意味 | 例文 (42件) |
該当件数 : 42件
The economy grows worse and worse. - Weblio Email例文集
Whenever business declines at home, the export drive intensifies. - 研究社 新和英中辞典
A stock that raises in value when business conditions are good and falls when they are bad is called a business cyclical stock. - Weblio英語基本例文集
If everyone cuts consumption to defend their own life from a recession, for example, overall private consumption will decline, which will result in further deterioration of the economy. - 経済産業省
Against the background of global economic contraction, exports and industrial production are decreasing substantially, while the employment situation is rapidly getting worse. - 財務省
Therefore, they could utilize “built-in-stabilizer of fiscal policy” that automatically stimulates total demand through social welfare programs and others during recession, and some countries had enough reserves to implement economic stimulus measures. - 経済産業省
Once the number of unemployed people increases and business environment worsens, most of unemployed people and cottage industry will not be able to arrange their finance through general commercial banks. This will increase the demand for microfinance. - 経済産業省
With the breakeven point ratio of SMEs thus not falling sufficiently, there occurs a more pronounced deterioration in earnings among SMEs when business conditions deteriorate. - 経済産業省
On top of this, amidst the rapid economic slowdown since the fall of 2008, the financing situation for SMEs has worsened further, and their borrowing from financial institutions has become difficult (Fig. 1-2-8 [2]), and extremely difficult conditions have been continuing. - 経済産業省
(1) Current employment trends First is a closer look at the question of how the employment picture has worsened for SMEs amid the rapid decline in business conditions since fall 2008. - 経済産業省
Although the business of our country had been recovering since 2002, it deteriorated rapidly due to the recession all over the world caused by the financial crisis of 2008.The ratio of real economic growth of GDP in 2008 was minus 3.3%, which was the worst negative growth after the war. - 厚生労働省
This is because the credit status of debtors deteriorated following a rapid downturn of the Japanese economy caused by the turmoil in the global financial and capital markets. However, moves--mainly by SMEs--to adopt new business rehabilitation plans and review existing plans, have increased. - 金融庁
We reaffirm our commitment to avoid financial protectionism and are mindful of the risks of proliferation of measures that would damage investment and harm prospects for the global recovery. - 財務省
Under these circumstances, a withdrawal of finance and tighter lending by financial institutions would worsen the cash position of US businesses and cause a fall in business activity, such as a decline in capital investment. In turn, it is expected that this would give rise to the deterioration of the employment environment, and the economic slowdown in the United States would become even graver. - 経済産業省
As for the outlook for the future course of the Japanese economy, the Cabinet Office's Monthly Economic Report states: “As for short-term prospects, with worsening employment situation, the economy is likely to remain severe for the time being. However, the economy is expected to pick up reflecting completion of inventory adjustment, effects of the policy packages and improvement of external economic conditions. On the other hand, there remains fear that the employment situation will worsen further due to extremely low level of production activities. Moreover, attention should be given to the risks that the economy is depressed by the influence of global financial crisis and concerns over slowdown in overseas economies.” - 金融庁
Furthermore, with the economic climate worsening as at present, and people who have lost their jobs due to employment adjustment having to search for new employment, the issue of whether or not their migration to reemployment is conducted smoothly is important. - 経済産業省
In addition, corporate funding is facing extreme difficulties amidst the rapid deterioration of Japan’s economy. Thus, it is increasingly becoming important for financial institutions to give full play to their financial intermediary function in an appropriate and active manner. - 金融庁
Nevertheless, since the end of last year, the Japanese economy has seen exports and output fall substantially further amid the global economic slowdown, and labor market conditions are rapidly deteriorating as well. - 財務省
Chapter 1 showed how business conditions and the employment picture in Japan have rapidly declined due to the effects of the global financial crisis, leading to an increasing sense of surplus employment even among SMEs. - 経済産業省
The effects of this problem may spread from products related to subprime mortgages to consumer credit and auto loans as economic conditions deteriorate. - 金融庁
