
「明確な証拠」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 明確な証拠の意味・解説 > 明確な証拠に関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 21



unequivocal evidence  - 日本語WordNet


There's no particular evidence.  - Weblio Email例文集


clear-cut evidence of tampering  - 日本語WordNet

… ,しかしまだ … の明確な証拠がない。例文帳に追加

....., but there is as yet no clear evidence of ..... - 英語論文検索例文集



The evidence suggests a need for more clarification  - 日本語WordNet


2 証拠書類その他の書面の一部の取調を請求するには、特にその部分を明確にしなければならない。例文帳に追加

(2) In filing a request for the examination of a portion of documentary evidence or of any other documents, said portion shall have been specifically clarified.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

- 潜在的に可逆的であるが、臓器の著しい機能障害の明確な証拠を提供する形態学的変化例文帳に追加

- Morphological changes that are potentially reversible but provide clear evidence of marked organ dysfunction; - 経済産業省

第八十八条 弁論準備手続の調書には、当事者の陳述に基づき、法第百六十一条(準備書面)第二項に掲げる事項を記載し、特に、証拠については、その申出を明確にしなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 88 (1) A record of preparatory proceedings shall, based on the statements by the parties, contain statements of the matters set forth in paragraph (2) of Article 161 (Brief) of the Code, while clarifying any request for offer of evidence in particular.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


To solve the problem that a clear evidence whether or not the induction of anergy in vivo is possible or whether autoimmunity can effectively be treated in this state has not bean provided. - 特許庁



(5) With regard to accounting related to the subsidy project, the subsidized companies shall prepare evidential documents providing detailed balance sheets of the project and retain such documents for five years after the end of the Japanese government’s financial year during which the subsidy project was completed.  - 経済産業省



(5) With regard to accounting related to the subsidy project, the subsidized companies shall prepare evidential documents providing detailed balance sheets of the project and retain such documents for five years after the end of the Japanese government’s financial year during which the subsidy project was completed.  - 経済産業省


(5) With regard to accounting related to the subsidy project, the subsidized companies shall prepare evidential documents providing detailed balance sheets of the project and retain such documents for five years after the end of the Japanese government’s financial year during which the subsidy project was completed.  - 経済産業省


Computer forensic science was created to address the specific and articulated needs of law enforcement to make the most of this new form of electronic evidence.  - コンピューター用語辞典


With respect to the cost related to the Subsidized Project, the Subsidized Company (an entity which has received the notification of decision to grant the Subsidy pursuant to the provision of Article 5, Paragraph 1 and has not withdrawn the application pursuant to the provision of the preceding article. The same shall apply hereinafter.) shall prepare books and all evidential documents, keep books clearly separated from other accounting, and always keep the revenue and expenditure related thereto in a tangible status.  - 経済産業省


Generally speaking, in most cases a relation between foreign direct investment and domestic business activities is considered to be complementary, rather than alternative, and the argument that foreign direct investment is decreasing domestic production and employment does not sound persuasive at this point. - 経済産業省


Data from animal studies should provide clear evidence of adverse effects on reproductive function and capacity, or on development in the absence of other toxic effects. If the substance has other toxic effects, its adverse effect on reproduction should not be considered as a secondary non-specific consequence of the other toxic effects. - 経済産業省

Priority2の情報で、動物実験において親動物での一般毒性が示されない用量で明確な生殖毒性(精液の測定項目、胎児の偶発的異常の発生率、変異・化骨遅延、胎児/生後児の体重、生後の発生指標のわずかな変化等を除く)が発現すと記載されている物質については、区分 1Bにするほど確かな証拠(根拠)はないとし、本指針においては区分2と整理する。例文帳に追加

A substance for which it is described that clear reproduction toxicity (excluding small changes in sperm measurement items, incidence of spontaneous defects in fetus, variant/ossification retardation, fetal/pup body weight, postal developmental assessments) is manifested when taken at a dosage with which general toxicity in parental animals is not manifested in animal experiments, in Priority 2 is determined as having no evidence (ground) reliable enough to be classified as Category 1B, and so is classified as Category 2 in this guideline. - 経済産業省

仲裁廷は、当該BIT が定めるアンブレラ条項(締約国が他方の締約国の投資家と結んだ契約等の約束を尊重する義務があるとの規定)について、BIT 中に契約に関する紛争についての法廷選択条項があるにもかかわらず、単なる契約違反を条約違反とすることを意図した規定かどうかを検討し、その明確な証拠が見出されないとしてこれを否定した。例文帳に追加

