the end of Heian period to Kamakura period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Although Japan's financial system is relatively stable in comparison with its Western counterparts, and sufficient safety nets are already in place, Japan must remain on high alert in order to respond to the impact of rapid changes in the financial and capital markets on its finance and real economy.  - 金融庁


To take some steps at a stage before any system stoppage by detecting the same when hydrogen density in a cathode rises during a left-alone period after the stoppage and there is a risk that the hydrogen at a cathode side can no more be properly dealt with at system start-up. - 特許庁


When the chance performance executed by the chance performance part 512 is completed and the state of waiting for a customer is set by a standby state-setting part 507, a performance execution part 513 executes the regret performance suggesting that there is no passing of a game ball through a V zone. - 特許庁


When a V-winning is not established during a small winning in the normal game state, a performance determination part 511 determines whether or not to execute a regret performance indicating that there is no V-winning of a game ball in the small winning on the basis of a special 1 holding ball and a special 2 holding ball stored in a storage part 501. - 特許庁


When it is determined by the holding determination part 511 that there is neither special 1 holding ball nor the special 2 holding ball and the state of waiting for a customer is set by a state-of-waiting-for-a-customer setting part 507, a performance execution part 512 executes the regret performance suggesting that there is no passing of a game ball through the V zone. - 特許庁


The performance determining part 513 determines whether a lamenting performance showing that the game does not attain the jackpot is performed or not based on a special first reserved ball stored in the storage part 501 when the chance performance is completed by consuming all of the special second reserved balls without attaining the jackpot by the special second reserved ball. - 特許庁


A server sets a transmission rate to transfer the cells to the client without causing congestion according to band information and data size information from the OAM cell, gives up transmission of data when the setting is disabled or transmits the OAM cell to which the setting disabled state is written. - 特許庁

また、ASEAN 側 か ら、これまでの EAFTA、CEPEA の取組を踏まえ、これらを踏まえた概として東アジア地域包括的経済連携の枠組み(RCEP:アールセップ)が提案されており、2012 年 4 月の ASEAN首脳会議において、年末までの RCEP の交渉開始を目指すの議長声明が発出された。例文帳に追加

Based on the past initiatives toward EAFTA and CEPEA, ASEAN has proposed the framework of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership for East Asia (RCEP), and a chairman’s declaration was issued at the ASEAN top-level meeting in April 2012 to the effect that negotiation for RCEP would be initiated by the end of the year. - 経済産業省


This is intended to secure its capital base through government support in case it should face difficulty raising capital on its own although there is the risk of a capital shortage in light of the economic condition, thereby helping it exercise its financial intermediary function properly. I believe that this purpose also applies to agriculture-related financial institutions and other financial institutions like banks.  - 金融庁

DSU 第23条は、WTO協定でカバーされる紛争について、WTOにおける解決を図らず301条のような一方的措置で解決しようとすることを禁じているため、本件について米国が、当該301条に基づく「クロ決定」は、あくまで301条手続の中で「不合理かつ差別的」と国内法上の要件を認定したのであって、「WTO協定違反である」と判断した訳ではないから両者は概的に異なり、DSU との整合性は問題とならない主張する懸があった。例文帳に追加

The United States insisted that through Section 301 procedures they determined Japanese restrictions to beunreasonable and discriminative” under their domestic laws, but not as inconsistent with the WTO Agreements. They insisted that Section 301 and DSU were conceptually different and their decision raised no problems of consistency. - 経済産業省

第五条 国は、基本理にのっとり、国有林野の管理及び経営の事業について、国土の保全その他国有林野の有する公益的機能の維持増進を図るとともに、あわせて、林産物を持続的かつ計画的に供給し、及び国有林野の活用によりその所在する地域における産業の振興又は住民の福祉の向上に寄与することをとして、その適切かつ効率的な運営を行うものとする。例文帳に追加

Article 5 The national government is responsible for adequate and efficient management and operation of the national forest projects, pursuant to the basic principles, in order to contribute to the promotion of the industry or the welfare of the communities by enhancing the public interest and the roles of national lands and forests, providing forest products continually and systematically, and utilizing the national forests.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


From 1997 until 1999, under the concepts of 'Japanese years in France' and 'French years in Japan', many commemorative ceremonies took place in both countries; it was decided that one work of art, of the level of a national treasure, of each country be exhibited, and Kudara Kannon from Japan and a representative work by Eugene de La Croix titled "La Liberte guidant le people" were selected.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Kojuro NAKAGAWA, who took the lead in establishing the school, said, 'From the beginning avoid pretending to be gorgeous but intend to be stable ('introduction' "35th Anniversary Memorial Thesis Literature Book"); but for the time in which the school was established it wasn't enough to prepare for everything such as a satisfactory space for school-building, so instead they rented the second and third floors of 'Seikiro (the former Yoshida-ya)' located in Sanbongi-dori, Kamigyo-ku, in order to give lectures.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


That the Empress Shotoku emphasized her intention again to appoint the successor to the Imperial Throne herself in an imperial rescript issued in November 769, which was after the incident; (Since the time of Taro SAKAMOTO [historian], this has been interpreted as the renunciation to let Dokyo ascend the throne; Hosoi thinks that it was no more than that the empress only emphasized her intention to enthrone a person in her mind [including Dokyo] while cautioning Imperial family members and court nobles not to act rashly.)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In response, in order to minimize the of infection spreading to customers who visit the branch, the bank has so arranged that employees of the branch other than managers stay at home in principle as a precaution and has continued operations at the branch with substitute staff members, and the bank also announced that it may advise customers to go to neighboring branches depending on circumstances.  - 金融庁