The fiscal 2012 budget, which the Rajoy administration announced in March 2012, contained a revenue increase and expenditure reduction of 27 billion, which accounts for 2.5% of GDP. However, due to a possible vicious cycle of fiscal reconstruction and economic slowdown, its economy may stay sluggish for the long term, and the concern over the medium- to long-term debt-paying ability may further grow in the future as a result of further decreases in tax revenues. - 経済産業省
To ensure that people with disabilities will have stable employment opportunities, this new subsidy will be given to employers that have set up special exceptional subsidiaries or companies whose policy it is to hire many employees with severe disabilities, for example, by hiring people with disabilities who had been fired or forced to quit due to the recent economic downturn. - 厚生労働省
I would like to ask you about the SME (Small and Medium-size Enterprise) Financing Facilitation Act.You have decided to extend it again for the last time even though it is conceivable that a further economic deterioration over the next one year will make it difficult to pursue a comprehensive exit strategy.Could you explain once more why you have decided at this stage not to extend this act another time? - 金融庁
the FSB, BCBS, and CGFS, working with accounting standard setters, should take forward, with a deadline of end 2009, implementation of the recommendations published today to mitigate procyclicality, including a requirement for banks to build buffers of resources in good times that they can draw down when conditions deteriorate; - 財務省
However, these recovery scenarios are based on the premise that the European debt crisis will not worsen, and if the situation becomes more serious as occurred in the spillover of market concern over Italy and Spain, there is concern that the pace of economic recovery will slow further. - 経済産業省
In response to these sudden changes in the economic circumstances, the Government compiled the Immediate Action Program for Structural Reform last December to prevent economic deceleration coupled with deflation, to promote further structural reforms, and to respond to local government requests for infrastructure enhancement. - 財務省
In the autumn of 2011 oil prices started to rise on growing expectations of the global economic recovery and the increasingly tense situation in Iran. Gasoline prices are also rising. Consumer spending may be dampened by declining consumer purchasing power and deteriorating consumer sentiment. - 経済産業省
対象となった22 行は域内金融機関の資産規模の6 割相当にしか満たない点に留意が必要だが、想定された景気悪化シナリオはIMF予測と比較しても厳しい数値を前提としていることから、実際に発生する損失額は、上記悪化シナリオよりも小さく留まる可能性が高いとの分析もある。例文帳に追加
It is important to note that the 22 banks surveyed held only 60% of all assets of financial institutions in the region. However, since the assumed adverse scenario used data stricter than IMF forecasts, according to some analyses the actual loss would be lower than that of the adverse scenario mentioned above. - 経済産業省
昨今の景気の悪化を受けて、中小企業等の資金的な負担を軽減するための緊急的な措置として、出願審査請求書の提出日から1 年間に限り、審査請求料の納付を繰り延べることができるものである。例文帳に追加
As an emergency measure to reduce the financial burden on SMEs in the face of the recent deterioration of economic conditions, SMEs are allowed to defer payment of examination fees for a period of one year only dating from the date of filing of a request for examination of an application. - 経済産業省
Amid the deepening world financial crisis and the worst global recession in the postwar period, the Japanese economy is facing a severe situation. Although there is a move of improvement in part, it is experiencing an abrupt slump, with the export market rapidly shrinking and the financial environment deteriorating. - 厚生労働省
The government's view on the state of the Japanese economy is indicated in the Monthly Economic Report. Regarding the assessment of the economy, the report for the previous month stated, ''While the economy is in a difficult situation, movements of picking up are seen in some areas.'' Among positive factors cited by the report was support provided by a further reduction of adjustment pressure on inventory and the effects of the policy packages. While also noting an improvement in external economic conditions, the report cited such negative factors as the risk that the employment situation will worsen further due to an extremely low level of production activities. It also pointed out the risk that that the Japanese economy will be depressed by concerns over a slowdown in overseas economies. - 金融庁
However, over the medium- to long-term, the deterioration of the domestic economy would cause real interest rates to fall and the currency of that country to devalue, expanding the current account surplus. - 経済産業省
財政基盤の悪化も著しく、資源価格の下落による原油・天然ガス輸出税の大幅減少や減税により歳入が減少する一方、景気浮揚策の実施により歳出が拡大したため、2000 年以来黒字を維持してきた財政収支は2009 年には対GDP比-6.0%の赤字に転落した(第1-2-5-84 図)。例文帳に追加
The deterioration of financial base was also severe. While the revenue declined due to the drastic drop of crude oil and natural gas export tax associated with the decline of resource prices and the reduction of revenue through tax-cuts, government expenditure enlarged due to the implementation of economic stimulus measures. Therefore, current balance which had been maintaining surplus since 2000 took a negative turn registering deficit of minus 6.0% of GDP in 2009 (see Figure 1-2-5-84). - 経済産業省