The arbitral tribunal examined the umbrella clause provided for in the BIT, which is the clause providing that the State parties undertake to observe any contractual obligation they may have entered into with an investor of the other State party, in order to determine whether the clause, irrespective of a choice of forum clause in a State contract was intended to characterize a mere breach of such State contract as a breach of the BIT. The arbitral tribunal held in the negative due to a lack of clear evidence with respect to the BIT. - 経済産業省


Parties shall be required to submit their memoranda within one month from receipt of the order of admissibility of exhibits. Unless otherwise provided for by special laws, the appropriate final pleadings required of the parties to be submitted shall include a draft of the decision/resolution they seek, stating clearly and distinctly the facts and the law upon which it is based. The Hearing Officer may adopt, in whole or in part, either of the partiesdraft decisions/resolutions, or reject both. This requirement shall likewise be applied to orders other than the final judgment. - 特許庁

3 商品取引清算機関は、法第百七十九条第五項において準用する法第百三条第四項の 規定に基づき充用有価証券等(法第百七十九条第六項において準用する法第百三条第 五項の規定により取引証拠金に充てられる有価証券及び倉荷証券(以下この条におい て「有価証券等」という。)をいう。以下この条において同じ。)を管理するときは、次 の各号に掲げる有価証券等の区分に応じ、当該各号に定める方法により当該充用有価証 券等を管理しなければならない。一商品取引清算機関が保管することにより管理する有価証券等(混蔵して保管される 有価証券等を除く。次号において同じ。) 充用有価証券等の保管場所については自 己の固有財産である有価証券等その他の充用有価証券等以外の有価証券等(以下こ の条において「清算機関固有有価証券等」という。)の保管場所と明確に区分し、か つ、当該充用有価証券等についてどの会員等から又はどの会員等を通じ預託を受けた有価証券等であるかが直ちに判別できる状態で保管することにより管理する方法 二商品取引清算機関が第三者をして保管させることにより管理する有価証券等当該 第三者をして、充用有価証券等の保管場所については清算機関固有有価証券等の保 管場所と明確に区分させ、かつ、当該充用有価証券等についてどの会員等から又は どの会員等を通じ預託を受けた有価証券等であるかが直ちに判別できる状態で保管 させることにより管理する方法 三商品取引清算機関が保管することにより管理する有価証券等(混蔵して保管される 有価証券等に限る。次号において同じ。) 充用有価証券等の保管場所については清 算機関固有有価証券等の保管場所と明確に区分し、かつ、各会員等から又は各会員 等を通じ預託を受けた充用有価証券等に係る持分が自己の帳簿により直ちに判別で きる状態で保管することにより管理する方法例文帳に追加

(3) When managing Securities, etc. for allocation (which means the securities and warehouse receipts [hereinafter referred to as the “Securities, etc.in this Article] which are allocated to clearing margins pursuant to the provisions of Article 103, paragraph 5 of the Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 179, paragraph 6; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) based on the provisions of Article 103, paragraph 4 of the Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 179, paragraph 5 of the Act, a Commodity Clearing Organization shall manage said Securities, etc. for allocation, by the methods specified in the following items, respectively, corresponding to the categories of the Securities, etc., as set forth in said items: (i) Securities, etc. for retention under the management of a Commodity Clearing Organization (excluding Securities, etc. which are retained and commingled; the same shall apply in the following item): a management method by which the Commodity Clearing Organization controls the location for the retention of Securities, etc. for allocation that is clearly separate from that for the Securities, etc. of a person's own property and other Securities, etc., than that for the Securities, etc. for allocation (hereinafter referred to as the "Securities, etc. of a Clearing Organization's Own Property" in this Article), and that said Securities, etc. for allocation are retained in an available condition that is immediately distinguishable as to which customer deposited such property or for which customer such property was deposited; (ii) Securities, etc. for retention under the management of a Commodity Clearing Organization using a third party: a management method by which the Commodity Clearing Organization uses a third party to control the location for the retention of Securities, etc. for allocation clearly separating them from the Securities, etc. of a Clearing Organization's Own Property, and to retain said Securities, etc. for allocation in an available condition that is immediately distinguishable as to which customer deposited such property or for which customer such property was deposited; (iii) Securities, etc. for retention under the management of a Commodity Clearing Organization (limited to the Securities, etc., which are retained and commingled; the same shall apply in the following item): a management method by which the location for the retention of Securities, etc. for allocation is clearly separate from that for the Securities, etc. of the Clearing Organization's Own Property, and that the shares pertaining to Securities, etc. for allocation deposited by or through each Member, etc. are retained in an available condition which is easily distinguishable in their own books and records; (iv) Securities, etc. for retention under the management of a Commodity Clearing Organization using a third party: a management method by which the Commodity Clearing Organization uses a third party to retain the account for a person who deposited Securities, etc. for allocation in a condition whereby the shares pertaining to Securities, etc. for allocation will be immediately distinguishable, by a method such as separating them from the Commodity Clearing Organization's own account, and whereby the shares pertaining to Securities, etc. for allocation deposited by or through each Member, etc. will be immediately distinguishable in their own books and records.  - 経済産業省