(4) 商標の内容が識別性を欠く要素である場合であって,当該要素が商標保護の必要性に係る疑の理由となる場合は,OSIMは出願人に対して,当該要素に対する排他的権利を行使しないを通知日後2月以内に宣言するように請求することができ,当該宣言は,OSIMにより登録商標を伴って公告されるものとする。例文帳に追加

(4) When the trademark contains an element lacking a distinctive character and if this element can cause doubts referring to the extent of trademark protection, O.S.I.M. can ask the applicant to declare, within two months from the date of the notification, that he will not invoke an exclusive right upon this element. This declaration shall be published by O.S.I.M. together with the registered trademark. - 特許庁

(1) 第29条(2)(a)又は(b)に基づく報告の作成中に,ある1の出願が2以上の発明に関係しているのに,これらが単一の発明概を形成するように結合していないことが明らかな場合は,当該出願のクレームに記載された1番目の発明に関してのみ調査を行うことができるものとし,登録官は,そのを出願人に通知する。例文帳に追加

(1) If during the preparation of a report under section 29(2)(a) or (b) it appears that an application relates to two or more inventions, but they are not so linked as to form a single inventive concept, the search may be restricted to one in relation to the first invention specified in the claims of the application, and the Registrar shall notify the applicant of that fact. - 特許庁


When a program read/write instruction from the host computer 7 for control is detected by a program transmission detecting part 57, while the display control processing part 55 displays a state under the transfer of a program and the PLC side communication processing part 53 is concentrated on the program transfer without outputting the data read/ write instruction, based on the instruction of the display control processing part 55. - 特許庁

利用者から直接に個人情報を取得する場合に、個人情報として取得しているを開示した上で情報を収集することが合理的に可能であるにもかかわらず、秘密裏に個人情報を取得することは、個人情報保護法第18条に違反すると解される可能性があるとともに、社会通上「不正な手段」と解釈され、同法第 17条違反と解される可能性が高い。例文帳に追加

The act of acquiring certain personal information directly from users in a secret manner is highly likely to be considered illegal on the grounds of "unjust methods," as prohibited in Article 17 of the Personal Information Protection Act in light of common practice as well as of non-compliance with Article 18 of the same, provided that it would be reasonably possible to acquire it after disclosing the fact of such acquisition of personal information.  - 経済産業省


In the light of these circumstances, mandatory notification under the Chemical Substance Control Law may be exempted for the manufacture or import of a new chemical substance if the substance is a Polymer and is confirmed by the three relevant ministers to meet the criteria for “Polymers of Low Concern” (PLCs) that are not concerned to impose adverse effects on human health, inhabitation of plants and animals in the human living environment, etc prior to those manufacture or import.  - 経済産業省

(b) 関係特許出願が,発明の概に対応していないか,若しくは特許性のある事項を構成していないか,若しくはそれに関して他の理由から調査を実施する必要がない,対象に関係している,を認めた上,調査報告書を作成しない宣言した場合は,庁は,出願人に対して関係宣言を伝達し,出願人に対して第37条に従って特許出願の欠陥構成部分を補充するための4月の期間を与え,かつ,調査報告書の作成請求を更新しなければならない。例文帳に追加

(b) that the patent application concerns a subject matter that does not correspond to the concept of invention or does not constitute patentable matter or with respect to which it is not required, for other reasons, to carry out a search, and declares that a search report will not be drawn up, the Service shall transmit the relevant declaration to the applicant to whom it shall afford a period of four months to correct any defective elements in the patent application in accordance with Article 37 and shall renew the request for the drawing up of a search report. - 特許庁


An ancient example of Imperial Court' is regarded as either the pledge of obligation by three Korean countries at the conquest by Jinguu Empress or the order which Koken Emperor told an emissary of Silla that the King should come to see him in 752; Hideyoshi thought Korean King should serve Japanese Emperor and sent an emissary to Joseon Dynasty to tell this idea (Kouichi SHIMIZU ' About the idea to build a base at Hakata - relate to the forbiddance of Christianity - (Tamotsu Fujino Sexagenarian Memorial Association "Governance and foreign diplomacy of modern Japan" 1993, Yuhikaku Press, ISBN 9784639011954).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


(3) 特許明細書中のクレームに関する第38A条に基づく報告の作成の間に,当該クレームが単一の発明概を形成するようには結合されていない複数の発明に関係すると認められた場合は, (a) 当該調査及び審査は,当該クレームにおいて明示されている最初の発明に限定することができ,かつ (b) 登録官は, (i) 当該特許の所有者,及び (ii) 第38A条(1)に基づく請求を当該所有者が提出しなかった場合は,当該請求を提出した者, に対してそのを通知する。例文帳に追加

(3) If during the preparation of a report under section 38A in respect of any claim or claims in the specification of a patent, it appears that the claim or claims relate to 2 or more inventions which are not so linked as to form a single inventive concept -- (a) the search and examination may be restricted to the first invention specified in the claim or claims; and (b) the Registrar shall notify -- (i) the proprietor of the patent; and (ii) where the request under section 38A(1) was not filed by the proprietor, the person who filed the request, of that fact. - 特許庁


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