米国の部門別貯蓄・投資バランスの推移を確認すると、住宅バブル崩壊による金融危機の発生により、過剰債務の調整に直面した家計部門は、消費を抑制し、貯蓄を増やすことによって、貯蓄超過部門に転じた一方、景気対策による財政収支の悪化によって、政府部門の投資超過幅が拡大し、それが経常収支赤字の要因となっている(第1-1-2-5 図)。例文帳に追加
When savings and investment by sector in the United States is examined, the financial crisis caused by the collapse of the housing bubble caused a restraint in consumption and increase in savings by the household sector which directly faced adjustments in excessive debt which changed the sector from excessive debt to an excessive savings sector. However, the worsening fiscal budget due to economic policies increased the size of excessive investment by the government sector and this was a factor in the current account deficit (Figure 1-1-2-5). - 経済産業省
Key factors in the increase of NEETs and job hoppers include factors on the demand side such as a worsening in the hiring environment for young workers with the limited numbers of new graduates being hired and the lower numbers of regular employees needed resulting from economic changes, and factors on the supply side with the decline in young people’s motivation and awareness of employment issues, and there is a mismatch between demand and supply. - 経済産業省
Therefore, I believe that it is appropriate to extend the period of share purchase by Banks' Shareholdings Purchase Corporation and the government subsidy for Life Insurance Policyholders Protection Corporation of Japan for five years and I would like to submit relevant bills to the next ordinary session of the Diet.Regarding the SME Financing Facilitation Act, I understand that this will be the final extension. - 金融庁
第3-1-13 図は、若手の技術・技能人材が採用できている要因を示したものであるが、これによると「景気後退に伴う雇用情勢の悪化」と回答する企業が最も多い一方で、「大学、高校等とのつながりを強化」と回答する企業が約3 割、「ものづくりの魅力を伝える取組」と回答する企業が2 割を超えるなど、中小企業側の能動的な取組が奏功し、若手の技術・技能人材を採用できていることも分かる。例文帳に追加
Fig. 3-1-13 shows the reasons given for being able to hire younger skilled engineers and technicians. While the commonest response is “deterioration of employment conditions with economic downturn,” the fact that approximately 30% of enterprises respond “strengthening of ties with universities, high schools, etc.” and over 20% respond “action to convey appeal of manufacturing” indicates that positive action by SMEs enables them to hire younger skilled engineers and technicians. - 経済産業省
The meeting was followed by a press release as reported in the news. The new minimum standard is 8 percent of total equity capital. Tier 1 capital such as common shares and the ratio of Tier 1 capital on the whole shall be increased. Separately to the minimum standard, a buffer to equity capital that can be used in the event of economic downturn may be accumulated. Furthermore, an agreement was reached on the timing of transition, transitional measures and other matters such as the new rules being phased in from 2013 and the capital requirements on the whole including the capital conservation buffer taking full effect in 2019. - 金融庁
I would like to use your question as an opportunity to tell you about some anecdotal evidence cited by market participants. For one thing, there are growing expectations of an economic turnaround in Japan and abroad because some economic indicators are improving or have stopped deteriorating in response to economic stimulus measures taken by various countries. In addition, part of the liquidity provided through credit easing worldwide is starting to flow into commodities and stocks. As for the Japanese market, it has been pointed out that foreign investors, who account for some 50% of sales and purchase transactions, have been generally posting net purchases since April because of a recovery of their risk tolerance level. - 金融庁
By highlighting serious issues facing the country, such as slowdown in national economic growth following the Asian Currency Crisis, sluggish growth in domestic capital spending and consumption, deterioration in the global economic outlook, concerns over rising resource prices, etc., the Plan proposed the following 3 pillars of actions: (1) economic recovery through expansion of investment and consumption, (2) sustainable growth through improvement of corporate environment through, for example, deregulation and financial globalization, etc., and (3) long-term growth by enhancing the economic foundation that would lead new growth by, for example, increasing R&D investment, enhancing competitiveness in the service industry, and enhancing human resources. - 経済産業省
As I always say, the stock market moves as a result of investment activities made by various market participants based on their respective judgments. Therefore, I should refrain from making any definitive comments from the standpoint of the regulatory authority on the factors behind and the backgrounds to market movements. - 金融庁
意味 | 例文 (42件) |
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