3 商品取引所は、法第百三条第四項の規定に基づき充用有価証券等(同条第五項の規定 により取引証拠金に充てられる有価証券及び倉荷証券(以下この条において「有価証券 等」という。)をいう。以下この条において同じ。)を管理するときは、次の各号に掲げ る有価証券等の区分に応じ、当該各号に定める方法により当該充用有価証券等を管理し なければならない。 一商品取引所が保管することにより管理する有価証券等(混蔵して保管される有価証 券等を除く。次号において同じ。) 充用有価証券等の保管場所については自己の固 有財産である有価証券等その他の充用有価証券等以外の有価証券等(以下この条にお いて「固有有価証券等」という。)の保管場所と明確に区分し、かつ、当該充用有価 証券等についてどの会員等から又はどの会員等を通じ預託を受けた有価証券等である かが直ちに判別できる状態で保管することにより管理する方法 二商品取引所が第三者をして保管させることにより管理する有価証券等当該第三者 をして、充用有価証券等の保管場所については固有有価証券等の保管場所と明確に区 分させ、かつ、当該充用有価証券等についてどの会員等から又はどの会員等を通じ預 託を受けた有価証券等であるかが直ちに判別できる状態で保管させることにより管理 する方法 三商品取引所が保管することにより管理する有価証券等(混蔵して保管される有価証 券等に限る。次号において同じ。) 充用有価証券等の保管場所については固有有価 証券等の保管場所と明確に区分し、かつ、各会員等から又は各会員等を通じ預託を受 けた充用有価証券等に係る持分が自己の帳簿により直ちに判別できる状態で保管する ことにより管理する方法 四商品取引所が第三者をして保管させることにより管理する有価証券等当該第三者 をして、充用有価証券等を預託する者のための口座については商品取引所の自己の口 座と区分する等の方法により、充用有価証券等に係る持分が直ちに判別でき、かつ、 各会員等から又は各会員等を通じ預託を受けた充用有価証券等に係る持分が自己の帳 簿により直ちに判別できる状態で保管させることにより管理する方法例文帳に追加

(3) When a Commodity Exchange manages Securities, etc. for allocation (which means Securities and warehouse receipts allocated for clearing margins pursuant to the provisions of Article 103, paragraph 5 of the Act [hereinafter referred to as "Securities, etc."]; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) based on the provisions of paragraph 4 of the same Article, it shall manage said Securities, etc. for allocation by the methods listed as follows, according to the classification of the Securities, etc. listed in the following items: (i) Securities, etc. for retention under the management of a Commodity Exchange (excluding Securities, etc. which are retained and commingled; the same shall apply in the following item): a management method by which the Commodity Exchange controls the location for the retention of Securities, etc. for allocation that is clearly separate from that for the Securities, etc. of the Commodity Exchange's own property and other Securities, etc. than that for the Securities, etc. for allocation (hereinafter referred to as the "Private Securities, etc." in this Article), and that said Securities, etc. for allocation are retained in an available condition that is immediately distinguishable as to which Member, etc. deposited such property or for which Member, etc. such property was deposited; (ii) Securities, etc. for retention under the management of a Commodity Exchange using a third party: a management method by which the Commodity Exchange uses a third party to control the location for the retention of Securities, etc. for allocation clearly separating them from the Securities, etc. of the Private Securities, etc., and to retain said Securities, etc. for allocation in an available - 64 - condition that is immediately distinguishable as to which Member, etc. deposited such property or for which Member, etc. such property was deposited; (iii) Securities, etc. for retention under the management of a Commodity Exchange (limited to the Securities, etc. which are retained and commingled; the same shall apply in the following item): a management method by which the location for the retention of Securities, etc. for allocation is clearly separate from that for the Private Securities, etc., and that the shares pertaining to Securities, etc. for allocation deposited by or through each Member, etc. are retained in an available condition which is easily distinguishable in their own books and records; (iv) Securities, etc. for retention under the management of a Commodity Exchange using a third party: a management method by which the Commodity Exchange uses a third party to retain [the][an] account for a person who deposited Securities, etc. for allocation in a condition whereby the shares pertaining to Securities, etc. for allocation will be immediately distinguishable[] by a method such as separating them from the Commodity Exchange's own account, and whereby the shares pertaining to Securities, etc. for allocation deposited by or through each Member, etc. will be immediately distinguishable in their own books and records.  - 経済産業省


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